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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 55


Don't know him but he seems nice and makes some interesting posts
A friend and I once entered an amateur contest at strip club. Was long ago and lot of fun. You really do feel very empowered!
Not something I would do professionally though.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
When I 'fool around', it's with my boyfriend's knowledge and approval.

Same with me. Except its with my GF's knowledge and approval and she usually participates too!!
So ridiculous! I have always been very sexually active and there were times I didn't think I had a clit. I mean some men I was with couldn't find it.....................or maybe they just didn't bother to look!!

As long as we are talking about correlations, is it true that women born when it was raining tend to squirt? No wait, maybe they are into Golden Showers? Nevermind
I have had FFM, MFM and FFF threesomes and have enjoyed them all. I have never had a FMM where the guys also play with each other, not really a turn on for me. Most recently I have had FFMs with Annie and our Fuck Buddy. Been a while since I have any others but would love to again, especially FFF!

For those who don't know, there is a difference between FFM and FMF, between MFM and MMF. The order of the letters is very important, LOL!!
Quote by Ls63563
Done well, of course I enjoy it. It doesn't always work out though.

I agree. I have done it a few times. Once it was amazing. The other times not so much because the guys couldn't get in sync.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I've never been with a guy who wanted his cum snowballed with him. I've done it with another girl in a FFM threesome though.

Like Bethany, I have never been with a guy who wanted to do that but love doing it with a girl after we sucked him off together.
Never been with an uncut guy. When they are limp I must admit they look kind of freaky. But like Melissa said, when erect looks pretty much the same. So if I met a guy I liked that was uncut it wouldn't be an issue
Vivien was arrested for making a video of my pole dance routine and posting it on YouTube. I asked the police to drop the charges since I didn't mind her posting it but the owners of the supermarket insisted on charges saying it is bad publicity for their store. Feeling bad for Vivien, I offered to make her a "special" pole dance video since it was really all my fault!
I really don't get the point of this thread but WTF,

No, but I'm not a coffee drinker

HYE photographed anyone nude?
Vivien was arrested for walking her dog while she was naked. Normally she would only have been fined but the fact that she was walking past a Retirement Home and the sight of her sexy body caused a rash of Heart Attacks among the residents made it a misdemeanor
Already in a bikini so might as well slip it off and jump in
Sometimes someone I know, Sometimes someone I may have seen in a store or restaurant or wherever. very rarely a celebrity but I cant say I never have.
Krissy was arrested for masturbating while eating at a whole new meaning to a Happy Meal!
British accents are very sexy, especially on women. Love Scottish accents too.
So many Id love to take out to eat a meal...................just as many Id love to eat too. YumYum

Have you ever sent or shown pictures of yourself having sex to anyone on Lush?
Julie was arrested for masturbating with a banana in the produce aisle at the Piggly Wiggly