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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 40


Active Ink Slinger
Not sex but it was making out.

While I was in the city at a hotel one day. I had the guy who first fuck me come and spend the afternoon and evening with me we made out and touched each other.

During that time I rang my fiance to come stay the night at said hotel. The guy left around 7:00pm, Fiance arrived around 9:00pm.

This was three years ago.
Active Ink Slinger
Have you bothered looking through the forum? This has been asked many times.
Active Ink Slinger
Cheating is cheating doesn't matter if your off fucking another woman or fucking some other guy up the arse.

Your wife will flip even more so if you go off and fuck some cock. Well good luck any way.

See you in the funny pages.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by crazydiamond
You know what...I retort.

I see you are suffering, she is too, but right now, I see you are coping in your way- to your pain.

You are in turmoil and we should be a little less harsh x
She is too, but she indeed is not here to speak. I think your delivery was harsh, and could really make a lot of people judge you, so in that, you should think about your deliverance.

At the end of the day, I see you are unhappy, but truly, we make our own happiness, you knew what you were getting into, we all know.

You either man up, or move on. Don't diss the woman in a public forum, that's just mean x

I have to say that yes I nearly yelled at hasabrain because I can't stand people that want to leave their other half because something so petty as putting on weight. Weight is hard to shift and the muscles burn etc. This isn't just a physical thing it is also mental. It takes a lot of hard work and it doesn't happen over night.

I just had to put in my 2 cents and tell Hasabrain2 relationships go through trails and tribulations. As I said Mr Sweets goes through psychosis at random periods. I could go on line and tell a bunch of strangers how hard it is to be with someone who has mental health issues. Oh and tell people openly some of the things Mr Sweets does and says while he is going through psychosis to make myself feel better.
But I don't.

No I'm no saint either. I agree with CrazyDiamond they said it best Only we can make our own happiness. If you want to out and hang out with a prositute go for it.

Just don't paint this vulgar picture of your poor wife.
Active Ink Slinger
E.L James.

Honestly I'm happy that the Erotic genre is now mainstream and no one has to be embarrassed to be reading any type of erotica.

Just that her being a fantastic author made me laugh. If honestly if it was written by a teenage virgin then perhaps I would accept her work. However since it's written by a middle aged married woman .... uh yeah.
Active Ink Slinger
I like to feel each little zygote hit my tongue as the zyotes swim in the sea of smegma and makes like a flood down the back of esophagus and tickling my sensitive epiglottis as those zygotes make their journey towards their doom as they are disolved the dip pits of acid.

Maybe one might escape and then I have to wait two weeks to see if I get a BFP, because like everyone knows when women swallow spermicide they can like have a fetus inside of them. Thats why I read like those teen magazines.
Active Ink Slinger
Most of the actors playing teens in Grease were from age 19 to 30.

John Travolta was 23, Olivia Newton-John was 28. Stockard Channing (who played Rizzo) was 30.
Active Ink Slinger
No one has really said anything about how the wife must be feeling.

Hasabrain2 don't you think your wife already feels shit about her body. She was hoping the gastric bypass would be the miracle cure to her weight problems.



At first I thought I give you a chance because maybe you worded it wrong but your responses are narcissitic.

IT's all "Oh poor me having to put up with a fat wife who doesn't even help her situation because she sneaks behind my back and devours chocolate. She isn't helping herself. Oh and the other day I had to help my father-in-law (wow you couldn't put down father-in-law) move furniture because wife's grandma had to be put into a home. I could be doing something else boo hoo me me me. I deserve a healthy skinny hot wife not this fat frump I lay next to. Oh I'm a nice guy just ask anyone and please don't judge me!'

Well how can we judge when you have thrown this in front of us.

She is most likely binge eating "sweets" because she has you telling her how she shouldn't be eatting this or that and that she is fat and her body now disgusts you and how the fuck did she let herself get to be over 70 pounds heavier. Food is giving her comfort as it's not telling her how disappointing she is, what a terrible mother and role model to the kids.

I wonder how much you weigh? What do you look like? Are you as hot as Robert Pattinson? Brad Pitt? Leonardo Decaprio? No of course not.

Look my advice is change your attitude mate. Be supportive to her needs, tell her something positive about herself once a day. Such as "I think you made a fantastic dinner." "The kids sure love what your doing..." "I think that item of clothing makes you look gorgeous."

She will pick up on the positive words from you and will try to sort things out with things going on with her body. Most likely she should go to her GP and get advice as it doesn't sound right about the gas and the weight gain who knows maybe her stomach/intestine has raptured.

Why I'm giving advice is that my Fiance has health problems and I have a few health issues. Actually I'm going to be having jaw surgery in a week and a half. My Fiance has driven me back and forth to dentist/orthodontist appointments and to hospital over the last two years. He rarely complains about taking me. Even at times I can tell he rather be at home doing things on the house then driving me two and half to three hours each way per visit.

Mr Sweets has mental health issues and yes I actually stuck by him and visited him when he had a huge mental break down where he had to spend a few weeks in a mental health hospital.
He might say bizzare things, get over excited on ideas and might say things that are totally out of line. Because he can open his mouth without stopping to think things through.
And currently he has a bowel problem and need to get a colonoscopy because he is bleeding from his rectum after a bowel movement. His gas is also pretty bad too.

You know what hasabrain2 I could leave him , there is no children between us and no other official legal things holding us together. How many people want to say "Hey my dream partner has bi-polar and is borderline schizophrenic. He thinks in the not to distant future people are going to lure me away from him. When really they are not." Not many that's for sure. *Yes in one of his psychotic episodes my partner did say that he knows 100% sure that people are going to take me away from him.*

We have seperated for a year (still remained friends). And been together for close to 8 years. The thing is despite his mental health problems my Fiance has a good heart. He loves me despite my own flaws. Yes I do have flaws I'm a human being.

People around me have asked "Mary why are still with this nut job? You could do so much better."
This even included my former best friend from high school who dumped me after I replied:

"Look Sophie, he might have mental health issues, he can go weeks with being the most charming and sweet boyfriend. Then his psychotic episodes take over and I just try to ignore it as best as I could. Let him ride it out then he is back to his charming self. You just have to accept people have flaws it can be physical or mental. It happens no-one is perfect."

What I'm saying is...please place yourself in her shoes. She has failed her surgery, her body is going through hell and she doesn't need to be reminded by her husband that she has failed. It is a lot for a body to go through. Her self-esteem is rock bottom so she is turning to food as a pick me up.

As for yourself. I think you really need to take a long hard look at yourself. Make an honest list of pros and cons. Maybe you both need to go to a threapist to sort this issue out. I'm sensing your wife knows how you feel.
Active Ink Slinger
For me it depends on my mood, I might feel in the right frame of mind to have sex and tell the other half I'm ready for it.

He will get excited and then something comes up and then my mood swings to nah don't feel like any more.

Or I might feel like anal sex, however when it comes to the deed my anus is tender and feels pain to easily and I can't stand it. Which makes Mr Sweets get confused why I'm hot and then I'm cold when it comes to sex.

As for the quote saying just take the chick fuck her on the bed and if she doesn't put out then dump her. Wow that is a jerky answer if I ever saw one and I agree that is spousal weither it's a boyfriend/partner or husband.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes and also hand jobs. However he just holds on (yeah I know he does even when he says "I was just about to cum" really translates to I rather fuck your cunt or arse.)

So I get bored of BJ or HJ and just give in so he can let me sleep.
Active Ink Slinger
Speaking of Honor. You reminded me of the video clip "Last Friday Night" - Katy Perry.

Where Katy plays her alter ego nerdy Kathy Beth Terry who goes to next door's party to complain about the noise only to end up enjoying the party. There she finds herself being fought over by admirer and fellow Geek Everett McDonald (played by Glee's Kevin McHale) and a school jock.

This includes a scene where it is a medieval period where Everett slays the jock and Kathy is the distressed Damsel.

Thought I share it.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

DD one of my earlist memories is of my teenage aunt playing this song over and over on her "mix-tape".

It was her and her first love's song. I was going to tease her about it on Facebook for her 40th birthday but thought nah don't want to embarrass her lol.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm in my late 20s and I'm still a Disney Fan lol.

Back to facts:

In the original Little Mermaid story by Hans Christian Anderson. When the sea-witch transforms the Little Mermaid into a human, she cuts out Little Mermaid's tongue and fins to makes sure she is voiceless and when she walks on her new legs that she will forever feel the likeness of knives stabbing her legs.

When the prince marries another woman (thinking the other woman saves him), the little mermaid's sisters shave their heads and give their hair to the sea witch in return for a magical knife. Little mermaid if she so wishes could stab the prince to death and with his blood on her legs she can turn back into a mermaid and return to her old life. If she refuses then she has to die.

In the end Little Mermaid can not bring herself to kill the prince. She loves him to much to kill him and she jumps overboard his ship and turns into foam so she can be with him always. Her foam self floats into the air so she can be with God.
(I think I like this story better then the Disney's happy ever after lol)

There is a beautiful adaption of this story in an anime from the 70s which stays faithful to the original story.
Active Ink Slinger
Most of the Disney Heroes and Heroines have only one parent, a step parent or was raised by no parents.

Snow White - Step mother

Auroura (Sleeping Beauty) - Raised by three fairies (Real parents sleeping for 100 years)

Cinderella - Parents died early on in the film and is raised by her step-mother

Bambi - Mother gets killed.

Mowgli - Raised by animals

Ariel - Raised by father (in The Little Mermaid 3 it explains the fate of her mother)

Belle - Has a father; Beast - No parents

Simba - Father gets killed by uncle

Pocahontas - Only has a father

Andy (Toy story series) - Has only a mother

Aladdin - No parents; Jasmine - raised by Father

Peter Pan (not really Disney original) - No parents

Mulan - Raised by father

Tiana - Father died while she was young. Her mother raised her.

Rapunzel - is kidnapped and raised by her captor.
Active Ink Slinger
Above Ami (Amy) is tied up with Alien vines.

Poor Sailor Mercury tied up yet again...

Active Ink Slinger
I loving the cartoon bondage smile Keep them coming...

On another thread someone mentioned graphic novels and lucky I found one of my doujinshi folders on my computer stored there for five years lol.

Here is a few pics from Sailor Moon fan based doujinshi.

Active Ink Slinger
Hee hee, Off topic but I guess your handle is after a certain anime character ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I was cleaning out a family member's house once and stumbled across a porn comic from the 80s. This was a few years ago.

However I have my own collection of doujinshis (not sure what it translate as maybe fan based comics) and it's hentai with famous characters.

I have plenty of Sailor Moon doujinshis. I give these examples from different doujinshis.

All are based on Sailor Moon.

On this page is Michiru (who goes by Michelle in the dubbed) aka Sailor Neptune, Usagi (Serena) aka Sailor Moon with her hair up and the chick which you can't see properly is Haruka (Amara) aka Sailor Uranus. Having a threesome.

I'm not sure of the dialouge but from the pictures in the panels of this particular story, Usagi goes over to Michiru and Haruka's house (In the original Sailor Moon, Neptune and Uranus are lesbian lovers...not cousins as it is protrayed in the dub), something goes on and Usagi ends up having a shower and somehow Michiru goes into the shower with Usagi.

A villian (forgot character name at the moment) and Sailor Venus.

These doujinshis get very graphic with the sex scenes and can include monster sex, chicks with dicks (not transexuals).
Active Ink Slinger
Are you Quinn Morgendorffer?

No I have never had any guy fight over me. biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
I attend a "fetish" night event where people who are into the sexual deprived world attend or lets say people who like to be unconventional in the words of Dr. Frankenfurter "Unconventional conventionalists".

(It's light BDSM, they have the rack/a St Andrews cross where people can go to be whipped or spanked in a public setting) there is many Dom/Sub couples that do attend.

Then there is the gimps, the leather lovers, transexuals, costume lovers, lingere wears including corsetso, cosplayers (though they are slowly being introduced) and the ones who wear next to nothing attend. It's mainly a night club with people who are happy to be themsleves without others judging.

I see that someone else has mentioned it on here "Hellfire club".

Anyway on the FB page of Hellfire last month they made a little warning since 50 shades came out there might be some new people coming and to be welcoming to the newbies. I unfortunatly didn't go that particular night because my periods decided to flow heavy that particular night. Curse being a woman.

What can I saw I guess if people went to Hellfire because of the book to witness people getting whipped or paddled first hand I guess it would be a shock.

Though shame to say Hellfire isn't the same as it used to be since some ladies that go complained that they didn't want to see cocks out on display. It is one thing to complain that a guy is touching you without permission.

However to complain that a guy has his cock out and you don't want to see it because it bothers you. Hello you are the one with the G-string on with your butt cheeks hanging out or you have your tits out on display (yes even with the nips showing) it's kind of a double standard.

And yes I'm a chick lol. Just want to say I have seen a middle aged dude with a cock and balls strap at the club once. To see his cock restrained while he had a hard on it was amazing....

Oh wait this was about Fifty Shades of Grey. Haha here I go talking without thinking lol.
Active Ink Slinger
Your question reminded me of a youtube channel which sadly has been deleted where the poster would post scenes from various movies of women getting their hair cut or shaved. Actually I can think of a few movies of women getting their heads shaved or their hair cut. PM me so I can tell ya smile

As for my other half wanting my hair cut. He has seen me with my hair length under my chin. However when he gets his hair cut now we both go to his local barbar shop and get our hair cut together. I normally get a woman who works there to trim my ends off.
Active Ink Slinger
I think after watching so many classic (from the 70s/80s) pornos where they are well scripted dialouge.

It has taught me to speak filthy. I don't swear in general but while fucking yes. Especially during anal and if his cock is getting to much for me. I talk like I'm starring in a porno so he comes quickly.
Active Ink Slinger
This one time we were on a packed train carriage and I had to pee and he told me to piss on myself to make him happy. So like I did it and he pretended not to know me and yeah he kind of ran ahead when we got off our station. It was fantastic.


Seriously dude this should actually be in the BDSM threads and not on "Ask the girls"
Active Ink Slinger
I find I get horny a few days before my periods, however during the big Ovulation time. I'm super horny.

Though I don't like doing sex first thing in the morning.

(God I sound like I'm on a "trying to get pregnant" site)
Active Ink Slinger
What Irishdandy said.

I agree with 100%

Number 6 is a must. She needs to get used to your width and length before you or her proceeded to fuck.

May I suggest using SORBOLENE cream as a lube. I like that better then over the store lube, it's slippery and soothing.