Has a VERY loud, intimidating heartbeat.
I love the language you use! "it would be a fruitless endeavor"
Well since he won't rob a bank... I'll have to go with pass and hugs.
Dresses up as a gophers cheerleader every time he goes grocery shopping.
Is the oldest person still trying to get their knot tying merit badge
I spilled sauce on my chin at dinner. If you run into it, just ignore the thick tomatoey taste. Haha
Licking? Haha, I will graciously accept your licks.
Actually lives on a houseboat and is unsure of what a "horse" truly looks like, unless it is a seahorse.
A little old but a damn good writer. We'll see where the day takes us ;)
Is the reason why a PMS relief pill box now comes with the warning, "do not use if you have prostrate problems"
(hey now, if we don't count jay-walking, and who really does, I have never broken a law)
The childrens poem "wee willy winky" is based on wooody's great great great great grandfather.
Your popularity here and my lack of a great butt intimidates me into saying no for now.
Is my current partner/getaway car driver for the excessive robbery that I refuse to leave behind.
We could ... Rob a bank together, lol. But pass on the sex for now.
Is actually Uma Thurman. She never could release her role as Ms. Ivy. She now spends her days in a mental ward with a fabulous Internet connection.
Actively stalks Johnny Depp and has considered replacing his own hands with scissors multiple times only to realize it would ruin his jack sparrow costume.