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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
Yes like the way Poppet says, Other wise yes that would be really great.
Active Ink Slinger
No thank you, Hair on a female other than on her head is a massive turn off for me...
Active Ink Slinger
If the love in the relationship is strong enough and it's legal, I don't see a problem really, as long as it's not extreme! Like a 20 year old with a 70 year old it's cool...
Active Ink Slinger
I don't mind really, As long as there not skinny skinny, or fat fat, But would rather a fuller figure than a stick women.
Active Ink Slinger
There's this certain place in the USA up in New England I can think of.
Active Ink Slinger
Some days I'll just stay as home and watch a million movies and drink 10 liters of tea for the day..... Great fun smile
Active Ink Slinger
1. Do you like watching women masturbate?

Yes I would.

2. What turns you on about it?

Watching them please themselves just how they like it, watching them slip into a haze of their own lust and hearing them moan out, very hot to watch if they really get into it.

3. Do you get interested in joining in or are you content to just sit there and enjoy the show?

This isn't based on experience, I've never watched a girl get off sad But it depends really, But If I were single, and I was in a position to join in, I probably would....

Active Ink Slinger
I have been writing and I've become very aroused and jerked off to my own work before.... So very yes
Active Ink Slinger
I can get off, and get all hot and horny just by thought yes, But never brought my self to orgasm just by thought alone.
Active Ink Slinger
1. Are you currently or have you ever been in a D/s relationship online?

I am currently heart And three times before briefly.

2. If you have, have you ever had or given daily “homework, chores, requirements, things to do” set by your Dom?

Yes I have homework everyday.

3. If so, such as what? (Like photos, videos, leaving daily messages, keeping a journal, wearing or saying certain things.)

Only simple things like post no less than four photos on Mistress's wall, Send Mistress a morning message every morning, explaining my day plans and what time I will be online, But sometimes I'll get extra, Like take a photo of my self, Write a poem/ story etc.

4. Are you punished if you misbehave? (If you are, how? Spankings, timeouts, apology letters, sexual things taken away.)

Yes I am punished, It depends on how I misbehaved, Can range from kneeling in my naughty corner, spankings or writing apologies, I won't be allowed to cum, or have sex taken away for a week, and up to extreme which i'd rather not say....

5. Do you have sex with your D/s? If you do, how do you find it easier? (Cyber “typing”, Voice “phone, Skype, or any other means of voicing.” Cam? Pictures?)

When I'm with my Mistress 95% of the time we will voice call on Skype, And I will be using a cam soon, I send photos as well.

6. Do you let it be known you’re in a D/s relationship?

We don't hide it, but we never made in publicly official, People are just sort of finding it out them selves.

7. Are you required to put it on your profile?

Yes I say on my profile all people need to know.

8. Are you allowed to add friends at your own will?

No, I have to ask Mistress before adding anyone.

9. Can you private chat (online messages or pvt messages)?

Only if I ask, But I hardly ever private with anyone anyway...

10. Are you allowed to whisper?

Yes, Only if it's a private matter, not just for the hell of it.

11. Are you in a D/s that is strictly just you and your D/s or do you have real world people your with?

No, My Mistress is my one and only <3

12. Why do you have an online D/s?

I don't know, never really planned it, I'm glad in happened though, And it's a great experience I think.

13. How long have you been in the Lifestyle?

I have been in the life style about 5 months, roughly give or take.

Alright I think that’s about it. I know it’s a lot of questions and a bit personal but I really would like to see how others live their online D/s relationships. Thank you for taking the time...
Active Ink Slinger
I'm going to go with number one.

1) Once while on a walk out with the family up on the moors, I walked on ahead and had a quick jerk off in the tree's without them knowing.

2) Once I was home alone and was masturbating in the living room, I was sat with my shirt off and my jeans and boxers hanging off one leg, I got up and hurried behind the couch, Waited for them to pass, seeing my mother peek her head through the door, not spotting me then walk off, I waited for them to settle in the kitchen before sneaking up stairs still butt naked to get dressed.....
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, I love laying in bed in the pitch darkness with nothing but you're thoughts touching yourself, It's hot and feels amazing with you're able to concentrate so easy, I can't do it now though, Mistress wouldn't approve.
Active Ink Slinger
Jim Croce- Time In A Bottle- 1973, It's mine and my Mistress/Girlfriends song, I sing it to her all the time and we both love it, A very special song for us heart
Active Ink Slinger
Friday night I think, Was going to this last night/ early this morning with my Mistress but I was too tired and would have had trouble keeping up sad
Active Ink Slinger
Feel lost in a sea of love and lust for my Mistress, and relieved she has given me permission to do so as well silly
Active Ink Slinger
Pass with a friendly slap on the bum for good measure.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm okay thanks, well only if we can have a play with his speed boat^ If not no....
Active Ink Slinger
Sat here listening to my favorite music while thinking about my Mistress and all she means to me heart
Active Ink Slinger
Ohhh that's a tough call......... Both fantastic Movies and Tom Hanks is a great actor and Stephen King is an exceptionable writer...... But..... I'm going to go with The Shawshank Redemption, I just like prison break movies a bit more I guess.
Active Ink Slinger
Produce's the title of your story: My Princess Goes Away
My Princess Goes Away Concludes
Genre/Category: Love Story
Provide the link: [url=]My Princess Goes Away - Part One[/url]
[url=]My Princess Goes Away - Part Two[/url]

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
A relationship I was in gave my the idea, The story it's self is fictional, But I still show all my emotions through the story.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
My stories don't tend to have characters as such, It is always me talking about it from a 1st person point of view in past tenths.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
This story is the only story I have done so far that isn't a poem, But I do have another one in the pipe line which is a normal story ,which will be out soon!

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
This story was my very first story, I had problems with the Lush notepad also for a while, But I found it pretty easy.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
Not really no, That's all there is to know.
Active Ink Slinger
Are you male or female?
How old are you?
How many times a week do you masturbate?
3 roughly.
How many times do you orgasm each time you play?

Where do you masturbate:
In bed?
In the shower?
In the bath?
At work?
Every room in the house?
In a car while traveling... ?

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other?
A friend?
A friend's spouse?
A stranger?
A student?
A member of the same sex?
A past lover?

What position do you play in:
On your back?
Lying on tummy?

How do you play:
With left hand?
With right hand?
With a toy?
With water from bath?
Written erotica?
Movie clips online?
Something on TV?

What is your favourite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman?
Gay or lesbian sex?
Group sex or orgies?
Blow jobs/oral sex?
Age play?
Role playing?

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages?
A chat room dialogue?
Exchanged stories or pictures?

Have you ever: 
Been caught masturbating?
Masturbated for a man/woman?
Masturbated for the same sex?
Masturbated in a group?
Masturbated for a photo?
Masturbated for a webcam?
Masturbated for a video?

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating?
Insert something or play with your ass?
Insert something in mouth when masturbating?
Use pain as a method of playing?

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum?
Not really
When was the last time you masturbated?
This morning
Are you wet or hard now?
Are you going to masturbate now?
Are you a masturbation addict?
What is the most you have played in one day?
Active Ink Slinger
Is a great wonderful person who I love more than I can say and also happens to be my Girlfriend/Mistress heart I love you baby <3 <3 <3