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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female
United States


Quote by Burquette

I'm interested in this.

I was taught that to be forgiven you have to be sorry. That's always been my problem around what my old church deemed sexual immorality. I never felt bad so I couldn't ask forgiveness.

Also, if you are sorry, you are supposed to try to stop with the sin you're committing. Which again, I didn't want to do (masturbation, extra-marital sex....).

And then when I realized that I was bisexual and my every thought towards women was a sin, I just gave up.

Does your understanding of the Bible teach differently? Please know that this isn't an attack or a challenge. Your brand of Christianity just seems much gentler than the one I know.

My "brand" of Christianity follows the teachings of Christ not traditions of a church. My beliefs are focused on Christ and whom he is. First of all sin is inescapable. For all have sinned. Jesus said to cast your cares upon him because he cares for you. No priest or religion can provide absolution. That is the exclusive right of Christ. It says that all sin and if you confess your sins, he is faithful to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. And yes you are suppose to try and change. As far as sexual sin is concerned, I believe that is things like and child molestation. God gave us sexuality and he gave us love. If sex alone is sin I'm in a big world of hurt.

Jesus teaches, to love your enemy, to love your neighbor as your self. To not judge others and they will know we are his disciples by the way we love one another. I'm not a religious person but I follow Christ.
Quote by noll

The forgiving God and the sins that he forgives come from the same Bible. If one doesn't believe in the contents of that book, then there's no need for forgiveness for many of those sins. How's that for freedom? As for feelings of guilt that are not tied to religious sins: if one wrongs another person then I think it's up to that person to forgive or not.
In the context of Lush cheating comes to mind as a thing one can feel guilty about that can be forgiven by the person who's cheated upon. But things like extramarital sex, lust, homosexuality, etc. simply don't need forgiveness at all if one doesn't believe in God/Christ.

That is one of the sadist things I've ever read. You seriously don't believe sin and evil exists? That book you call foolish says this in 1st John 1:8. "If you say you have no sin you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you."

Go ahead and say you have no sin and no need of forgiveness. I don't think anyone else will believe that with you. If you believe in nothing then cry out to the rocks for comfort.
Quote by noll

Knowing that in advance takes away half the excitement, no?

Actually not. Being forgiven is a form of freedom. Have you ever noticed how mankind is obsessed with guilt? The Psycology section of the book store is filled with it. Why is that? Could it be that he's guilty?

Can you ever reconcile with someone without forgiveness? Christ is the ultimate form of love and forgiveness.
A little theology is needed here. The word "Christian" was a derogatory name made up to denigrate disciples of Christ. Christ in the great commission said to go into the world and make disciples. Jesus didn't die on the cross to give us yet another religion. He died as the lamb of god to take away the sins of the world.

When you profess the name of Christ as your savior you are not suddenly perfect in action and deed. You are forgiven. Jesus said to follow him you must become the servant of others. He warned not to judge others, for as you judge so will you be judged.

Can a Christian be on Lush? Yes! I am.
I picked mine the day I joined lush. It wasn't till later I earned the name. Lol.
Quote by VirgoGo

I'm not a guy, but I have some insight in this area.

1) Perhaps sex is not freely available to him. Perhaps he's shy...Feels unattractive....Is disabled.
2) Perhaps the transactional nature of pay to play has an appeal. Exchanging money offers a thrill.
3) Perhaps he likes knowing that it's a sure thing, rather than an open question involving dinner and a movie first.
3) Perhaps there are time constraints - he's visiting town on business, and he wants a very specific kind of experience in a very specific window of opportunity.
4) Perhaps his tastes veer towards things that most women wouldn't do for free - i.e., anal, BDSM.
5) Perhaps he likes being with strangers, and the odd pro can satisfy that hunger for strange.
6) Perhaps he thinks of being with a prostitute as being something purely "physical" That the money enacts an emotional and symbolic barrier, and thus the exchange of funds protects his primary relationship. i.e., being with a sex worker isn't the same as "cheating"
7) Perhaps he has a taste for a very specific kind of woman - porn stars, models - who are otherwise out of his league. He can rent one for an hour, where he could never afford one otherwise.
8) Perhaps he has a very specific fetish - for Asian women, for latex bondage gear, for spanking, whatever. The odds of that fetish being satisfied under normal circumstances might be very low - especially since few women care to be objectified so narrowly in their routine relationships.

There are scores of reasons why sex workers exist and why men (and it's mostly men) continue to patronize them -- even as sexual mores have changed. At heart, there's an inequality of supply and demand.


Wow! Thanks. That answered every question and a lot more. Better than chance a blind date with chatty Cathy, where the guy wants to stick a dick in her mouth to just shut her up.
I'm curious why any guy would pay for something that is given away free.
Chuckepoo is my favorite. Everyone else is second place.

Does the fact I sleep with him make me bias? What do you think?
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I actually don't think that the universe cares that much about who I fall in love with.

When we find a strong connection with someone, we tend to want to believe it's the work of something greater than chance.

The reality is that even if there are no cosmic forces steering us, we will still wander through life and find some connections that are intuitively special, and others that are altogether disastrous.

Quote by BethanyFrasier
The problem with the term 'cuckold' is that it often gets used mistakenly on men to whom it does not accurately apply. Many men choose to willingly share their wife/girlfriend, and there is no cheating or humiliation involved. These men are more correctly labeled (if you MUST label!), 'wittols', as they encourage their partners to engage in sex with other men, and actually get-off on it without feeling humiliated nor 'cheated' on at all.

My dear friend this is exactly correct. A majority of guys fantasize about wife sharing at one time or another. Humiliating someone disgusts me. I think a guy that wants that needs a shrink more than a wife or girl friend. Lol.

As usual Beth, you nailed it.
First of all this is for the gals only no guys or guys pretending to be gals. I am relatively new to the Hotwife scene. When I see testimonies of open marriage and swinging they are all wonderful hot experiences with no consequences. My question is, am I the only one that struggles with feelings of regret, anxiety, and second guessing?

It seems every encounter (there have not been many) that we experience, I go through a remorseful period in the aftermath. I'm not saying it's all negative. If it were I'd stop immediately. We have had some incredible unforgettable experiences. I just wonder if this is normal.
My dear hubby Chuck is having a Birthday. He's so old, he only surfs the internet now.

I get random requests constantly. I look at their profile before okaying it.
Quote by ChuckEPoo
I took my truck in to the dealer for scheduled maintenance and they said it needed to have several recall repairs. I agreed. Then... Two weeks later they tell me they need to keep it a week longer. Three weeks to do routine maintenance? So I calmly told them they were Incompetent losers that couldn't find their assholes from a socket wrench. Needless to say, that didn't go as well as I hoped.

Cock suckers!

Diplomacy was never your strong suit.
My husband is 16 years older and he is my soulmate. However, young men are admittedly tempting. Lol.
Who doesn't? Grunt, moans, or even screams are normal with us. I have a tendency to verbalized. Now that my son is a married man he told Chuck and I, it was difficult doing his homework with us sounding like a porn movie.
Quote by BethanyFrasier

I vaguely recall that I was a man in that lifetime, and you were, I believe, my eunuch consort! But yeah! I drove a helluva Greek chariot! I drive my Mustang the same way now!

Go girl. I was probably your lady in waiting xxx
Chuck got it right. Whatever you believe you only really just have today. Joy doesn't just happen, you have to make it happen.
Dude that question shows a lack of respect for women. I might dress sexier depending on the situation but... slutty never. If I show more I pretty much expect to recieve a few stares. However, some men stare if I'm just wearing a sweat suit. We live at beach and I wear a string bikini a lot. Is a bikini a slut outfit? It shows more skin then any sexy dress I own.
Quote by aldenbradley

I like action.

Karly spun on a heel and punched ferociously upward, both her middle fingers stiffly extended toward his receding back.

Now that's art!

Or... While he was passed out in a drunken stupor, Karly wacked off his dick and threw it in the dog dish. She thought to herself, "What a fucking ass hole."
Quote by InnocentBliss87

If there is any story moderators on or other writers which would sound better, in your opinion? This Karly mentally stated; angrily and irritated. " or " Karly mentally stated in angered,irritated tone."

(the second part one i mentioned wanted to capture the readers mind of how the character feels and how she expresses herself?)

(every little bit helps me out big time.)

Both are clunky. Use the dialogue to show the emotion. karly thought, "What a fucking asshole."
Hardly ever. I like my granny nightgown. Warm and comfy. Plus I hate changing sheets.