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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 33
United States


Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by lapdanceSimon
Judge a girl by the company she keeps? You must be kidding. We judge her by wether she has a nice pair of breasts. Her friends don't enter the equation!
If she has nice tits, her friends could support Man Utd for all I care.

Man U's better than Man City.
Advanced Wordsmith
Depends on if I reall want to have a go. If I'm at a bar to just hang out and a girl is with friends that look high maintenance, I'll just let it go. But if I'm there to actually do something, I'll take a shot.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by lapdanceSimon
A Catholic? Where in the bible does it say thou shalt not have oral? Serioulsy though, rather than keep on at him about oral, pester him to go with to a relationship counsillor that specialises in sexual councilling. He might have deep down pychological reasons, that need exploring. There are exercises you get, like wish lists, and step by step exploring, rather than diving in to full on oral. Like a phobia of spiders you start with cuddly toy spiders.

You'd have to grow up in a Catholic house hold to understand just how conservative and anti sex-that-isn't-missionary bullshit that they spout.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by missmollyrose
Hey, folks. My boyfriend and I have been together for about 4 months. He grew up in a very conservative catholic household, and has not had many sexual partners before me. Apparently, he used to think giving or receiving oral "was gross". His previous partners also thought so, so he never experienced it (giving or receiving).

I happen to LOVE both. I actually fantasize more about pleasuring him than vice versa, but that's more than welcome, too smile Keep in mind, he is no longer catholic, and is now very interested in learning new things in bed with me. But I think he is very nervous, and maybe still getting over some mental hurdles, because he still hasn't given me any, and whenever I try to go down on him, he either loses his erection or just grabs me and wants to go back to vaginal intercourse.

Now, I am more than willing to admit I need to learn a thing or two about sucking cock, but I've never had anything but rave reviews before. I did buy some books about it, and also tried to have a conversation about what feels good to him. He opened up a little, saying he liked the underside (frenulum, I assume he was speaking about) stroked/touched. I already knew that, but the point is that he was willing to discuss it, which is improvement. I also asked him about his fantasies, and what he imagines when he touches himself. He mentioned basically "wanting to be inside" of me, and that sort of thing. I am willing to accept if he just simply won't ever want to do that, I mean we all have different sexual interests. But I think he just doesn't know what he's missing, and if only I could get him to come once that way, he'd never look back!

I have told him there is no rush in any of this, and we have all the time in the world to learn about each other. But I think he's never going to initiate oral alone, so I need some ideas. How can I get him to be more comfortable with this?

The first thing he has to do, if you two are ever going to have oral, is get over his phobia of oral. I lived in a Catholic house, and I know what they say about it, the lies they will tell. And if he was told young enough, the damage is deep. The next is to start with hand jobs with your hand soaked in warm water. Third, get him used to imitating going down on you. Then finally do it. It'll take a while, and he might just never get used to the idea, but you have to be supportive either way.
Advanced Wordsmith
Honestly, I have too many bi female friends to agree with some of the other guys on here. I think the only advantage is we don't have to use dildos to fuck a girl. Beyond that, my friends appreciate a naked or bikinied or a sexily dressed girl just as much as a guy, if not more. Mind, I have to agree that it does take less time in the morning. As for emotions, guys just hide it better. They have to.
Advanced Wordsmith
I would have to talk to her first. But no matter the outcome, I'd never do anything behind her back.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by BigDaddyRich
Sweet around our friends, slutty at home alone and in the bedroom.

Actually, I change my answer to "What he said."
Advanced Wordsmith
Sweet. I've met too many girls who would fall under slutty and they all piss me off.
Advanced Wordsmith
I get comfort from skin to skin contact, even a slight caress of a finger can relax me if I'm nervous (mind it has to be a girl's touch), so yes, I love to cuddle.
Advanced Wordsmith
If the guy is seriously listening to what you have to say, not just looking at you and smiling, and he can repeat a good portion of what you said to him, even the irrelevant parts, he's serious.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by MinaMiranda

Locate friend with xbox and copy of Call of Duty.
Set up profile on friends machine.
Secretly become Call of Duty supremo (I recommend the Nazi Zombie level highly)
This may take some time.


Friend your bloke on the system
Invite him to join a match with you.
Hang around the spawn drop and PK his ass repeatedly.
Enough player kills will raise his frustration level to a point where he will froth at the mouth and possibly destroy the Xbox

I've seen it happen. It's not pretty.HXgHJOm2vr3e5dEt

This works, too.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm going to get a lot of hate post from what I'm about to say. But I mean this whole heartedly. FUCK CALL OF DUTY!
Advanced Wordsmith
Are you comfortable with yourself sexually? Answer that and I'll continue.
Advanced Wordsmith
No, there is such a thing ass too big. The boobs have to fit the body. And almost never fake.
Advanced Wordsmith
A little bit of everything. The little movements when a girl isn't paying attention, how she does her hair (is it up, down, in her face?), how she handles herself in public, does she take control of a stressful situation, the way she holds herself (is she comfortable with her body, and yes different from handling herself), and then it gets to what she's wearing, both clothes-wise and scent-wise. Only then will I take into consideration her body.
Advanced Wordsmith
I went down on a girl that was "as is" and I couldn't concentrate.
Advanced Wordsmith
Boxers or commando because I feel like a child wearing briefs.
Advanced Wordsmith
I always put the girl I'm with first, so get her off with oral before I get anything.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'll take female athlete thin. Toned, thin, but have a little bit of curve.
Advanced Wordsmith
People fear the unknown and what is different, and to a lot of people the dom/sub (culture?/style) is different than what they are used to or they have preconceived notions about it.
Advanced Wordsmith
Break up sex just sounds too much like using someone. I know some will scoff, but that just doesn't seem right to me. I'd rather have make up sex. Love the anger that gets released during it.
Advanced Wordsmith
I just got out of a relationship with a girl that went from orgasm at the simplest touch to no sexual stimulation at all. I don't know about other people, but ut seems to be anyone. We didn't break up because of lack of sex.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Nikki703
Quote by alessandro_alex
i posted on here before but it was a guess. now i know. 8" long and 4" wide

I would never call anyone, especially someone I dont know a liar, but 4" wide? A standard CD is 4.75" wide. Maybe you may want to go a measure it again?

Not to defend or offend, but it could be 4" around and he just said wide.
Advanced Wordsmith
It's another part and another texture of your body to play and tease. Besides, I have too many scars myself to bitch about other people's scars.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'll take real any day. At least he or she is comfortable in his or her body.
Advanced Wordsmith
My friend decided she's wear all my clothes and not wash them afterwards.