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4 hours ago
Bi-curious Female, 27


Quote by Kaylee01

I can still use my phone but this is less convenient

Which tab/browser are you using?

My browser as a whole was slow, but soon realised that my browser needed an update, and also my tab was two updates behind. Once I updated both (and cleared cache), it resolved the issue - for me at least.

Quote by WannabeWordsmith
People tend to camp on story category pages they like, so if you get known for writing blazing hot stories in a particular genre, you can clean up.

I think the "followed" author notifications possibly attract most reads. They certainly do from me anyway!

Quote by Georgia_27_8

I'm hoping to still be awake for this!! smile

I failed, miserably. I was asleep by 10pm. 🫥

It depends on the exercise.

If im running, i listen to something like Progressive House or Trance. It ebbs and flows which is great to pace-match with.

But i will listen to rap or rock music - something more aggressive if im doing weight training.

Airports, the only place its acceptable to drink wine with breakfast.

Rhinebeck is a town rather than a City.

Quote by CommsGuy



Quote by leftlingula
Please leave a comment below if you'd like to see this come back and who you might enjoy hearing from if we do bring it back!

A comment

You don't need to upload or import.

You can either stick to the standard Lush provided emojis in any type box, or use your device standard emojis anywhere on the site which (should) appear as for everyone as you see them yourself.

Phones and tablets - tap the smiley face icon on your keyboard

Laptops and PC's - press Windows + . (period)

Lush: 🤐🎁😋

My device: 👀🥵🤤🍑🤷🏻‍♀️

Quote by AvidlyCurious

Love this! Great idea, amazing authors!

Dress code? Optional, I presume, but I wouldn't want to play up biggrin

For once I will view Webcams.....

Quote by mountainmann

I would like to see something that would notify me when ever I got mail messages from lush users

Quote by mountainmann

Even when I was logged out

There is just that. You will need to:

Click your avatar top right of any Lush page >> settings >> email.

You will then be able to select which Lush features you are notified for, and the frequency of each - by form of an email to the email address which you used to sign up with.

Quote by dlcalguy

How about a few lines of code that parses the putative weblink and if the characters after the dot aren't com/org/gov/co./tv inter alia (I'm sure a list exists) then don't assume it's a link.

There is something like 2,000+ TLD's on the internet. A number which I am sure is evergrowing.

It would have to be some list just to cancel out an action which maybe two or three people, from thousands on the site have mistakenly made happen - by putting a period and space in the wrong place.

To me it just looks like you've hit the . Instead of space, followed immediately by other characters, so the service thinks you are short-handing a website - it's filling in the rest of the expected address. It's kind of logical.

Obviously I could be completely wrong though.

**edit I have just purposely done the above and it is (seemingly) what has happened in the OP.