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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Her avatar makes me want to use a soft touch, but that only lasts for so long.
Active Ink Slinger
I was quite displeased the last time I did this but here goes ... below.
Active Ink Slinger
Go back 2,000 years, grab a sword and shield, and fight in a clan battle in Scotland.
Active Ink Slinger
He hates morons and country music ... sounds like a cool dude to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
I do suspect this was the 1st one...

All Your Base Are Belong To Us

I believe you are right. I remember this from when I was about 14 or so.

I personally love the "Ermahgerd" memes.

Hilarity ...
Active Ink Slinger
First thing in the morning. It beats all other times. Hands down, the end. The morning is my horniest time of the day, by far.

Especially Sunday mornings, that is the best because it is the one day I stay in bed late. I tend to stay in bed even later if I happen to have a woman in my bed that morning. I suppose it's time to get up after 2 or 3 times and we are satisfied.

... also good when I'm drinking (which happens to be at night and on into the morning ... or the afternoon when I'm not busy)
Active Ink Slinger
To me, too easy is defined as stupid, too drunk, or hitting on everyone.

There are many things that turn me off to a woman who initially catches my eye. A few of them are: stupidity, skankiness (not to be confused with women who enjoy casual sex ... not the same), flashiness, and sloppiness. There are more, but these are the top four.

I usually do not turn away from approaching someone that I want to approach. Typically, I notice the aforementioned "deal-breakers" before my approach; I would then not consider an approach at all.

A fine question, I might add.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh boy ... this is a tough one. There could be many reasons. What's the timeline like. You have to be out by midnight? ... Or is it earlier? If he spends the night with you and you leave in the morning, maybe he's got a kid ... and he's not ready to make you part of that yet. Maybe he's got issues with a girl living with him for one reason or another. He might not be ready for a serious attachment. There are a plethora of possible reasons for this. We humans are a complicated species. Our brains do weird shit. The more details you give the more we may be able to narrow it down.

Edit: Looks like all this has been done. That will teach me to read the previous posts BEFORE I write my own.
Active Ink Slinger
Nothing wrong with anyone watching porn. If I can do it, why can't anyone else? As for what I like, well I would have to assume that a woman who watches porn is a bit hornier and likely more fun in the sack than those who don't. I personally need a woman who likes to have fun and change things around, as I get bored easily. So I have to say that I like it.
Active Ink Slinger
Reboot! Trolling along my old posts and look what I stumbled upon ... I had to do it. My need for fun got the better of me.

Quote by Kristind you do joke. But just on your terms right? Ya know, for someone who sez they are new to social blogging you sure do seem pretty darn savvy in the specific way you ask your question and the bantering you do with people. Doesn't come off as a rookie at all. Furthermore, your bantering and the structure of your name is suspiciously similar to another Lush member. Might you be MrNudiePants in disguise? Just askin'.

Kristin, I joke all the time. In fact, I sometimes need to learn when to stop. I also, however, enjoy a good debate, argument, fight, whatever you want to call it. Don't take it personal; I enjoyed talking with you.

As for my supposed experience in social blogging, I am really new to it. What you are seeing is years of experience (also a very big interest) in debating, public speaking, and writing. I can assure you that I am not MrNudiePants nor do I know who he is.

Quote by bustyreadhead
i agree with your observation, but i would say that in recompense for asking fewer questions, the gals tend to ask better and more interesting ones. a lot of the q's guys post sound like they come less from a place of curiosity than a way to try and find someone to cyber with.

and btw, i should probably clarify and say i thought this was a damn awesome question.

I will concede to this. I actually don't have a choice but to concede because it's true.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.

Quote by _mal_
Not that I'm a gal...

Perhaps the female demographic on the site is smaller? I don't know the actual percentages (and adjusting for people who don't report their actual gender and/or sex), but perhaps that's affecting it. Could be just the culture of the site. I don't know. Just throwing out ideas.

Good point, I should have taken into account the percentage of males to female on here. Very good point indeed.
Active Ink Slinger
Above ... we're eventually going to have to give others a try. Now it's thrice.
Active Ink Slinger
Sorry ... I got nothing. I tried for a solid 30 seconds ... but nothing came to me.