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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
United States


a mixture of joyful and sad.

What is the most beautiful country you have visited so far (outside your own)?
Quote by Evie
Hey, Lush! First story in a long time, so I'd appreciate you taking a look!


Thanks! ??


I would highly recommend this story to anyone interested in the spiritual and "sci-fi" categories.
Quote by ladyblue69
I would but he would have to read my warning label first.
1. I don't dance, so if I do it tends to be the slow ones.
2. I have big feet so steel toed boots would be advised.
3. I don't dance.
4. I am rather clumsy.
5. See 1 and 3 then refer back to 2.
6. if warnings are understood, proceed at your own risk!

I started this thread so if anyone has to take the chance of dancing with combat boots on, I shall be your partner, Ms. Blue.
Quote by Gillianleeeza

This brings back so many beautiful memories for me. One is rather funny: I know an 84 year old lady who used to say to her grandson, B. B.'s line "The thrill is gone" to make him laugh!!

Do you "believe in magic in a young girl's eyes?" as The Lovin Spoonful ask in their song?
Quote by AmeliaLeigh
Love to me is knowing that no matter what you’ll survive every storm, not having to fill every moment talking just to feel secure, being free to be yourself, putting someone before yourself and knowing they’re doing it as well... knowing you can completely lose your shit and they still stay and say “it’s ok I love you”
Being together for years and still getting butterflies whenever he kisses me
To me this is love

This was so beautifully said, Amelia.
Not screamed in fear, but have hollered for attention/help with a cold blooded killer.

Have you ever saved someone else's life?
Quote by RavenStar

Always a pleasure, sweet lady. ?

I think it's time for something harder. Maybe a snifter of a deep bodied spiced rum. Join me if you so desire.

What supreme taste! "a snifter of a deep bodied spiced rum." ----The bane of my existence with devastatingly beautiful women.....
A Book Club I used to hold, to discuss philosophical/any text line by line. 6 of us would get through about 4 books a year, meeting once a week. We would take turns each week reading the text aloud and leading the discussion. All books were done in the original language: French, German Attic Greek, etc. 4 men and 2 women was the rule. It was hard finding two women who know the languages in the US.
Quote by danceswithwolves10
This is interesting and i was only talking about this this morning.Personally i do not think that Covid19 will ever be over!It is going something that we are going to have adapt our lives to and find a remedy for!As for getting rid i dont think we ever will.This comes from a gp at my Doctors Surgery.

I think this is true.

Plague still has outbreaks somewhere on the globe every so often.

We just want to get on top of it, and not have another "pandemic" like War, that never goes away.
Something romantic/sexy with great words and atmosphere, to make us both "woozy."
Simple,. complicated, men, women, does it matter? The result of it all is:

Women always win.
Dana Scully on X-File; Lauren Graham in anything or nothing; Diane Lane in a heartbeat; Anne Bancroft in "the Graduate"; I could make a very long list.

But how do I not include Nicole Scherzinger??