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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 155
United Kingdom


Quote by hayley

I MUST read this !!!!!
It is an instruction manual isn't it ????

Gosh, I do hope so!!!
Quote by Possibly

Your name appeared as a middle name in my story Brown. *giggles*

I had to go back and re-read that, Possibly smile No surprise I missed it, what with all that sizzling sex!!

Suitably chastised...
6-0 now and doesn't look like Germany are letting up!! So, no, Brazil might get third spot but I wouldn't put money on that happening!!
Wow, well done Liz, Billy and Lupus, and to everyone else that entered, it was a tough theme but the stories were all such good reads! I will try harder next time, so watch yer asses smile
Quote by ChrissieLecker

Here it is... (I might have taken some inspiration from your avatar and profile pics too) *drumroll*

Hope you like it! Only one set of red cheeks though, as I somehow had a romantic streak when I wrote it.

I feel honoured, Chrissie, very hot tale beautifully written smile Romance is good, so thank you very much xxx
I courted my man, he came to the company I was working for to give a talk on Ethical trading and my best friend introduced me to him. I won him over with my charm smile

We swapped numbers and we chatted most days, just about things in general, for a couple of months. We had a summer ball and I nagged him to come, which he did, and that night we finally got together.

He was a perfect gent, still is.
Quote by ChrissieLecker

I might have an opening for a Collette in one of my stories. I'll let you know how it goes... don't blame me though if she ends up with red cheeks - and I'm not talking about faces! *giggles*

Oooooh!!! An opening for a Collette? Don't hear that every day!!
Man, are you just on here bragging?? smile

Seriously, don't let the age difference stop you from asking her out for a coffee, and see where things go.
The one I use on here is a pen name, not come across any stories with either my real name or my pen name.

Frankly, I'm a little disappointed!!!
How old are you two?

Just walk up to her, hold her face in your hands, and put your lips on hers. Nothing could be simpler smile
Quote by Liz

I know nothing about horse racing

What happens if you place a bet on one of the 1,980 horses that doesn't run?

Got a joke...

A horse walks into a smart cocktail bar.

The doorman says, “Wait, you can’t come in here without a tie.”

The horse goes out to his car, looks in the boot and gets a set of jump leads, which he ties around his neck.

He goes back in and says to the barman, “This alright?”

The barman says, “Hmm, okay... but don’t be starting anything.”

Got another...

A poorly-looking horse limps into a bar with a bandage round his head. He orders a glass of champagne, a vintage brandy and two pints of Guinness.

He downs the lot and says to the barman, “I shouldn’t really be drinking this with what I’ve got.”

“Why, what have you got?”

“About £2 and a carrot.”

Ha ha, brilliant!!

A horse walks into a bar.

The barman says, "Why the long face?"

I'll get my coat...
I thought the closing date was the 20th?? Are you writing off any other entries? sad
Generally speaking in the UK people who bother tip about 10%, but then there's a vast amount that don't bother at all, or just leave the odd change. That's just as insulting as leaving nothing!! People in the service industry are paid shit wages for long hours, and rely on people's generosity to make it worth while. The majority of them do a really great job and get treated like scum. I'm really glad to be out of it.
I usually stick a pillow under my butt, makes the angle a bit easier for the guy... or girl smile
Boredom, opportunity, small brains... who really knows? It's not just men that cheat, if a guy's cheating then there's generally a woman involved and invariably she's cheating on someone, too.
Do you have a specific genre or writing style that you like?

There are so many that I admire and follow, but personally I'd suggest you give LaineyTales a read, very clever use of words and very understated poems.

Have fun smile

As often as we can smile Not always possible as he works late some evenings and although I'd jump his bones at every opportunity sometimes it's nice to wait.
1) Bjork
2) Karen Gillan
3) Julianne Moore
4) Thandie Newton
5) Lucy Liu

1) Damien Lewis
2) Mr Clooney!!
3) Dave Grohl
4) Robert Downey Jr
5) Boris Johnson
Across The Universe, love John's voice on it and the lyrics are quite beautiful.
Quote by SamHarper

Again, not a problem, just curious about whether people find the 'over-inflated' look attractive. Also, again, this may be hard to believe, but it's not all just about the boobs! :P

In my humble opinion, if the size of the boob looks wrong for the woman, and is obviously false, then I think it looks naff and unattractive. From my limited experience with boobs, natural wins out.

I would imagine more women with naturally large breasts would prefer a reduction than smaller breasted women would want to 'go large'. Big boobs might get the men drooling, but it's agony on the back and shoulders, and getting a bra to fit is difficult and expensive.
Some boob jobs are well done and look awesome!! Others- especially where the woman has gone up too many sizes- are so obviously fake and IMHO don't look good.

Natural is better, but if it makes the woman feel better about herself, then what's the problem?? I'm happy with my handful, but in a few years if they start to sag I may consider a lift smile
I like M & S underwear, they have some pretty bra and brief sets, reasonable prices, comfortable and long-lasting. It's nice to have matching sets, get even wear from them smile
Early Doors- such an amazing bit of tv history, superb writing and acting, and just two seasons long!! I'd love a Christmas special to catch up with the characters smile
Quote by sprite
i want to contour my vagina

I would love a tour of your vagina!!!
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt".
If you have a nut allergy (no pun intended) and your partner eats nuts it can be passed to you in his sperm.
Quote by mikej85007
A colleague mentioned that she doesn't think it's cheating if she only does things with others that her boyfriend won't/can't do to her. For example, he doesn't like going down on her, so in her mind, if she meets another guy who will go down, it's not cheating as long as they don't do things her boyfriend WOULD do. Another example, if she is with a girl, that's not cheating. Thoughts?

If it's mutually agreed between your colleague and her boyfriend that she sleeps around (cos that's what she's doing, despite what Bill Clinton said, oral sex IS sex) then no harm done.

If she decides not to tell him, and has to hide these episodes from him, then she's cheating.

Are you the one going down on her, Mike? Are you looking for justification for your actions? Just askin'