Quote by amy1967
I watch it every year.
Quote by nicola
The Tesla is an excellent choice for the planet Chuck! Not to mention the crazy performance.
Tony Seba is a man who knows an awful lot on the subject of electric vehicles and disruptive technologies. He thinks 90% of all new vehicles produced around the globe in 2030, will be electric. And why not? 90% fewer parts, the battery costs will be a fraction of what they are now. No pollution whatsoever. Quite brilliant.
Musk wasn't the first to come up with the idea, but he's a pioneer, and I love his drive to push things forward for the good of the planet and future generations. My next car will be an all electric, if the price comes down enough. I think it's maybe 2 years away before that's the case, with these giga factories coming out.
I got distracted there, sorry. It's a passion of mine, helping the planet, ecosystems, and investing in companies who have that vision in mind.
Back to browsers, no issues with FF other than the FTP file transfer one. I have a backup file uploader so I'm using that. Shame FireFtp doesn't work with the new Quantam FF though. It was my favourite uploader and easiest to use by far.
Quote by sprite
write that up as a serious story and i'll totally nom it for an EP award!![]()
Quote by Buz
All of Lushstories major competitors, the large erotic story sites, have as one of their categories and it is hugely popular. It was very popular here for many years. was a Lushstories category a lot longer than it wasn't one. Whether we, you, myself, or anyone else likes it or not, fantasy generates massive views which a site like this translates into ad revenue in order to stay online and financially viable.
There are compromises in every phase of your lives. If anyone says not, then they are lying. So we'd like to keep this great site going and successful.
Before I discovered Lushstories I wrote on another site. That site did not allow and all characters had to be 18 years of age rather than 16. Unfortunately, that site eventually failed financially from poor sponsorship which resulted from a much lower view count. So all the stories I had posted there went away with the site into the abyss of nothingness.
The internet is not run as a communistic or socialistic experiment. Our competitor sites are not going to share their revenue with us to keep us going. It's fucking competition just like real life and the history of the planet. The strongest survive.
Plus, we've gone to great lengths to make this site even more user-friendly and set up for your personal use. YOU CAN BLOCK ANY STORY CATEGORY YOU DON'T LIKE! No one is forced to read any story or category they don't want to. We now have quite a wide range of story category selections. Read the ones you like.
Quote by nicola
I will post separately about this, later today.
Quote by sprite
i've had several people contact me after i announced this reward, commenting how much JWren has helped them with their stories, just for the love of it. Looked into it a bit, and yeah, his name's tagged all over the place on a great deal of people's work, some of them pretty established, even. it's not an easy job, and it's time consuming, especially if you take the time to do it right. and, since this is, first and foremost, a writing site, it makes sense that everyone's favorite editor get a little love, so give it up for JWren for being awesome.![]()
Quote by avrgblkgrl
Considering the current political climate and with ethical dilemmas constantly challenging us as individuals, I was wondering how you as a writer feel about the following quote.
To be an artist and to be political is the same thing.
-Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei #WritersLife #AmWriting
Personally I don't write intentionally with an agenda. But with the emotionality of my characters and the "why"of it, I do at times tackle relevant issues that can be an indication of my personal politics. The fact that I always include racial diversity in my writing is an example. Not all writers of color do. I've been criticized for including interracial relationships. Or, I've been told that removing either would help me have more of a mainstream audience. So I agree with the quote.
Note: Please answer the question presented; this is not a forum to debate your actual political views.
Quote by Burquette
I found this article about seven broad-stroke ways that you can improve your story-telling.
The only point I disagreed with was point seven.
There is no magic to writing in short sentences. In fact, I think if you use too many of them, you get a staccato feel and an inability to vary the pacing (short sentences are great for action, less so for description, in my opinion). Poetic language only works if it doesn't get in the way of the story.
Avoiding the chronology trap is something I have to remind myself of. The reader doesn't care what's going on every second. Nor is it important to the story how many steps it is to the bathroom....
Anyway...enjoy. I hope getting a reminder of the basics helps you as much as it does me.