The person below me is a shoe addict.
Poppet is amazingly talented
Rude people that think I am here to fuck everyone
Assuming they will please me because they know what I want better than I do
Stalkers an mean people that are spiteful for no reason
To get smarter about relationships
Keep believing in happily ever after
I dream of finding my forever love
Bushes have nothing on shrubberies.
a 4X4 that gets better gas mileage!
Go to the bar on a work night lol...
crispy... crunchy... yummy!! now I am hungry and gonna make me some bacon!!
coffee with creamer and sweetner...
Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy... Chris LeDoux
Speak of the Devil...
I never did mind the little things...
America the Beautiful...
Well bless your heart...
Cowgirl Up!
Yee haw!
To name a few...
Roses are red
Moss is green
I am the darndest gal
Ya ever seen!
Zalulaloo! My niece's favorite sing along song
I am really rather old fashioned.
Mama always said... (insert what ever wisdom fits the situation)
Angry American... Toby Keith