One-Eyed One-Horn Flying Purple Eater
Lewd and lascivious conduct with malice aforethought
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:
"My Grandmother Wears Combat Boots
Not sure if there is a bed that can accommodate this out-of-this-world member, but if they can, I will
In moments like this, your beauty is beyond compare
Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison
Those thoughts are so reassuring.
This is a fine mess that you have gotten us into.
Offer her a seat in my boat and sail to a private beach.
Zip-A-Dee Doo-Dah - Bob B. Soxx And The Blue Jeans
Romance is for the birds.
I was a naïve Louisiana country boy and got ambushed in the john at the Sailors YMCA in San Francisco. No doubt it was at least planned by him.
What is your biggest sexual secret from your significant other?
If so, who is the intended beneficiary of the performance and why?