My one super power is my ability to one handedly undo a bra in under 2 seconds.
Superman ain't got nothin' on me.
Quote by clum
In the UK, I never hear people talking about "left lane" and "right lane". They generally use the terms inside and outside (where you pass on the outside lane). Then you can talk about these things no matter what side of the road you drive on, with no confusion whatsoever.
Quote by sprite
I usually recite classic poetry. Or Poe.
It will be said, I am aware, that when we persist in acts because we feel we should not persist in them, our conduct is but a modification of that which ordinarily springs from the combativeness of phrenology.
Quote by MissBehave
If you are in the left lane and you are getting passed by driver after driver.. Get the hell out of the left lane !
Any other "advice" you would give to oblivious drivers?
What are your driver peeves?
Quote by BethanyFrasier
If you see a merge sign, with a long line of cars in the right lane, and choose to pass 75 cars in the empty left lane just to get ahead of everybody who's been waiting in line, you're an asshole!
Quote by TheCharmer2016
Good morning, Alyssa, it is a pleasure to meet you. *kisses your cheek*
Here we are meeting each other again, Laura, please have a excellent day. *kisses your cheek*