the poison ivy plant...why do you exist??? well not where i live but its where i am now and im covered in nastyness....i hate you hope some one burns you to ground!!! back to oatmeal bath...sigh
ok im calling the kasumi...myself out. i know i suck at keeping up convos...i do. i have trouble remembering words in english in type. so i fail....but hot damn gezzzz people do it to me all the time. talk then like ignore....duh im still here. let me virtually jump up and down...see lil me....oh hell fine ignore me. idc...well yes i do or i wouldnt be in the rage cage! grrrrrrr just grrrrrr i bite all your ankles virtually. oh fraking hell... people ignore me in real life to! hahahha ok i made myself the rage cage now!!
im immature (21 going on single digit) and lil he puts up with both, luckily
wow we should time it??? how about just dont stop...ever XD
i have always wondered this...Dani's explanation makes sense cause when im in chat lots...boom im on the list that day...oddness!
Django Unchained
Nicole Kidman
the vampire assistant
Heath Ledger
jane eyre (1996)
hiroyuki sanada