Prince had a huge impact on my generation. A legend. Very sad news.
Is there a list if all the Lush Groups available?
Would it be possible to see the entire list of Groups to choose from?
I read all three tonight. Most excellent.
Congratulations on the award. It is well deserved.
Congratulations to Liz, Magical_felix and Buz. Those are most awesome stories. And congratulations to the great authors who made the honorable mention list, great stories!
Never had that done, but then I don't date women that smoke.
A pop up ad makes it almost impossible to click the full site link when using Samsung devices. Its extremely frustrating. Could that pop up be relocated?
The irritating tiny comment box that pops up on forced comment to vote crashes my Samsung device every time. So I will have to quit voting on stories by those authors. If I have to jump through hoops to vote on your story, I'll just read someone else's s
story instead.
Congratulations to the winners & honoeable mentions! :d/
Be honest and not try to play mind games.
When you come home and the furniture is gone, divorce papers are on the kitchen counter and she's emptied the bank account.
With a plastic margarine tub I don't think it matters. I dig until its low then scrape.
Seasoned baked shrimp on linguine noodles and spinach salad.
Alone in my house, though my lady friend stays over sometimes.
Flounder almondine, broccoli, rice pilaf, white wine.
A one night stand is an affair. Emotional it seems would mean that most people are then guilty. A physical affair is worse and much harder to forgive, if at all.
A lap dance is not cheating. And the dancers are honest about what they do, I think strippers are much more honest than wives,
Strip clubs are grear fun!