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2 weeks ago
Straight Male, 61
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Quote by ElCoco

Iā€™m not sure what revolution Fordā€™s EV battery plant was supposed to start, but itā€™s a step back for US EV efforts. (embedded links!)

Future of $3.5 billion factory uncertain after Ford pauses revolutionary project: ā€˜There are a number of considerationsā€™

Battery technology is changing fast, using different materials, designs, and chemistry. By the time they get the product to market, it will likely be obsolete. Development of the new solid-state and non-lithium battery tech will be a game-changer, and will require massive re-investment by many of the auto makers as it moves along the next 10-15 years. Right now it's all about getting the free "green energy" money and tax credits flying around.

Quote by kistinspencil

Most days I just read the titles.

Haha -I read that as "just read the titties" - you have the the braille version?

Kitchen counter - standing doggy. Thatā€™s what happens when she makes breakfast in just a t-shirtā€¦

I believe the point of this thread was to point out how Organized Retail Crime is contributing to the decline of neighborhoods. The article states it was a contributing factor to already poor performing stores, not the main reason.

It is easier and cheaper for them to walk away than it is to invest in additional security and changes to the location to make it perform better.

Itā€™s always about money, tax write offs, and investors.

Amazon has lower shrinkage, unfortunately their customers do not. They bear the cost associated with the theft of the products they paid for, from ā€œporch piratesā€, many of who are organized and resell the goods, and from the scam retailers. Amazon, and the other platforms, have no liability, so it is ā€œbuyer bewareā€.

I think we all agree that some retail theft is a result of poverty, it has always been there, there are always desperate people who need to steal to survive for a variety of reasons. No one can dispute that.

Organized Retail Crime is all about making money, same as any business. Thereā€™s a CEO, district mangers, and front line employees. The front lines go into the store and retrieve the goods to deliver to their managers, who report to the CEO, and are the ones who are identified and arrested. The CEO is untouched and protected, and when shit hits the fan walks away.

So the poor person who gets $50 to steal a $400 item gets arrested on a misdemeanour, the CEO just hires someone else and makes the profit reselling the item. Same corporate structure in a different environment.

One of the biggest issues relating to this situation is the loss of employment that results. Most ā€œbig boxā€ stores, in this case Target, have 150-250 employees (or associates, if you prefer that term) in full and part-time positions.

It takes 20-30 new, not existing, small retailers to provide that level of employment, just to offset one Target store.

Since online retailers are already providing the gateway between manufacturers and buyer, which is what online retail platforms are, just gateways, the small retailers have little opportunity at success.

At the end of the day, the consumer controls what happens by where they spend their money, and more is going to online every year.

What industries are going to provide enough employment to cover those job losses, especially in a low income, high crime area?

Quote by RowanThorn

Just like the boogey man and Chinese spies. All over, it's all their fault. But we can't find any. Very tricky. I'm sure there are a few, but the numbers don't support any evidence of this happening en masse. If you want to save more retail locations, contact your congressman about the importance of enforcing anti-monopoly laws against Amazon.

No, they find them all the time, even here in Canada ( no boogey man, though). Itā€™s not reported in the media unless itā€™s a very large arrest. If you want save retail stores, donā€™t buy online and donā€™t buy at large retailers, support smaller, local businesses.

Quote by RowanThorn

And for all these talks on warehouses and highly organized gangs the police have made 11 arrests in three years tied to organized retail crimes and have yet to actually prove these warehouses exist. The supply chain and mass consumerism of stolen goods would be impossible to hide.

They are everywhere, from residential houses and garages, strip malls and storage units to large warehouses disguised as legitimate businesses. They hide well and sell items individually on multiple platforms and websites.

Organized crime is not stupid, itā€™s very clever and difficult to prove, much like white collar crime. Itā€™s just dealing in a different economy.

Organized Retail Crime is not done by poor shoplifters taking one or two items. They are coordinated groups that utilize multiple resources to steal high value goods, from mainly large retailers, to sell online through various platforms. They target goods that are easy to sell- clothes, appliances, tools, electronics for example. Some are gangs that sell to the people in their neighborhoods, making a profit on the goods, most are more organized and take the stolen items to the online seller. Many have warehouses full of stolen merchandise that they sell online.

It can have very detrimental consequences on neighborhoods, and bitch all you want, the retailer is there to make profits by selling products, and if profit suffers substantially the retailer closes. It applies to businesses of all sizes, not just the corporate giants.

Regardless of your politics, it is a real problem adding to the poverty and decay of numerous neighborhoods in multiple cities, and a growing challenge to overcome.

Surprised and pleased to see I now have 4 (!) Famous stories! Very pleased to see so many readers check out my stories. Please check out my library and search "Most viewed" to see my Famous stories in 4 different genres, and let me know if you enjoy them!

Early evenings. I work out at home, Iā€™m not a gym person. A mix of walking, rowing, weights, and a tread-climber. I like to stay limber, and though I do physical work most days, I usually have a lot of energy in the evenings. Of course, if my wife wants to help use up that energy she has first dibs šŸ˜Ž

In my opinion there is no real answer. People feel the way they feel, for a variety of reasons- upbringing, religion, fear, personal experiences, and biology. There is always fear, anger, and judgement when something different is involved, especially when it conflicts with their values, beliefs, and insecurities.

Iā€™m straight. I have known gay/lesbian/ trans/bi people since I was a child, but never labeled them as such. It never did, and still doesnā€™t, matter to me. Same with race, religion, politics- I accept people for who they are, but I know I am in the minority in that respect.

Hopefully it will change for the better as time passes and society progresses.

Congratulations to the winners! What a wonderful competition and difficult job sorting through all the great stories. Enjoy your coins! šŸ˜Ž

Depends - if she wants me to lick the icing from her cinnamon bun (a shameless plug for one of my stories with the same name), I will certainly please her. I get my pole cleaned all the time, so fair is fair. šŸ˜Ž

Bedroom in the morning, living room couch in the afternoon. - Was a great Sunday. šŸ˜Ž

I don't feel any real obligation to read other author's stories, or have mine read, but I do like to try. I also try to read all the comp entries (only after submitting my own), hard to do with the number of entries sometimes. I will try to add a comment on each one I read, but try to stick to the positives- especially on newer authors or unusual stories with low reads to encourage them to continue.

There is such a vast difference in writing styles, genres, content, and quality of stories it can be overwhelming, so I do focus on the authors I am familiar with first, then try to get through the rest. As far as those I follow that may not read or comment on my stories, that is not an issue for me. If they read it and comment, fantastic, if not, that is fine.

Facing me with a slow grind, I love watching her face, playing with her tits, and watching her hips move.

If you enjoy longer stories or series, please check out my older series - ā€œWeekend At Daveā€™s Cottageā€ - the 14-part tale of a young manā€™s journey into the swinging lifestyle and discovering love. Hope you give it a read and let me know if you enjoy it. šŸ˜Ž

It's a turn on for me, and for her she says. We have done threesomes and swaps with other couples, and watching each other is always a big part of the fun. In most cases she prefers another women, but on the occasions with another guy she likes to make sure I get a good view as she doesn't like to do it apart in those cases. I always participate in some way, that's what she wants if another guy is involved.

A friend's RV at the lake, with a couple we play with on occasion. Beds, table, front seat... was a great weekend.šŸ˜Ž

I enjoy writing, it's nice to use my mind instead of my hands all the time, and it's an escape for me. It allows me to use my imagination, and also work on my emotions - I am very emotionally centrist, in that I don't feel any type of emotion strongly, and it is usually difficult to empathize with those who do. Reading on here and writing allows me to explore and develop how to emote more, and it's helped. I found Lush and the quality and type of writing on here is high level, and that's what prompted me to join and start writing. The content, moderators, and authors are a great group of people, it's very non-judgmental and open, differences in tastes and morals are accepted and free to discussion. It's the only site I use.

I also love women and sex, so.... šŸ˜Ž

Micros to 4,000 is my preference. It has to be very compelling and intriguing to hold my interest beyond that. I prefer to keep stories under 4,000, both for time it takes to read and to try and keep it interesting, although I have been asked to make my stories longer on occasion. I enjoy the series format, with a longer story broken into chapters. I find it easier to write, read, and develop in that format - and it makes me keep looking for next chapter! The quality of the micros and flash found on here is very high, so that always piques my interest as well. Great question šŸ˜Ž