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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 64
United States


It's been fun to watch this thread and read through the replies!

I had 4-kids and began producing more milk each time. It was often a relief to express it and also relieve the painful pressure. As many already know my answer, YES! I have and did share it with Hubby and many others as it made me more relaxed and feel good relieving the pressure and weight. It was not just Hubby and other guys but many gals also were curious and enjoyed it in not just suckling but sex play as well!

My large boobs were alread big but became HUGE in no time and the firmness as well as the skin tone was amazing! Of course the sex was incredible as well i highly recommended that any nursing woman open their mind to try it and allow themselves and the incredible experience of sharing and enjoying a sexual experience while lactating!


It's a well known fact that they would edit certain scenes in a loop to extend the duration of the sex. It could be subtle or very noticeable depending on the way the scene was filmed and the skill of the editor. In the older days when porn was shot on film, it was tougher to do since they would have to copy the scenes they would want to loop instead of modern digital methods that allow you to click and copy by computer.

With regards to amount of cum, there was a lot of drugs and herbal remedies used in the earlier days and probably still are. A lot of fitness body builder supplements are out nowdays that are said to produce an increase in semen output. Nowdays, there are a lot more healthy natural food choices including increasing the amount of water and simple base proteins consumed are said to help increase the amount of cum produced.

Also, texture, consistency and taste as well of smell are affected by what a guy consumes. I know for a fact that more fruits, less coffee will give a sweeter taste, smell and consistency.


Honestly, YES! The thought of it, or the stories involving it does.

But would I or have I ever? NO!!!

Hubby and I have a stronger relationship and honesty about sex with others that takes cheating out of the picture.
We tell each other about it and we get off on each others adventures with others.
So why do I need to cheat?


It's Rare! I'm with Nympholes!

But I don't need an excuse!
I either need to rest up for a wild time later, (After all, I am a bit older! LOL!), or I am not feeling well.

Plain and simple! Why make a big ordeal out of something simple?
Lying will only make it worse!


As much as my lover can give me!
And then, hopefully I can get them going again if it was good!

Otherwise, as many as I can get or need!

I Have to admit, that there have been times when I was fucked silly by the guy or gal and I was done but they kept going and using me for their pleasures! I didn't mind at all!


Minimum of 3-times a day on the average.

Morning wake up, (Usually as a wake up or in the shower and Actual Sex Usually follows),

Naughty thoughts provoke more arousal mid day, (More Sex could proceed or follow),

And before drifting off to sleep, (again more sex could have proceeded or follows).

In any case, this would be the bare minimum for me!


Cum On!
I never wear any!
Unless it's for a special occassion!


I've never had one myself! LOL!

But I have had to take care of many over the years for the guys who did have them!



And with both sexes! But more so with women. Especially those with guys or are giving off the vibe that they are absolutely Straight! Why? Because when they grab onto their guys tightly and are the jealous type, I love to take the chance that they might be coerced into a threesome and open the door for their BI side to cum out!

I know it's usually a big turn on for the guys to see their girl with another woman but for me to turn them on and add to the intensity of their fucking, makes it all the more worthwhile for me!

Now if it is just a gal by herself or with a group of gals together, I find it easier when they are younger and in a group. They tend to be more daring than by themselves. But when they are by themselves and show interest or a certain sort of uneasiness, I usually pick up on their BI curiosity and we at least start up a casual conversation which can lead to more fun and exploration!


Overall? No.
But I do know when I can turn it on and act that way to.bring attention or arouse my lover more...
I have some friends who are all the time but that is their choice and they dont really care what the rest of the world thinks of them.


Assuming your interest also means you are comfortable with the orientation of all those involved, then you just have to convince yourself to let any pre conceived notions of what will happen and your nervousness go out the window, allow yourself to enjoy a new and exciting sexual encounter that may or may not ever happen again.

In other words, GO FOR IT and allow yourself to enjoy whatever it brings or CUMS!


I enjoy the shaving experience with lovers!
It's like foreplay for us to shave each other and enjoy the experience afterwards!
We also have fun shaping and trimming designs when we let the hair grow out...


Not on my face!

But LOVE IT on my Boobs!!!
And Lots of it too!


Hubby made me a special toy after seeing get off on the gear selector knob in our car. Its made with a toilet plunger so we can secure it to the floor or wall or where ever. He made a large metal rod and shaped it with a slight curve like a cock but mounted a leather gear shift knob on the end. The knob and rod taper into eachother seamlessly so it feels wonderful!

He made other attachments and we also have some smaller ones that hook up to our sybian too!


I LOVE the nice ripped look of a swimmers chest with washboard abs!


Our gal, sexandmuscles should be posted here!
She rocks all these ladies...


I'm a child of the 60's so you could say I'm old school and a few other things...

But to Hubby and I, even though we run around nude most of the time, we love tan lines.
It kinda goes back to our younger days when being exposed fully and showing the tan lines was a sense of liberation.
It was showing that someone who lived under the "normal" ways of society, was now becoming adventurous and being free.

It was also a time when the clothes and swimwear were much more conservative and therefore, when a pale flesh was shown against sun kissed bronzed flesh, it was striking and sexy! In Hubby's opinion, it made smaller busted gals look bigger and bigger busted gals like me look absolutely HUGE!!!

More recently, it is more common to find skimpy suits that leave very little tan lines. These are very sexy to us! Especially if I wear a Malibu String or Wicked Weasel that is too small and leaves very stark contrasts. If you ever been down towards Brazil, you will see some of the skimpiest suits and the most deep and dark contrasting tan lines anywhere! It really accents the sexy body parts and makes it more fun to trace with your tongue!

And one other benefit is when I wear loose or smaller clothing and a flash of skin will be seen. The stark contrast of the two skin colors draws the eyes in more and the reactions are always fun to see and respond to!

So YES! Tan Lines are HOT!!!


No. Because it seems like I'm always horney!

It seems like a dumb question but then I thought about it...
There are times when I am not particularly horney but frustrated or stressed and I start making myself feel good.
I know when I really cum, I get relaxed and can move on...


I used to despise the thought of it.

The first time I did it, it was not at all that pleasurable for me, even with all the lube and time we took.
I did it because I wanted to please my hubby and give him something special.
I know it was a great turn on for him. He was very careful and thoughtful of my virgin bum.
Gentle and slow and after his finger and a few toys, I just let it happen. I knew it was going to be tight because of his size but it was even more so because of his arousal increased his thickness which I knew he was enjoying it.
Afterwards, I began to experiment more with it and added to my naughty masturbation and eventually, it became more and more pleasurable and I wanted it more!

Many years later, it is almost a common act for me. I know in the heat of the moment, or when we are with others, it will be an opportunity and I don't just give it up anytime! When we are with others, I expect to be asked first, or at least a little teasing before being asked.

So to answer the question, We enjoy it more frequently these days when we want to have a little more naughty fun!


Depends a lot on their age and experiences. Also where they are from.

Most younger guys, (40's and under) seem to like it shaved bare.

There are starting to be more guys from the early 30's on up that enjoy a little bit of hair but usually trimmed or styled.
And it seems like there is some interest from guys of all ages in full bush.

I get all sorts of requests but very little refusals...

