Quote by LittleBambi
If you can't be bothered to search for it then why should we be bothered to give you an answer? Anyone that's been around here awhile will have already answered this question numerously.
It's not people being cold hearted, rule abiding bitches that they say 'use the search function'...it's because you'll get the answers you're looking for. The more often these threads are posted the less replies they will get due to the fact that people are less inclined to reply having already answered said question numerous times.
Enjoy your Lushing...
Quote by WellMadeMale
99% of the time, Bambi... People won't bother to use the search function, not really because they are lazy bastidges, but because they are really wanting to introduce themselves to the community and they think that by creating a thread of their own and being #1 with posing the questions or making the observational statement(s)...
Well, that's the road to take.
And it often works at least for a short term boost of having your relatively newly created profile clicked on and viewed.
Quote by LittleBambi
Then I shall take a stand by not clicking onto his profile! OH, WAIT...I wasn't going to do that anyway. Plan B? Help?
Quote by WellMadeMale
99% of the time, Bambi... People won't bother to use the search function, not really because they are lazy bastidges, but because they are really wanting to introduce themselves to the community and they think that by creating a thread of their own and being #1 with posing the questions or making the observational statement(s)...
Well, that's the road to take.
And it often works at least for a short term boost of having your relatively newly created profile clicked on and viewed.
They could really care less about the question they've posed or the answers received. The original poster received the attention they were seeking.
We see this behavior all around us out in the real world, don't we?
Quote by LittleBambi
If you can't be bothered to search for it then why should we be bothered to give you an answer? Anyone that's been around here awhile will have already answered this question numerously.
It's not people being cold hearted, rule abiding bitches that they say 'use the search function'...it's because you'll get the answers you're looking for. The more often these threads are posted the less replies they will get due to the fact that people are less inclined to reply having already answered said question numerous times.
Enjoy your Lushing...
Quote by hardcock90
Well I wasn't trying to make a statement or anything. Being new to the site and to the forums, I was unaware there was a search option, and I went through the first 3 pages of questions and it wasn't there. I guess your harshness taught me something though.
Quote by Shylass
You aren't the only one who is learning fast. There is a search option, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Sometimes the questions we want to ask aren't actually covered by previous threads, and sometimes they are.
Quote by WellMadeMale
Actually, Shylass...the search tool works extremely well at this website forum.
Quote by WellMadeMale
Actually, Shylass...the search tool works extremely well at this website forum.
Quote by PersonalAssistant
It does!! It really does!! Gav's done a great job! I am not sure about the "exact" wording issue ... but if you keep your search somewhat general (as you would on any search engine, such as google, bing, the library, etc) you will get a hit.
Quote by PersonalAssistant
nice backpedal Shylass
Quote by clum
Who's right, Shylass or PersonalAssistant?
Quote by hardcock90
Well I wasn't trying to make a statement or anything. Being new to the site and to the forums, I was unaware there was a search option, and I went through the first 3 pages of questions and it wasn't there. I guess your harshness taught me something though.
Quote by LittleBambi
I actually thought I was polite, reasonable and maybe even informative.... thank goodness I wasn't the sarcastic bitch I often am! I wonder how you would have taken that....
Quote by Gurlyboy
Gimmie a template and I'll do that lol
Quote by Shylass
I love you, Gurlyboy. The beauty of this template is that you can experiment with the size, and for the face, either using gems, tattoos, or simply leaving little patches. I will leave the placing of it to you...
Lush ROCKS. Where else can we find people to humour us?
Quote by Gurlyboy
All right, we are jamming! I'll just let my pubes grow a bit and then try it, thanks for the template. Maybe I'll be the first man to vajazzle (which, now I come to think of, needs a new name, perhaps manjazzling or something of that ilk, any suggestions?)
Quote by LittleBambi
I hate to break it to you....but you wouldn't be the first man to try this. It's called the 'pejazzle' (I wish with all my heart that I could say I was joking).
I could have posted an image much, much worse but I was feeling kind..