Ladies... when you pull our boxer briefs down, how big are you expecting it to be?
Any "good" size, we should compare our packages with?
It's not the size of the wand it's how the wizard wields it.
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
It's not the size of the boat, its the motion of the ocean.
It's not what you got it is how you use it that counts
I'm pretty flexible and can accommodate just about anything thats out there. however I prefer 7" or 8" depending who's doin the drivin.u164JDlftqwFzm1T
Anything under 154mm is likely to disappoint.
size does matter ...I went out with someone who had the smallest thing I've ever was the size of my pinky9he did have a great sense of humour though)...I wasn't even sure it was in when we had sex it doesn't have to be huge but I do like girth
i recall a time with a woman friend who after having a rough day sat down at the table in the bar where we met and said, 'damn! i could use a man with dick this long!' at which point she held her hands a considerable distance apart!
i looked at her wistfully and then replied, 'well, my dear, i could do you twice and that would just about fulfill your desires!'
After consulting the conversion calculator, Steffanie's 154mm threshold (6 inches) is something I probably agree with. Smaller than that, and they are going to have to be creative in other ways...just me, not everyone's opinion I'm sure.
So, this is where I say, "Yes, size matters, I like them when they're bigger rather than smaller." Followed by someone else that will say, "yes, but it's only one factor among many, a crappy lover with a big penis is worthless, etc.," with a ditto chorus behind that.
So, I'll take it in a slightly different direction and say, "when you fall in love with someone, the hard (pun intended) stats on size and appearance matter less than when you enjoy sex like so many of us do, if not for it's own sake then at least something outside the context of 'making love with the love of my life'. When questions get asked in this forum about sex preferences, I always assume it's talking about sex in a vacuum, aside from real circumstances, speaking only of physical ideals...
again, that's just how I see it.
Do you have a story to tell us, Zaf? Hmm?
Honestly I've never measured a man but the man who won me over was not the most well endowed man I'd had sex with; he just knew how to best use what he had. PS - we're still together almost 20 years later.
Maybe if I can make the question more specific. Is there a minimum size that is just too small? Or if you could give a preference of range like (blank)in.-(blank)in.
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
I feel like I'm in a classroom, complete with slide shows, graphs, and charts.
Get me outta here.
From another brilliant thesis by someone working on his PhD in cockology?
It is amusing to see how just how insecure some guys are about their size or lack there of. But guys, there is such a thing as too much size as well. I am by no means implying that I am too big for a woman, but I'm sure that at least one of the ladies on lush has felt the discomfort of a lover who was packing just a little too much. Be happy with what you have, if you get far enough that she can tell your size, its obvious she likes something about you.
now if i print that chat off and get a paper cut who do i sue
save a horse ride a cowboy