Babygirlmindy and I discussed her writing in chat. She's from the south, so I brought up the common southern US use of "You all."
Here's the exchange. What do others here think of "You all?"
paddler says:
In your daily speech, do you say "y'all?"
babygirlmindy says:
tell me I didn't type that...
paddler says:
No, just asking.
babygirlmindy says:
babygirlmindy says:
babygirlmindy says:
babygirlmindy says:
babygirlmindy says:
i do use it in speech quite often
babygirlmindy says:
more often now that I live out in a more rural setting
paddler says:
Good for you. It's the missing construction and should be adopted.
babygirlmindy says:
i shudder every time I realize that I've said it actually
babygirlmindy says:
i hate sounding uneducated
babygirlmindy says:
i may not have the oratory skills of yourself, but i do try not to sound like a complete and utter boob
paddler says:
I fuck. You fuck. He, she, or it fucks. We fuck. What the fuck is wrong with You all fuck? In fact, you all do fuck.
babygirlmindy says:
that has to be the funniest thing I've read all day
paddler says:
I mean it. There's nothing wrong grammatically with you all, and there's plenty right with it logically. and Y'all is a natural abbreviation.
babygirlmindy says:
as long as you find it an endearing quality, I'll not be as harsh on myself
paddler says: