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Writing Experiment

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Normally, when I write stories, they tend to emerge quite organically; the tale, as they say, grows with the telling, and I must confess to being very bad at plotting out my stories before starting them. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprise at what happens as the story unfolds but at other times they can be a complete washout (a bit like real life really) and sit unfinished on my computer.

Similarly, I don't plan my characters but base them loosely on people I know. Also, egotist that I am, the main male character is usually based on an idealised version of me, which is why I normally write in the first person. The major exception to this was my story My Daughter - The Hooker which I wrote in the third person, mostly because, while I liked the story, I didn't like either of the characters very much.

Recently I have been checking out Morgan Hawke's website and came across her plot generator. I have also been reading her advice on writing and thought I would try an experiment. Instead of my usual, 'start writing, see what happens' approach, I would take one of the plot lines from her plot generator and try and plan everything in a lot more detail before writing.

If no one objects I thought I might post my thoughts and workings here, take advice as the planning proceeds and see what happens. Hopefully it will be of use to both myself and other aspiring writers.

Thanks in advance
Thanks Morgan.

As this is something of a departure from my normal process of writing I am afraid I am going to plunder your website shamelessly for tips and ideas!

Okay, here goes!

From Morgan's Random Story Generator:

Quite by accident, an ambitious school-girl was seduced into anal sex by a petite, fair and delicate pair of private school boys in a narrow stall of a public toilet. This resulted in a confession of love.

The Ambitious Schoolgirl - First Thoughts

The first thing that occurs to me is to make sure all characters are sixteen or over so that it doesn't infringe the guidelines for the site (also I'd feel uncomfortable writing about anyone younger anyway). That means that our ambitious schoolgirl must be coming to the end of her time at school.

So, she has just finished her GCSE exams and is beginning to realise what the reality of life outside school might hold. I see her as someone from a rough school who lives in a poor area with high unemployment, crime and teenage pregnancy. She is not academic so how does she get away from that life? She finds herself a rich boyfriend.

Where is she going to find such a boyfriend? Most of the lads she knows are in the same situation as her with no future and no money or, if they do have money, it is from crime or drug dealing: that's precisely the life she wants to escape from. She's not looking for a sugar daddy but someone of the same age, maybe a little older. The obvious place, given the story outline above, is the local private school - posh kids with plenty of money.

The Plot - Again, Initial Thoughts

A girl from local comprehensive school gatecrashes the local private school end of term disco.
Feels a bit strange her going on her own so maybe her and a friend hatch a plot to gatecrash the disco.

She is looking to meet a rich boyfriend as she knows that life on the council estate has few opportunities.
She probably won't see boys her own age, even at a private school, as being independent enough for her needs. So, maybe the dance is for the sixth form students at the school. If their families are wealthy they will have more of the symbols of that wealth such as being able to drive and having their own cars. I imagine she would find such boys more desirable.

Once inside she gets nervous and realised she is out of her depth. She goes to hide in the toilets while she summons her courage.
If she is with a friend then this doesn't work but, the more I think about it the more realistic is seems that she wouldn't go to the disco alone. However, if she went to the dance with a friend then, if she needed the toilet, her friend would be likely to accompany her too. Unless, of course, her friend has already managed to 'pull'.

The queue outside girls' toilets is long so the girl uses boys' toilet.
Quite like this idea. Also maybe she is uncomfortable queuing with other girls who are all posher than her and discussing horses, top fashions etc. Without her friend she feels insecure, or maybe she just needs a pee desperately!

Once in the boys' toilets she is caught by two schoolboys.
How would they catch her? If she was being quite they wouldn't know she was there? Maybe they have gone in there for a quiet cigarette. The smoke makes her sneeze and they discover her. There is no reason they should be sixth formers. Maybe they are boys the same age as the girl. They have also gatecrashed the party. It's more likely they wouldn't want to be caught smoking if they were still in the lower school rather than the sixth form (when I was at sixth form we were allowed to smoke and had a smokers' common room.)

Seduced by the two boys into performing oral...
How do they seduce her? I originally thought they might try and blackmail her as she obviously shouldn't be there: the coercion angle fits most naturally into the story. However, I must confess I don't particularly like the idea of people being forced. The boys shouldn't be there either so maybe they try to blackmail her and she calls their bluff. In which case how do they seduce her?

...and anal.
Why anal? I would have thought that most sixteen/seventeen year olds would be happy with straight sex. I half thought that as private school boys they might prefer anal ;) but that's a bit of a cliché! It does, however, raise the question of whether the private school is an all-boys' school? In which case, where do the girls at the party come from? As an aside it might be a case of making the venue an upmarket pub or wine bar that is a known hangout for sixth formers from the local private school (even though we were underage there was a local pub we all used to frequent when I was at sixth form, so it's not unrealistic.)

Meanwhile, back to the question of why she agrees to receive anal. Maybe they have no protection and erroneously believe that having anal avoids the risk getting her pregnant? Must admit I don't like this idea. Maybe it's her period and so they want to avoid straight sex? Maybe she is a virgin and wants to stay that way? Maybe one of the boys just wants to try it? Needs some thought.

Left in the toilet when the two boys leave then the 'nice' boy pops back and asks her out.
Quite like this as an ending.

Okay, those are my first ideas about characters and plot. Obviously, they need developing but, unfortunately, I am going to have to stop now as it's late. I'll add more another day if folks are happy for me to continue and, if you have any thoughts, ideas or suggestions, please feel free to comment.

Ta xxx
Interesting experiment Graham, bravo!

Good to see you Morgan
Sorry it has been a while since I posted, the exigencies of earning a living seem to have got in the way of writing.

Well, having thought a little about the plot line I started thinking about the characters and, in particular, the character of the ambitious schoolgirl. As I said in my first post: I normally don't plan my characters that much, they tend to end up being based loosely on people I know. However this time wanted to try planning them in more detail.

I have been reading through Morgan Hawke's article on The Essentials to Building Characters and borrowed the four categories which she argues are the secret of dramatic tension: a physical need; an emotional need; a physical hang-up and an emotional hang-up. So thinking about schoolgirl I ended up with:

A physical need or dependence
She needs a boyfriend who isn’t a criminal, a drug dealer, or maybe more simply, she just wants a boyfriend who isn't abusive.
This got me thinking about her background. Maybe she has seen her mother embark on a string of disastrous relationships and is determined to not to make the same mistakes. One of her prime motivations then, is to look for someone, or something, that is different from what she sees around her. The question is, can she escape from her background?

An emotional need
Needs to be safe and free from the perceived life that leaving school presents to her: single motherhood; minimum wage or unemployment; drugs/alcohol abuse; prostitution.
I briefly thought about making her mother a prostitute and drug addict but thought this might be a bit too over the top. Also this is supposed to be for a short story rather than a novel so I don't want to complicate the plot too much. It's probably enough to hint that the mother is in an abusive relationship. Again, this would make the girl's motivation of wanting something different understandable.

A physical hang-up
She is afraid that she is not as attractive, sexy, or popular as her best friend.
This would mean that her best friend would appear as attractive and sexy. Maybe that's why she took her to the party/pub/bar. However, once there her friend quickly hooks up and leaves our main character alone and feeling isolated. This would explain the reason she takes refuge in the toilets.

An emotional hang-up
She believes that she’s not good enough and so, if someone appears to like her, she worries that they are just after something. Maybe there's part of her that believes, or at least fears, that she belongs where she is and it is stupid to think life could be better.
Of course, going to a place where people are both older and from a different social class would tie in to the whole insecurity issue. If there was a queue outside the girls' toilets it would explain why she might choose to take refuge in the boys' toilets.

Quote by ]Imagine your favorite movie character or actor. Think about what they would do or say in your plot situations. Picture that character as you write and the dialogue should come pretty easily.

After reading this, the female character that came most readily to mind was [url=]Kelly out of Misfits
, the British Channel 4 TV series (for those of you not familiar with the series, it is about a group of young offenders on community service who get stuck in a strange storm and develop superpowers).

The problem is that Kelly is already an adult and to a certain extent already well down the path that my character is trying to avoid. Nevertheless, in terms of picturing my character, I found that once I had thought of her I couldn’t get Kelly out of my mind. So, I think my character is going to be a sort of teenage, pre-delinquent, Kelly.

That will have to do for tonight as I have work tomorrow. As usual, any thoughts, comments or helpful suggestions gratefully received.
Congrats on trying to expand your writing. Shaping plot and characters is a great way to pass time while trying to go to sleep or in the waiting room of a doctor, dentist or some other offshoot of the Spanish Inquisition. smile

One thought about the plot: consider having the two guys also be working class 'party crashers' and trying to pass as posh. Let one be 'nice' while the other is more aggressive. The latter is chasing one of the posh girls and has brought along the nice guy much like your protag has with her girlfriend If there's a sequel, the story might continue with the nice guy and your protag discovering their true backgrounds, etc...

As for the sex, oral would seem to be more plausible and less messy but maybe thats a Brit/USA difference of opinion.

Best of luck.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
I feel it's a great experiment/sharing. You said "if no one object". I thank you!
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Thanks for the comments and feedback. Particularly thanks to RumpleForeskin for some interesting ideas.

Quote by RumpleForeskin
As for the sex, oral would seem to be more plausible and less messy but maybe thats a Brit/USA difference of opinion.

I agree, having anal sex in the toilet at a first meeting is a bit of a stretch. What I’m trying to do is keep, as far as possible, to the plot as set out by the random plot generator. I don’t think it’s a difference between the US and the UK (are we obsessed with anal here?) although I did choose that plot from among a number of possibilities so who knows?

Having said that it might all change once I start writing the story. It may sound like I am slightly schizophrenic, but I have written stories before where one of the characters has ‘refused’ to do something I’ve wanted them to do. So, what might emerge when I start writing I don't know.

Quote by RumpleForeskin
One thought about the plot: consider having the two guys also be working class 'party crashers' and trying to pass as posh. Let one be 'nice' while the other is more aggressive.

I certainly thought about having one as aggressive and the other as nice. I kind of pictured the aggressive one as being a bit like Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter films. IMDb describes Draco’s character as “the ultimate bully. Snobbish, rude, and extraordinarily wealthy,” which fits the kind of character I want.

Again I want to try and stick to the plot as set out by the generator. However, your comment did give me the idea of making the nice guy a scholarship student. So, using Morgan Hawke’s guide again, he would be an intelligent guy (hence the scholarship) but from a background similar to the female character.

His emotional need would be to be accepted into a group where social background counts for more than academic ability. Possibly this is why he has attached himself to the other boy. His physical need would be to get a girlfriend but his emotional hang-up would be the fear that he actually is inferior to his fellow students. He is therefore reluctant to approach the girls from the school.

Quote by RumpleForeskin
The latter is chasing one of the posh girls and has brought along the nice guy much like your protag has with her girlfriend If there's a sequel, the story might continue with the nice guy and your protag discovering their true backgrounds, etc...

Possibly it’s an all boys’ school and the bar is a meeting place for the boys from the private school, and girls from the local girls’ school. That might explain why the two boys are there. In which case a bar or pub might make more sense that a sixth form party.

If the main male character was a scholarship student then the main male and female characters discovering their true backgrounds is a great idea.

Thanks again. I'm afraid this is very brief but I wrote it in a hurry as I should have been getting ready for work