I have heard many solutions to this persistent and I am certain, nearly universal problem, but how do you deal with writer's block?
I ask because I feel a block coming on, and I do not wish to allow it to hinder my creative process.
One solution I have heard is that the only way to break the block is to discipline yourself to write. I am doing so, but I feel desperately uninspired.
Any suggestions?
Life can give many things in many forms. Go out and watch people. Listen to audio CD, match a movie. Surf the net and read other's stuff.
Ask questions and listen.
Good luck
I'd say read. Get recommendations on a book in your favorite genre, or just pick up a favorite, well-written book. Look at the style of the author and learn. That always gets my mind going.
Lush has a block, also.
Or just forgot to typ
I saw her fingers hover over the keyboard there.
Well, as things work out, I have used a combination aof all your suggestions. A recent real-life experience and some plain old persistence are paying off. I should have something fresh later today!
I once saw a great cartoon on Calvin and Hobbes on writers block. Calvin came in with a large block of wood and dropped it on a desk, blocking the bulk of the desks surface area. He asked Hobbes if he wanted to see his latest invention. Hobbes replied, " sure, what is it?" Calvin replied" It's a writers block. I'm going to patent it. In the last frame Calvin was walking away stating.... "I'm years ahead of my time......"
My favorite is to listen to a playlist that I've made on Itunes and just let my mind wander. Then I just write whatever comes into my head, not worrying about it being coherant. Sometimes it's good stuff, most of the time it sucks. But it gets my mind going.
I use music a lot when I write. When I'm writing something sexy, I'll put on some sexy music and let drip out. When there is some action going on, I'll put on some rock, or some electronic music and imagine it like a movie with a soundtrack.
After I've written stuff, I like to daydream about what song I would use for specific scenes. I always like to ask people if there was a song that they know of that would go good with what they read. I don't know, I'm weird like that.
I bought a book that has helped me tremendously "The Pocket Muse" by Monica Wood. It has little exercises and things to do that helps me get over, around or through writers block.
Great idea Lisa ... I also find as mentioned writing daily helps and looking out for good ideas, especially from the forum and reading good works to keep me inspired ...
I think when I get a mental block with writing, that I need to get out more. Go places that you don't normally do and shake up that routine. I went shopping to a supermarket that was in a bit of a rough area, it was great loads of great characters and conversations, it turned out to be a funny afternoon.
Go to coffe places and listen to people talking, read the newspapers and adapt a story that you have heard but make it your own.