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Tips for dealing with a rejected story.

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I took my first reaction with a smile.

When I read some comments the reason for rejecting my story wasn't that bad.
Some dialogue things, quotation marks etc.etc.etc.

It's strange for me to write in English.
I am not a native speaker and struggle with the grammar rules which are much different.

The comma for instance
In my language we are, for a big part, free to use it.
We are taught to use it whenever we feel a sentence might get to long or to hard to understand.

I write my stories in WORD and use spell/grammar check, but I guess M.S. didn't got an A+ in grammar as well
Word is alright for spelling, but it doesn't always pick up grammatical errors. For example: I was touching her waste with my tapped fingers.

If you were trying to write : I was touching her waist with my tapered fingers. Word isn't going to pick up anything wrong with that sentence, technically the spelling is correct, but the message isn't. That's why we always encourage people to read the links provided and proofread.
This is a nice thread. My first story submission here in Lush got rejected thrice due to voice and tense issues but I wasn't MAD. It actually made me smile because I cannot seem to fix the story on my end...lmao! I was provided with several helpful links. Being new I'm shy to ask the mods. But I simply refused to quit because I'm such a stubborn lass. The experience motivated me to spend hours upon hours on the writer's resources forum. Studied the links provided by the mods to improve grammar, verb tense, voice of story etc. I scraped my first story altogether and came up with a better one. This time paying close attention to what I'm writing and making sure to read it aloud to myself, proofread and self-edit the story. smile
Quote by sweetreminisce
This is a nice thread. My first story submission here in Lush got rejected thrice due to voice and tense issues but I wasn't MAD. It actually made me smile because I cannot seem to fix the story on my end...lmao! I was provided with several helpful links. Being new I'm shy to ask the mods. But I simply refused to quit because I'm such a stubborn lass. The experience motivated me to spend hours upon hours on the writer's resources forum. Studied the links provided by the mods to improve grammar, verb tense, voice of story etc. I scraped my first story altogether and came up with a better one. This time paying close attention to what I'm writing and making sure to read it aloud to myself, proofread and self-edit the story. smile

AND i see you got an RR on it. ok, i think i need to book mark that one and read it over the weekend. congratulations and wow, i'm impressed. :)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

i didn't know nothing bout nothing when i sent my first poem in. it got rejected so i backed up regrouped and studied...i reread everything i send in...and i am very careful when submitting something.
I play with words and many times rejected. Words can mean many things to different people...often I get frustrated but just back up and breathe. Some times I see my errors and other times I don't. It helps to have someone assist you...then when you get it published, it's worth the while.uYX5ZikGpchirz4i
Quote by sprite

AND i see you got an RR on it. ok, i think i need to book mark that one and read it over the weekend. congratulations and wow, i'm impressed. smile

Thank you I am deeply honored.
I'm with sprite on this. We writers have to remember that the mods are volunteers trying to help us become better writers. It doesn't do anyone any good if we get pissy and blow up at them, because they reject a story.

I know I have had a couple stories that needed multiple edits (sorry about that too by the way). But in the end the mods worked with Me and helped Me fix the story. I have had a couple that because of content couldn't be put on Lush and I understand that too - Lush has it's rules and they are plainly put out there.

Just try to take the constructive criticism as such and learn from it. Then your next story will go through easier.
I was really appreciative when principessa rejected my first story because I wouldn't have wanted it to go through in the condition that it was in. It wasn't horrible, but I made some minor punctuation errors and misspelled a word. She provided me with some really helpful links and pointed out what I missed. I felt a lot more comfortable writing my second one.
bumping for some newer members
Hey, all you guys before me are right on the money! Plus rejection in one form or another helps us grow whether it be in writing or life.
Quote by Guest

Thanks smile

When you make edits, a verifier can see what was fixed and what wasn't. It's highlighed so that we don't have to re-read an entire story and basically double-verify it. This is one of my stories that I edited using the Lush edit box:

That makes the verifier's job easier and it takes less time for the story to be re-read, meaning less time you have to wait before your story is verified.

But when you copy it from a different processer:

The second one is fine if it's a large amount of edits and it's easier to do it in word, but if it's just one or two typos, it's easier on everyone if it's fixed in the original (on Lush) file. I know it can sometimes be a hassle editing in the edit box, but for small typos, we prefer if you do it that way.

Okay, what software and where can I get it. If I run what you do then copy your markup all the edit marks will go with it then when I copy it back it's all there. Editing in that box is okay if it's a few things. If it's paragraphs, like your second example, that takes a lot of time.
I am always a gentleman.
Quote by LASARDaddy

Okay, what software and where can I get it. If I run what you do then copy your markup all the edit marks will go with it then when I copy it back it's all there. Editing in that box is okay if it's a few things. If it's paragraphs, like your second example, that takes a lot of time.

The first image was a screenshot of how we (mods) see stories that have been edited in the submission box. The second example with the big blocks of highlighted text is what happens when a story is removed from the submission box, and added back in its entirety then submitted again.

It makes our job so much easier to do if you perform your edits in the box, rather than pasting it from an outside program.

As for checking your own editions, or for editing for others, I use an online program: ... This is handy for when writers remove the stories and paste the entire thing again. It shows the differences in another box, side-by-side so that they're all obvious. Complete with highlights.
"Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." -E.L. Doctorow
Thank you very much. I will look at that and use it. I want you guys lives to be easier, then you have more time to tell me where I screwed it up.

I do appreciate all the effort. No, I never get angry at rejections. It's just part of the learning curve. Besides, if you never screw it up then your not doing anything.
I am always a gentleman.
That does not work with IPad. I did find this though and it does work with them. Cut and paste work differently between IBM and IOS.

Played with it and got some good results.

Just info for anyone else who needs it.
I am always a gentleman.
I do think there are some story mods watch their wording when given feedback in the messages. Using threats of suspending people accounts should not be used unless there is a reasoning for it. Also acussing the author in having a story mod write the piece for them. Those two examples can get people on their bad sides also.
Is there a way to have the mods to be review in their conducts in the interactions? I am sure the mods have great interest at heart, just that sometimes they to can cross over a line when giving feedback.
Quote by james_lush
I do think there are some story mods watch their wording when given feedback in the messages. Using threats of suspending people accounts should not be used unless there is a reasoning for it. Also acussing the author in having a story mod write the piece for them. Those two examples can get people on their bad sides also.
Is there a way to have the mods to be review in their conducts in the interactions? I am sure the mods have great interest at heart, just that sometimes they to can cross over a line when giving feedback.

ok, I've read your post.

Where is the tip in your post??

Is it directed to some Story Verifier Mod who crossed you?

Seriously, if I had a story rejected (side note, I have never had one ever returned for any reason) I would be VERY SADDENED that you didn't give a rejected author any feedback on how to deal with a rejected story.

That great you never had a story rejected Van. I think you did not get the point. Story mods can be wrong in how they give feedback with their wording. I can handle the my story or poem being rejected for any reason that is what makes us better in writin after all.
Quote by james_lush
That great you never had a story rejected Van. I think you did not get the point. Story mods can be wrong in how they give feedback with their wording. I can handle the my story or poem being rejected for any reason that is what makes us better in writin after all.


Apparently, I did not get the gist of your post, because I was looking for relevance to how to deal with rejectionn of a story here on Lush.

Correct me if I'm wrong ..... The problem isn't that the story was rejected but how the story verifiers replied to your story/poem being rejected??

If that's the case, I know that whomever the story verifier was, they would be happy to explain it more to you in a PM. Or alternatively, ask our Sprite to elaborate if you are still unclear.

Our story verifiers do an awesome job (my own humble opinion, though apparently your opinion differs).

Van, I would had like to write back to the story mod just that this person crossed a line that needs to be looked at. Until then I would not want to read what that person writes to me.
Van, I would had like to write back to the story mod just that this person crossed a line that needs to be looked at. Until then I would not want to read what that person writes to me.
Quote by james_lush
Van, I would had like to write back to the story mod just that this person crossed a line that needs to be looked at. Until then I would not want to read what that person writes to me.

from another author, seriously, use the Contact Us link and ask/complain about what concerns you.

You can always ask in your email to chat with Sprite. She is awesome and extremely fair.

Quote by james_lush
Van, I would had like to write back to the story mod just that this person crossed a line that needs to be looked at. Until then I would not want to read what that person writes to me.

When a moderator asks you politely to make changes to your story or poem so that it can meet our standards on Lush, we do expect you to comply and make edits before you resubmit. Totally ignoring those requests over and over can actually result in either loss of posting privileges or suspension.

I am familiar with your case. You were asked quite politely by a senior moderator, who has an outstanding reputation, to make edits, even shown which misspelled words needed to be fixed. That story moderator did their job just as they are supposed to do and does it with consistency.

Senior Story Verifier
Quote by sprite
just a note:

we are member just like everyone else who have taken on the responsibility of making sure that the stories on this site are quality stories. this is for the benefit of both readers and writers. hey, you don't always have to agree with us, but if you approach us with the same respect we show you, like Annie said, we will usually be open minded about figuring out a solution - at the very least, we will explain the issue.

that all said, too often people DO throw tantrums and blow things out of proportion which doesn't help anybody. seriously, if you don't like a mod's decision, talk to them like an adult - this IS an adult site. don't go bad mouthing them or voting down their stories. really, it's not helping your case. trust me, i try really hard to keep our writers happy to the point of bending over backwards for some of them when i can. we've had for too many nasty responses lately to content or technical issues this week - if you're getting a story back, it's for a good reason, people, not just cause some power hungry mod has nothing better to do - you DO realize that every time we reject a story, it's doubling our work load, right? because it means we have to mod it a second (or third, fourth, sometimes fifth time!)!

thank you

Thanks. I agree with all you said. My very first story was reject four times. I finally carefully read the comments and suggestions by the frustrated mod and complied. I haven't had one rejected since. I've deleted a few myself because they were not meeting my own standard. One thing that helps is that I have a great proof reader in Bethany Fraiser. No matter how many times I edit a story, she always finds something.

I do get frustrated when your cat writes better poetry than I do.
Quote by ChuckEPoo

Thanks. I agree with all you said. My very first story was reject four times. I finally carefully read the comments and suggestions by the frustrated mod and complied. I haven't had one rejected since. I've deleted a few myself because they were not meeting my own standard. One thing that helps is that I have a great proof reader in Bethany Fraiser. No matter how many times I edit a story, she always finds something.

I do get frustrated when your cat writes better poetry than I do.

She's also a black belt.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Buz

When a moderator asks you politely to make changes to your story or poem so that it can meet our standards on Lush, we do expect you to comply and make edits before you resubmit. Totally ignoring those requests over and over can actually result in either loss of posting privileges or suspension.

Senior Story Verifier

With a sense of utter terror I submitted my first story to Lush some months ago. The lovely Buz was the moderator for my story and pointed out some really obvious problems with the dialogue/speech formatting. He must have seen this a million times but was so patient with his explanation and help. When I replied and thanked him for his tips (with some embarrassment) for such a glaring error he could not have been more encouraging or more kind.

All you Mods give your time and hard-earned experience unstintingly. A huge thank you to you all!
Before I start this post, let me just tell you all that I am a grammar and punctuation freak. Before I started reading amateur sex stories, I was all about good writing.

But today, after spending the past three months reading amateur-written sex stories, I find myself wondering if perfect grammar and punctuation the key to a good sex story, are the two things mutually exclusive? I am leaning towards the opinion that a good sex story should titillate and entertain, rather than be grammatically perfect.

The stories on this site are great and very good with regards to grammar and punctuation.

But I've read stories that are absolutely atrocious grammatically, yet really seem to push my buttons, so to speak.

So does adding too much emphasis on grammar and punctuation take away a little of that "je ne sais quoi" from a sex story?
Quote by MonsoonMicky
Before I start this post, let me just tell you all that I am a grammar and punctuation freak. Before I started reading amateur sex stories, I was all about good writing.

But today, after spending the past three months reading amateur-written sex stories, I find myself wondering if perfect grammar and punctuation are the key to a good sex story, are the two things mutually exclusive? I am leaning towards the opinion that a good sex story should titillate and entertain, rather than be grammatically perfect.

The stories on this site are great and very good with regards to grammar and punctuation.

But I've read stories that are absolutely atrocious grammatically, yet really seem to push my buttons, so to speak.

So does adding too much emphasis on grammar and punctuation take away a little of that "je ne sais quoi" from a sex story?

go to your room, put you nose against the wall, and stay there until i tell you otherwise.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.