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Stolen Stories

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Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by MistressS
I spotted a couple of stories by sprite and by ropetease form here, on that site DM just gave.

I think just about everyone on Lush has a story over there...some of the titles even have "Lush" in the name, like this one...

There is literally about 100 pages of stories taken from here...

Thankfully all those stories were put up before I joined lush and posted my stories, so mine aren't (Unless they can tamper with the dates on there.
But I'll keep checking to see if more are added.
These F'n theives (all types actually) really piss me off. I don't even write, but I have been reading stories and the forums here for almost a year. I have gotten to know and respect many of the people/authors through their works and really appreciate them sharing a bit of themselves here. In a perfect world, I think the culperts should be drawn, tarred and feathered....publicly and broadcasted over the internet.

I just want to say thanks to you all and I am so sorry to hear what is happening to your hard and brilliant works.
XHamster took my story down and I think they may also have banned the user. Woohoo, a site with standards!

... Or should that be *another* site with standards ;)
I've just found two of mine.
One was on some random guy's blog: stolen story posted ona blog

and this one is on pornlikes, but the link to teh original story is there and brings it back to mine here on Lush...

Fun and Games
Quote by Mistress_of_words
XHamster took my story down and I think they may also have banned the user. Woohoo, a site with standards!

... Or should that be *another* site with standards ;)

I am very happy to hear.

Looking around, I haven't seen any of my work on any other sites (Guess that's the upside to taking ages to write a really short story XD lol) But if anyone does see my stories on another site please tell me, I'm fine if they just link to the story on here, but not if they claim it as their work.
MistressS has, sadly, pointed out that my Kitty Girl stories apparently were written by someone else. The other stuff i can live with if need be, but those are personal. Going to war.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by DirtyMartini
This is not really a story site, so I think I can post the's a forum thread where someone posted almost 100 pages of people's stories...and I can tell you quite a few belong to Lush members...

What's the deal with Booksie? Anyone know anything about that site? I found someone who claimed authorship to two of my stories and a couple of poems, and while it doesn't appear anything is for sale...the fact that Booksie converts stuff to PDF I'm not too thrilled means this person might have further intentions...maybe...

They changed the titles too, btw...

Yep, we're all on that one. They've got my ENTIRE writing portfolio by two fake authors (Lily and Tracy)

There are other blogs that feature a lot of Lush stories with no credit to the authors either.

It would almost be a full time job trying to put out all these fires.
With 521 Friends, I ran a whois search and pulled up emails for an admin and the hosting company. I've emailed them about mine, but as yet, no response.
Looks like my stuff's getting spread around now, too. I hope whoever's stealing my stories gets AIDS.
How does the copyright work? and wouldn't it be possible for copy and paste be disabled on the story page? just curious.
I just found a free plagiarism checker, it uses a short quote from your stories and searches google and for a match, found one of mine just now

Looks like I can post links then

The site is www(dot)plagiarismchecker(dot)com
(Can someone who can post a link please post it for me)
Could you PM that link to me, MistressS? Thanks.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
It would almost be a full time job trying to put out all these fires.

Yes...that's why I don't really even try unless I think someone is attempting to make money off of stories...

Once you get your stuff pulled off one site, it just shows up on another...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
found my 2 stories on that 521friends . com site sad

Thanks for the heads up on that one DM !

What a way to celebrate a year on Lush :/
Like I had said, I usually don't get too bent out of shape over these things unless I think they're making money, or attempting to with my work...lately it's been hard to keep up with stolen stories, and poems now as well...

One that really pissed me off was over on Booksie...someone had stolen both my story "Sleeping With The Enemy" and my Christmas contest story "Her Christmas Wish"...changed the titles, and had them over there in PDF format, which some could take as a sign they're considering offering them as an e-book...

Anyway...contacted Booksie yesterday, and just got this reply a couple of minutes ago...


Thanks for contacting us. We have closed the offending account.


Booksie Admin

That was easy...just sent them the links to my stories here...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by DirtyMartini

That was easy...just sent them the links to my stories here...

That's what I've been doing, too. Hopefully it works and they take them down. If not, I'll do my best to embarrass the shit out of the plagiariser in the comments, and also in my blog. It might not have any effect on them, but the mere possibility that I cause them humiliation is good enough for me. Or AIDS, either one will do.
Quote by LadyX
Quote by DirtyMartini

That was easy...just sent them the links to my stories here...

That's what I've been doing, too. Hopefully it works and they take them down. If not, I'll do my best to embarrass the shit out of the plagiariser in the comments, and also in my blog. It might not have any effect on them, but the mere possibility that I cause them humiliation is good enough for me. Or AIDS, either one will do.

Yeah, I had joined Booksie so I could leave a comment or two...I wrote something like...

"Nice story Jackass, except you didn't write it...I did...have you ever written anything yourself douche breath?"

And then, of course, I posted the link to my original story...

Might have had something to do with why Booksie closed the account so, I've always had pretty good luck with story sites if you send them the links to your original stories...

It's the sites where the site owners themselves are stealing the stories where you'll have problems...any respectable, established site won't be a problem though...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by LadyX
Quote by DirtyMartini

That was easy...just sent them the links to my stories here...

That's what I've been doing, too. Hopefully it works and they take them down. If not, I'll do my best to embarrass the shit out of the plagiariser in the comments, and also in my blog. It might not have any effect on them, but the mere possibility that I cause them humiliation is good enough for me. Or AIDS, either one will do.

Sprite and I effectively bullied the original plagiarist on this site into removing the stolen bio as of... right now.

She even changed her pen name in an attempt to get away, but ya know... I can be a relentless bitch when I want to be.

I have to say... no response at all from admin on that site despite multiple emails to their 'reportabuse' link and basically a very unfriendly response from forum admin when we posted in their forum thread verrrry respectfully asking questions about the site. Apparently we were "souring" their fun. Not impressed.. but I'm glad that fire has been officially put out, regardless of the fact that we had to do it ourselves.
Quote by LadyX
Looks like my stuff's getting spread around now, too. I hope whoever's stealing my stories gets AIDS.

Actually, nowadays people live long and relatively healthy lives with HIV...

I was thinking maybe small pox or Ebola...what you think?

We're getting a bit rough here...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Either of those. Or maybe the Herp, since you can never be rid of it.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by TracyAmes
Quote by Dancing_Doll
It looks like the stories have now been pulled, but my stolen bio is still up.

Ash, I've summoned the legions of darkness. Someone has lifted my gf's published work. We're on it...AGAIN!!

Uh oh... Is this another Amazon fiasco? Plagiarists are like cockroaches... you get rid of one but there's always others lurking and waiting to move in.

Looks that way. Several of my pals have also found their work on FF and I found one of my older tales. Thanks for the heads-up. Our attorneys are engaged.
Tracy Ames
Erotic Word Slinger & Smarty Pants ~ My Website
Rants & Rambles ~ My Youtube Channel

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
E. L. Doctorow
I had no idea this was an issue, plagiarism is an internet plague, sure, but stealing bio's...I have seen a few profile image dupes
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by LadyX
Quote by DirtyMartini

That was easy...just sent them the links to my stories here...

That's what I've been doing, too. Hopefully it works and they take them down. If not, I'll do my best to embarrass the shit out of the plagiariser in the comments, and also in my blog. It might not have any effect on them, but the mere possibility that I cause them humiliation is good enough for me. Or AIDS, either one will do.

Sprite and I effectively bullied the original plagiarist on this site into removing the stolen bio as of... right now.

She even changed her pen name in an attempt to get away, but ya know... I can be a relentless bitch when I want to be.

I have to say... no response at all from admin on that site despite multiple emails to their 'reportabuse' link and basically a very unfriendly response from forum admin when we posted in their forum thread verrrry respectfully asking questions about the site. Apparently we were "souring" their fun. Not impressed.. but I'm glad that fire has been officially put out, regardless of the fact that we had to do it ourselves.

i got a response of "I don't give a flying fuck!" how cool am i! and yeah, that's right out of an admin's mouth! woo hoo!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

PS - i have been officially banned from the site! ROFL ok, i'm feeling pretty good about that. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

i got a response of "I don't give a flying fuck!" how cool am i!

Obviously you moved right up their VIP List...did you sign your note "Her Royal Spriteness?"...try that, that should work...if they realize they're dealing with royalty you should get a better response...

On another note, I don't know much about the legal side of this whole thing, not being a lawyer or anything...I have used lawyers in the past, but that's another story...

Anyway, just it a more serious offense if someone is actually profiting from your stolen stories as opposed to just posting them? I would assume so, usually anything involving money gets people's attention...

Someone in one of my FB writing groups pointed out that some of these sites get paid because "the operator who rents commercial space out gets paid for the hit", in effect, they are profiting from the story theft even if they are not directly selling the stories...

I thought that was an interesting concept...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by DirtyMartini
This is not really a story site, so I think I can post the's a forum thread where someone posted almost 100 pages of people's stories...and I can tell you quite a few belong to Lush members...

What's the deal with Booksie? Anyone know anything about that site? I found someone who claimed authorship to two of my stories and a couple of poems, and while it doesn't appear anything is for sale...the fact that Booksie converts stuff to PDF I'm not too thrilled means this person might have further intentions...maybe...

They changed the titles too, btw...

Yep, we're all on that one. They've got four of mine.

There are other blogs that feature a lot of Lush stories with no credit to the authors either.

It would almost be a full time job trying to put out all these fires.

Yup, two of mine on that site, including my intro to Catherine where I credit my writing partner and sign as Gypsy, but someone calling itself 'tracy posted the story.

Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by sprite

i got a response of "I don't give a flying fuck!" how cool am i!

Obviously you moved right up their VIP List...did you sign your note "Her Royal Spriteness?"...try that, that should work...if they realize they're dealing with royalty you should get a better response...

On another note, I don't know much about the legal side of this whole thing, not being a lawyer or anything...I have used lawyers in the past, but that's another story...

Anyway, just it a more serious offense if someone is actually profiting from your stolen stories as opposed to just posting them? I would assume so, usually anything involving money gets people's attention...

Someone in one of my FB writing groups pointed out that some of these sites get paid because "the operator who rents commercial space out gets paid for the hit", in effect, they are profiting from the story theft even if they are not directly selling the stories...

I thought that was an interesting concept...

i am way more iffy on the legality than you, all i know is right and wrong, and for someone to take credit for someone else's work is wrong. Thank god we write on a scrupulous site, and i'm not saying the others aren't, i mean, they have no way of knowing that stories are stolen until someone contacts them, but the treatment Doll and i just got really makes me want to send Nicola and the mods flowers.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by DirtyMartini
This is not really a story site, so I think I can post the's a forum thread where someone posted almost 100 pages of people's stories...and I can tell you quite a few belong to Lush members...

What's the deal with Booksie? Anyone know anything about that site? I found someone who claimed authorship to two of my stories and a couple of poems, and while it doesn't appear anything is for sale...the fact that Booksie converts stuff to PDF I'm not too thrilled means this person might have further intentions...maybe...

They changed the titles too, btw...

Yep, we're all on that one. They've got four of mine.

There are other blogs that feature a lot of Lush stories with no credit to the authors either.

It would almost be a full time job trying to put out all these fires.

Those fucksticks have at least one of mine too. I'm sure I'll be banned, too, assuming they activate my account at all. "Lilly" stole it.
Quote by LadyX
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by DirtyMartini
This is not really a story site, so I think I can post the's a forum thread where someone posted almost 100 pages of people's stories...and I can tell you quite a few belong to Lush members...


What's the deal with Booksie? Anyone know anything about that site? I found someone who claimed authorship to two of my stories and a couple of poems, and while it doesn't appear anything is for sale...the fact that Booksie converts stuff to PDF I'm not too thrilled means this person might have further intentions...maybe...

They changed the titles too, btw...

Yep, we're all on that one. They've got four of mine.

There are other blogs that feature a lot of Lush stories with no credit to the authors either.

It would almost be a full time job trying to put out all these fires.

Those fucksticks have at least one of mine too. I'm sure I'll be banned, too, assuming they activate my account at all. "Lilly" stole it.

Yeah, that person got them all, probably a bot though, since they all got added at the same time.