Our terms and conditions outline a few very simple core rules (who reads those? ).
Do not post stories that feature minors (under sixteen years old). This includes flashbacks or memories pertaining to the sexualization of anyone underage.
Do not submit stories that include: r a pe, grooming, racism, homophobia, racist or homophobic slurs, graphic violence, totally unwilling participants, drugging, dangerous sexual acts, snuff, scat, ending your own life, or sex with animals.
Do not use a cover photo that contains visible genitalia, penetration, ejaculation, or graphic or violent scenes.
Please use your common sense. If you think your submission may cause gross offence, it's probably not a good fit for this site!
Quick tips to help with approvals. https://www.lushstories.com/forum/writing-resources/before-you-submit-a-story
Thank you.