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seeking editor

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Rookie Scribe
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hello my fellow lush members and such I was told about this website from a friend on another website. I live a very sexual lifestyle and i have nobody to tell my thoughts and most of all my adventures to my friends would be horrified my co workers would have me fired and my man knows of some but not all so id rather not tell him or my family. I write as if its my journal and hopes somebody can understand or enjoy them I'm NOT and editor and i hate grammar. so i need help. Who knows maybe i can meet you someday

Her Royal Spriteness
Just so you all know, it's a short piece, and it doesn't need a great deal of work, but it does need some cleaning up and, perhaps, some advice by someone with some experience. Be lovely if someone could help our new girl out here. thanks.


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Wild at Heart
Quote by sprite
Be lovely if someone could help our new girl out here. thanks.


1 2 3 not it!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Magical_felix

1 2 3 not it!

I meant someone with talent, anyways.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Wild at Heart
Quote by sprite

I meant someone with talent, anyways.

True... What I have is better described as a gift.
Site administrator
Quote by allflavorsboston
hello my fellow lush members and such I was told about this website from a friend on another website. I live a very sexual lifestyle and i have nobody to tell my thoughts and most of all my adventures to my friends would be horrified my co workers would have me fired and my man knows of some but not all so id rather not tell him or my family. I write as if its my journal and hopes somebody can understand or enjoy them I'm NOT and editor and i hate grammar. so i need help. Who knows maybe i can meet you someday


I am prepared to undertake the edit for you however please understand I am from the UK so it will be UK spellings!

If you wish to mail me the story, it's fine.
Rookie Scribe
Hello out there,
I am an editor, freelance and work for a publisher. I would love to help anyone who needs it. I am in the US, in the Northeastern part but I will help you no matter where you are. I also proofread if that is all you need.
Just let me know.
Rookie Scribe
so 1 guy has helped me get 2 of my stories published but 2 have been rejected 5 times each the editing nazi's are way too strict and looks like i need somebody to edit for me this is ridiculous i write from memory and I'm not trying to be shakespeare or stephen king no offense but if the message gets across F the grammar perfection i can't i just can't i re read the edits and other then a slight mistake a editor can fix its fine sad very sad i really thought i could air my mind out on this site
Site administrator
Quote by allflavorsboston
so 1 guy has helped me get 2 of my stories published but 2 have been rejected 5 times each the editing nazi's are way too strict and looks like i need somebody to edit for me this is ridiculous i write from memory and I'm not trying to be shakespeare or stephen king no offense but if the message gets across F the grammar perfection i can't i just can't i re read the edits and other then a slight mistake a editor can fix its fine sad very sad i really thought i could air my mind out on this site

If you wish I will take a look at one of the two stories that have been rejected five times. If you wish to take up my offer then mail me the story and the five reject mails/notes from the story moderators.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by allflavorsboston
so 1 guy has helped me get 2 of my stories published but 2 have been rejected 5 times each the editing nazi's are way too strict and looks like i need somebody to edit for me this is ridiculous i write from memory and I'm not trying to be shakespeare or stephen king no offense but if the message gets across F the grammar perfection i can't i just can't i re read the edits and other then a slight mistake a editor can fix its fine sad very sad i really thought i could air my mind out on this site

the editing nazis are looking for something more than a story that gets the message across. it actually needs to be readable. i'd take SJ up on his offer.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Site administrator
Quote by sprite

the editing nazis are looking for something more than a story that gets the message across. it actually needs to be readable. i'd take SJ up on his offer.

Two be fiar I aint sure I cud do much beter tbh .. butt if she dont find noone beter I will di my best and av a go like!
Prepared to help, if you're prepared for the consequences.... lol
Rookie Scribe
Quote by allflavorsboston
so 1 guy has helped me get 2 of my stories published but 2 have been rejected 5 times each the editing nazi's are way too strict and looks like i need somebody to edit for me this is ridiculous i write from memory and I'm not trying to be shakespeare or stephen king no offense but if the message gets across F the grammar perfection i can't i just can't i re read the edits and other then a slight mistake a editor can fix its fine sad very sad i really thought i could air my mind out on this site

I feel your pain, having my first ever attempt rejected twice, I have neither the time nor the energy to sit faffing and editing. And to say it's all about how the story reads is just a poor excuse, especially considering the quality and reading of some of the stories I've tried to read on here!
I understand that a plain unformatted story may need work, but come on! when someone has edited a story to the best of their ability - then had it rejected, it's just not worth the time being spent on it. like you, and many others who read/write erotica, If we wanted to write professionally, we wouldn't be submitting our stories on sites such as this.

though, looking at some of the work on here, it seems people have just avoided quotes and third person writing just to get their work published! perhaps, we should adopt the same stance next time we write?
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by AmyDave

I feel your pain, having my first ever attempt rejected twice...I have neither the time nor the energy to sit faffing and editing. And to say it's all about how the story reads is just a poor excuse, especially considering the quality and reading of some of the stories I've tried to read on here!
I understand that a plain unformatted story may need work, but come on! when someone has edited a story to the best of their ability - then had it rejected, it's just not worth the time being spent on it. like you, and many others who read/write erotica, If we wanted to write professionally, we wouldn't be submitting our stories on sites such as this.

though, looking at some of the work on here, it seems people have just avoided quotes and third person writing just to get their work published! perhaps, we should adopt the same stance next time we write?

Congrats on your first ever attempt. I hope that you do not give up and we get to experience it. It is a wonderful feeling to have people reading and enjoying your stories. Rejection is hard, in any area of your life, and writing is a sensitive thing. It does take time and energy. For those that truly care about it, it takes a whole lot more from them. I too feel your pain. I don’t know any writer that can actually be called “a writer” that has not had their work corrected or rejected at some point. Keep in mind that to be called a writer simply means that you write. It is a disservice to the writer, and I speak as one, to let grammatical errors and such distract from what could be a fairly good reading. I purposefully used the words fairly good and not excellent. No one is demanding excellence. I wouldn't have anything accepted here if that were the fact. We are at your service because we love writing. We can’t catch everything though. So, sometimes things slip through. I’m sorry that you have had to try and read some of those slips. I know that feeling too. I for one wouldn’t want someone who is reading one of my poems or stories to experience that. Does anyone truly want to be the writer of one of “those” stories?

There are professional writers here, amateur writers and people just wanting to have some fun. There is a place here for all. That is the wonderful thing about the site. Basic writing and grammar guidelines apply to everyone equally. It is an excellent place to learn. The Writing Resource thread provides a lot of help and this thread is evidence of other free sources available (besides just the general internet). I’m often reminded of things that I should remember from early on in grade school and forgot. And yes, it is embarrassing.Tt4pwzL8Nkxqg4mg

As far as quotes are concerned, imagine grappling with someone over the complicated copyright issues we have to contend with when we have to spend hours petting people who are upset because they have to conjugate their verbs correctly—and they don’t think that is fair. It is done here often. And, third person is great when it is truly in third person. I for one enjoy it.

I hope that you do not give up and that you find the time. I’ll be the first to find the time to read your accepted submission when it hits the front page.
? A True Story ?
Rookie Scribe
Being nowhere near as nice a person nor anywhere near as erudite as AvgBlkGrl all I can say is that if, after having a couple stories rejected by story verifiers, you fail to simply learn from your mistakes and move on to something else it's your loss, nobody else's. Very little you, or anybody, can say is sufficiently important for you to exercise yourself over a single story rather than benefit from what those "editor Nazis" tell you and occupy yourself with penning another story as opposed to spending your precious time railing against those "Nazis" trying to help you find yourself and your own niche on Lush. If you actually think the editors here are "too strict" you need to see a tottering, toppling pile of publishers rejection notices before forming any conclusion.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
I don't consider it rejection, I consider it feedback and suggestions for strengthening my work. Usually, it's just minor things; paragraphs are too long, or I've used the number 5 instead of writing it out. Those are quick to fix and resubmit, and some of the editor Nazis have been kind enough to even change them for me on occasion, though others just leave notes. Looking at some of my own stories, they could be a lot tougher. As I understand it, they do this work on a voluntary basis.

Anyway, If you want to write, then you should work on improving your craft so that people will actually want to read your stories. That means practicing, and taking feedback and learning from it (and not just sitting around hating grammar - what the hell did grammar ever do to you, anyway?). In that way, editing is a collaborative, rather than antagonistic experience. I appreciate that the site does have some kind of standards. I agree that a lot of what gets published here isn't at the level of "Shakespeare or Steven King," but I also recognize that it could be a lot worse without their gate-keeping efforts.

Don't believe everything that you read.

A newbie here.

I stumbled across this thread whilst perusing the Writing Resource section. I am considering writing some real-life-experience stories and have now, after reading this thread, been a little put off by the posts. I don't want to put hours of work into writing for the site, only to be told that my grammar and punctuation isn't good enough.

Just how finicky are the moderators concerning grammar and punctuation?
Active Ink Slinger
I also am seeking an editor. I have posted a few stories here that were rejected at first until I corrected the mistakes the Admin listed. The current story I submitted had been rejected 3 times. I made the corrections but somehow fail to correct them all.

Writing is a somewhat new element for me and I occasionally need assistance. I do learn from my mistakes, just not as quickly..
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by uber_cougar
A newbie here.

I stumbled across this thread whilst perusing the Writing Resource section. I am considering writing some real-life-experience stories and have now, after reading this thread, been a little put off by the posts. I don't want to put hours of work into writing for the site, only to be told that my grammar and punctuation isn't good enough.

Just how finicky are the moderators concerning grammar and punctuation?

We like good grammar and punctuation. Run on sentences of all kinds, missing commas, excessive comma use, missing words, typos, misused punctustion, like semicolons and ellipses, are some of the bigger things we look for. One of the biggest things we return stories for is verb tense change.

We're also sticklers for proper dialogue formatting and punctuation, as described here:

There are a few good resources in this very forum, at the top, called Essential Reading.

For more in depth reading, there's Morgan Hawkes Writing Tips and Advice:

When we return a story, you will likely get an explanation including what specific issues you need to work on with your next round of proofreading. We try to be as helpful as possible.

If you ever have a question about a returned story, feel free to contact the moderators who returned it, by responding to the return email directly.

The best way to get your story published quickly is to make sure it has been properly proofread, and that the things mentioned above are non issues.

Hope that helps.