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Only vote 5?

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I think we should all mix it up a bit and give all our friends 3s instead of 5s. You know what they's all shits and giggles until someone shits and giggles.

Quickly to the OP....I don't believe in giving out 5s if it was anything less than a perfectly woven story (plot wise, I can allow a few minor grammatical errors), I rarely find the time/interest/motivation to read stories these days (I'm rather fussy about what I read!!) but when I do I never hesitate to give 3s or 4s. As you said, a 3 is not a bad score, it shows that there is something there but that there's room for improvement. It's one thing to be going around targeting authors (especially targeting one specific author) with 3s, but if I read 10 stories in a row and I don't deem any of them good enough for a 4 then they can all have 3s. It's not about dragging down a score or hurting someone's feelings, it's about giving honest, constructive criticism and encouraging improvement.

At the end of the day, if an author is incapable of taking constructive criticism and doesn't want to be given grounds that might make them consider how good they really are and where they could improve (or to have it implied in the scores that they have room to improve) then they ought to take advantage of the site features and take away the scoring on their stories.
Constant Gardener
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LittleBambi
I think we should all mix it up a bit and give all our friends 3s instead of 5s. You know what they's all shits and giggles until someone shits and giggles.

Quickly to the OP....I don't believe in giving out 5s if it was anything less than a perfectly woven story (plot wise, I can allow a few minor grammatical errors), I rarely find the time/interest/motivation to read stories these days (I'm rather fussy about what I read!!) but when I do I never hesitate to give 3s or 4s. As you said, a 3 is not a bad score, it shows that there is something there but that there's room for improvement. It's one thing to be going around targeting authors (especially targeting one specific author) with 3s, but if I read 10 stories in a row and I don't deem any of them good enough for a 4 then they can all have 3s. It's not about dragging down a score or hurting someone's feelings, it's about giving honest, constructive criticism and encouraging improvement.

At the end of the day, if an author is incapable of taking constructive criticism and doesn't want to be given grounds that might make them consider how good they really are and where they could improve (or to have it implied in the scores that they have room to improve) then they ought to take advantage of the site features and take away the scoring on their stories.

Agreed with u for the biggest part, but I think a lot of authors refuse to give 3's or give negative comments, because they fear getting 'revenge voted'.


In other news:
I recently noticed this option in my setting/privacy:
Public Voting - Y/N Only members can vote on my stories

This doesn't work yet? I'd love to be able to turn this option of. If unregistered people could vote it would mean that the votes represent a larger public. There would of course be the occasional troll-voter, but in the end I think u'dd have a more accurate score of your stories.



I noticed there are a lot of different people here. Some try to find out how good they are at being an author. Some just like reading 'written porn'. Some want to read good stories, that have some erotical content, which isn't usually found in other books. Some are here just for the community and fun. But most people fall into multiple of these categories.

I actually don't remember what point I was trying to make writing this...
Quote by Spleen_Muse
In other news:
I recently noticed this option in my setting/privacy:
Public Voting - Y/N Only members can vote on my stories

This doesn't work yet? I'd love to be able to turn this option of. If unregistered people could vote it would mean that the votes represent a larger public. There would of course be the occasional troll-voter, but in the end I think u'dd have a more accurate score of your stories.


Are you saying you're unable to change that preference? You should be able to and if it isn't working, use the Contact Us page to let someone know.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh, do really this few people actually vote?

Makes me feel kinda dumb, that I didn't realise it was actually working.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Latexìa

This is very true and they are fully recognized by awards, badges, listed in the favorite this and that, but I'm just wondering how the other 4309 registered authors get their recognition???

They get it through an onslaught of perfect '5's even when sometimes the story deserves no more than a '3'.

The basis behind this thread was how to find higher caliber stories if everyone has nearly perfect scores on their stories. Your suggestion was a 'random story of the month' button being added to the home-page. That doesn't really help the OP very much in this case.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
I know there are a ton of threads on the subject of scoring, and I don't mean "scoring" as in getting's probably the most popular topic here short of cock size and pubic hair...

Anyway, just had to post this other words, there will always be haters, so consider that when someone comes along and gives you that lonely 2 vote...and listen to Stephen, he has some good stuff to say...after all, who am I to argue?

“I have spent a good many years since--too many, I think--being ashamed about what I write. I think I was forty before I realized that almost every writer of fiction or poetry who has ever published a line has been accused by someone of wasting his or her God-given talent. If you write (or paint or dance or sculpt or sing, I suppose), someone will try to make you feel lousy about it, that's all.”
― Stephen King, On Writing

“Some people insist that 'mediocre' is better than 'best.' They delight in clipping wings because they themselves can't fly. They despise brains because they have none.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Have Space Suit—Will Travel

“Critics are to authors what dogs are to lamp-posts.”
― Jeffrey Robinson

“When you're different, sometimes you don't see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn't.”
― Jodi Picoult, Change of Heart

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Active Ink Slinger
I have voted on every story I read here. I didn't at first but have gone back on even those and scored and commented. It is just a habit of mine. I have a similar opinion as the one who started that I reserve my 5 votes for stories that I truly feel deserve it.

If that makes another author want to revenge vote me then that is their choice not mine.

I love what Milik said on how he voted and not wanting to bring the score down. But the problem with that is the person who thinks that way in reverse. I have met those on other sites where a person will vote the stories above him on a list down so that his rating will go higher and he will go higher on the list.

I have never worried about ratings and whether to vote or not. On other sites I have just given out 5s generously, but here I just don't feel the need to do it. Maybe I am thinking wrong. But after my first story got rejected and I had to spend more hours reading and getting it corrected, my thinking began to change. My next 3 stories I spent countless hours on and they were all accepted. then my next story got rejected twice and I spent hours and hours rewriting and changing.

I just feel this site has all these guidelines and rules, and writers go through so much to make sure their stories meet those guidelines, that I just don't feel giving them a 5 just because they are my friends or whatever is the right thing to do. I just take my voting on here more seriously on this site.

I just feel if it is supposed to be a popularity contest then why go through all the struggles for excellence in writing for this site?
Orgasm Aficionado
Quote by HotBttmInBriefs
I have voted on every story I read here. I didn't at first but have gone back on even those and scored and commented. It is just a habit of mine. I have a similar opinion as the one who started that I reserve my 5 votes for stories that I truly feel deserve it.

If that makes another author want to revenge vote me then that is their choice not mine.

I love what Milik said on how he voted and not wanting to bring the score down. But the problem with that is the person who thinks that way in reverse. I have met those on other sites where a person will vote the stories above him on a list down so that his rating will go higher and he will go higher on the list.

I have never worried about ratings and whether to vote or not. On other sites I have just given out 5s generously, but here I just don't feel the need to do it. Maybe I am thinking wrong. But after my first story got rejected and I had to spend more hours reading and getting it corrected, my thinking began to change. My next 3 stories I spent countless hours on and they were all accepted. then my next story got rejected twice and I spent hours and hours rewriting and changing.

I just feel this site has all these guidelines and rules, and writers go through so much to make sure their stories meet those guidelines, that I just don't feel giving them a 5 just because they are my friends or whatever is the right thing to do. I just take my voting on here more seriously on this site.

I just feel if it is supposed to be a popularity contest then why go through all the struggles for excellence in writing for this site?

I'm sure that a lot of authors appreciate the effort. I find that I read most of the stories on Lush as a Moderator, so I'm looking for technical problems - I should read more as a 'reader'.
Head Penguin
Interesting thread. Quite a superficial point but actually quite a deep one, when you examine it. There seems to be some psychological, almost philosophical issues raised here.

I like the suggestion that some readers may feel the pressure of conformity when voting, that's interesting. I also find Milk the Red's 'tactical voting' notion fascinating.

We wouldn't be human if we didn't all want high scores and straight 5s for a really good story, is a great compliment. However, I'm aware that not all my stories are truly excellent. Nobody's perfect and sometimes we write well, but just miss that zenith of the exceptional story.

Overall, I would say the voting system is about right. I would say the difference between fair and average is a little nuanced semantically, but for me, a 2 is a crushing blow. If I get 4s and 5s I'm happy.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Her Royal Spriteness
just wrote this up cause it made me smile, plus, there's a bit of truth to it:

The Lush scoring system as it really works:

5: pretty good to brilliant and i think you're hot.
4: not all that good to ok but at least you tried - plus, i think you're hot.
3: awful and you suck and you're not even very hot.
2: i don't like you very much, you really suck and you laughed at me when i asked if you would cyber with me.
1: i'm stalking you, i hate you, but i also love you, pay attention to me, you bitch and oh, you dissed the other girl i'm stalking by giving her a 4, so take this, you big fat meanie (why won't you answer my OMs? i'm bored and very horny!)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
just wrote this up cause it made me smile, plus, there's a bit of truth to it:

The Lush scoring system as it really works:

5: pretty good to brilliant and i think you're hot.
4: not all that good to ok but at least you tried - plus, i think you're hot.
3: awful and you suck and you're not even very hot.
2: i don't like you very much, you really suck and you laughed at me when i asked if you would cyber with me.
1: i'm stalking you, i hate you, but i also love you, pay attention to me, you bitch and oh, you dissed the other girl i'm stalking by giving her a 4, so take this, you big fat meanie (why won't you answer my OMs? i'm bored and very horny!)

Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
The Right Rev of Lush
One possible source for 'good reads' that hasn't been mention is: Contest Winners.

Sprite, your scoring scale is a classic.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
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Constant Gardener
Quote by bronsonquella
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When you are going to <a href="">buy laptop hard drive</a>, it is extremely important to look for one that is going to be fast and large enough to accommodate all of your files and data needs. It
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<br>I always use Dell Hard Disk Drives, what about you, guys?

Clean up in aisle 666 - Where's a moderator when ya need one?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.