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One line writing tips.

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Paragraphs - start a new paragraph as often as it is logically possible. Paragraphs are units of composition, they help you organize your ideas so that they flow freely from one to the other.
Try to avoid using the word "was" as much as possible when writing. It'll turn your story from passive to active voice and make your writing that much stronger.
Only allow yourself one instance of "there was" (any construction of the phrase) in a piece — and when you've whittled it down to just that one, see if you can't eliminate it as well.
Maggie R
Avoid cliches and jargon.
Avoid unnecessary words. If in doubt, leave it out.
Maintain the same perspective and a consistent verb tense throughout a story.
Maggie R
Do not switch frame of reference multiple times or mid-paragraph. If the entire story has been told from Joe's viewpoint, it would cause confusion to shift suddenly to what Sally is thinking without a hard stop or any transition.
Maggie R
Read your work thoroughly to make sure it makes sense. Do not rely on the spellchecker only - two, to and too are all valid words which are often misused.
A space always follows a full stop or comma in a sentence.
Each new sentence should start with a capital letter. This also applies to sentences contained within quotation marks.
Close off sentences with either a period, question mark or exclamation mark.
Please read and comment on my first story, it's for the Halloween Competition, entitled "Pumped Kin."

To be in a state of extreme passion is to be in the “throes” of it.
When hitting the dreaded writers block- try a new genre out.
Quote by LMAO

But not too many. Some people just seem to throw them in because they look good or something. Also, say no to commas after 'but' and 'and' except in rare circumstances.
Capitalizing the words, mom or dad or mother or father, is only done when you are using those words as your parent's monikers.


My father is a big fat pig. No capitalization needed.

"Father, you're a big fat pig."
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Every time you want to use the word 'very' replace it with the word 'shit'. After you are done writing go back and delete all the shit.
Thousands of user submitted stories removed from the site. You are nothing without your users or their freely submitted stories.
Quote by Jillicious
Every time you want to use the word 'very' replace it with the word 'shit'. After you are done writing go back and delete all the shit.

That made me laugh.

It's good advice, too!
Maggie R
write what you know, if you want to write about something you know little about, take the time to research!
An open mind is the greatest thing on earth, it allows creativity, acceptance, and new ideas. It can encourage those locked in their own minds to break free and experience everything life has to offer. Open your mind to anything and everything, you never know what pleasures you may be missing!
Develop your characters.
Step back from the story once it is finished, leave it for at least 24 hours or longer, and PROOFREAD IT.

Then correct it. Rewrite sections if need be.

Don't kid yourself, it isn't perfect, (only your mother on a bad day would tell you that, and she has more literary sense than you credit her with), and needs to be proofread and have corrections done.
Don't use too much overemphasis, at all. There's absolutely no need, whatsoever.

concise-concise-concise-expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in
scope : )

love this thread
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Quote by myself
concise-concise-concise-expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope

This is true. Less is more.

It's so common to see tautology and unnecessary words and phrases, and it's so frustrating.
You're - contraction of you are!
Your - possessive adjective describing a noun!

Their - possessive!
They're - contraction of they are!
There - as opposed to here!

Urgh! Damn pms.
Use a consistent tense, unless you are really talented. You know if you are or not.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Take a book that you admire, and study the sentence structure.
loose vs lose

Loose [lOOs] adj not fastened or pre-packed; not tied up or confined; able to move freely; not tight, not firmly fixed; not close-fitting; careless, inaccurate, vague; dissolute, immoral; not closely woven; flabby; (of bowels) inclined to diarrhoea; l. box stable or van in which an animal can move about; at a l. end uncertain what to do next; unoccupied ~ loose adv in a loose way; play fast and l. behave rashly or unscupulously ~ loose n release; on the l. free from restraint; on a spree; ~ loose v/t untie, undo; release from confinement or constraint, set free; detatch; fire (gun); shoot (arrow); (eccles) absolve.

lose (p/t and p/part lost) [lOOz] v/t and I no longer have; be deprived of by accident or misfortune; mislay, fail to find; fail to get or win; be too late for; be bereaved of; waste; be defeated or beaten; suffer loss, become worse off; fail to hear, see or understand; cause or allow to perish; (of clock or watch) go too slowly; (refl) miss the right path; become absorbed in; l. one's head become flustered, panic; l. one's temper grow angry; l. one's way fail to find the right path; l. out (US) be defeated after a struggle.

Example of where I continuously find it used incorrectly

I loose myself in the music -WRONG
I lose myself in the music -RIGHT
Write 'it' once and submit it. Let the moderators do their job and act as your editors.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.