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How do you come up with ideas?

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I guess, they just come to me at times. I suppose I watch TV, and see if I can fictionalize it in some other way. I don't read too many stories, so it's not like I'm getting ideas from other author's stories.
The Linebacker
Life experience, things I hear, things I see. All kinds of stuff can inspire ideas.
Most of the time, it is something that I hear or see. It can be things I am told by others, since people are so interesting!!
Velvet-Voiced Titillator
I find inspiration in a few different ways. I tend to have an idea for a character and then decide a situation to put them in. I also like getting inspiration from particularly good pictures or gifs.

I always find it good to bounce ideas off other authors.
Rookie Scribe
I like to use my own real life experiences for inspiration. I feel like you're at your best when you're writing about what you know. Often the most mundane and ordinary scenarios can end up being very erotic. Keep an eye out for situations in which you were really turned on, then go back and expound or exaggerate it until you have the workings of a story.

For instance, my story "Search and Seizure" is based on my own real life experiences. I used to work as a detention officer, and I once had a beautiful female coworker show me how to properly frisk a female, using herself as the guinea pig. The entire experience was incredibly arousing, and I knew that it would make a good story.
Velvet-Voiced Titillator
Quote by zerocharisma
I like to use my own real life experiences for inspiration. I feel like you're at your best when you're writing about what you know. Often the most mundane and ordinary scenarios can end up being very erotic. Keep an eye out for situations in which you were really turned on, then go back and expound or exaggerate it until you have the workings of a story.

For instance, my story "Search and Seizure" is based on my own real life experiences. I used to work as a detention officer, and I once had a beautiful female coworker show me how to properly frisk a female, using herself as the guinea pig. The entire experience was incredibly arousing, and I knew that it would make a good story.

I forgot to mention that in my post.

I've just read your story, thought it was super hot. I really hope you write some more.
I know I mentioned this in another thread but a combination of keeping eyes and ears open when out added to real-life experiences.

There are so many stories out there that can be told on just an overheard conversation or watching the interaction between two people.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Jayne33

I forgot to mention that in my post.

I've just read your story, thought it was super hot. I really hope you write some more.

Thank you! Your "Messages" series is phenomenal. I love how raw it is, and I love all the unexpected twists. Incredible work.
Real life, fantasies, and random conversations with Lush friends are where my ideas usually come from.

Actually, a friend jokingly posted an article on FB about there being a 400% (or some crazy #) increase in SAHM's becoming phone sex operators, and the idea for Confessions of a Phone Sex Operator was born. The rest is potato history as they say...
Head Penguin
A lot of my stories are embellished versions of true stories. Some are completely true, give or take a few details. However, with my made up ones, they just come to me spontaneously. I'll be ironing or making a sandwich and think, 'Wow! That would be hot.'

The idea for my latest story came to me when I was having a pee!

Danielle xx

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way