Hi All, I have written my first story but it'd been declined twice due to quality, I have a slight problem, I really can’t see the problems with it to fix, comma splices and paragraph run on's ??. Spell check has sorted the spelling problems, but being mildly dyslectic, I can’t see the other problems to fix them. It looks fine to me. Please help.
Have you sent your questions to the verifier that reviewed and rejected your story? I would start there to get clarification and then come back to ask for help.
I would be willing to show you examples of what is wrong as well as how and why to correct it. I have sent you a message with suggestions.
If you want me to, I could proof-read your story and change a few run on sentences. I'm one of those freaks who actually enjoy doing that ;)
Just PM me if you need help.
I could read it and try to help you, send me a message if you want to.
What is the subject. I would love to help you. Feel free to read my stories and see if you like the style. If you do contact me and we can work together to sort it without loosing the essence of your story.
Thanks for all your replys, TopThis has helped me out, and i hope i can finish my story off now, for you all to read.
Thank Again