Quote by D33pD4rkn3ss
I write to cause a reaction... I want to effect ones emotions
- as an author, the ultimate measure of success is whether our words alone can create that emotional response we desire.
THIS! DeepDarkness, this!
Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and, in some cases, an ass may be worth a thousand Lush coins, but what you said there, even though it was to buttress your desires for pictures in your prose, is the hallmark of the perfect attitude for a writer.
Structure, flow, grammar, and a vocabulary to the point of being sesquipedalian can all be learned and mastered with practice, but writing in a way that evokes emotions within the reader can only come from one's attitude and inner essence. Churning up emotions, be they soothing and languid or raging like volcanic fire, is not success or failure, it is the lofty goal writers constantly dangle in front of themselves as if it were some literary carrot. It is what we strive for. Pursuing that endeavor allows everything else to fall into place.
Well said!