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Word Scramble

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Weaver of Words
Okay, I don't think I've seen this one yet. Here is the idea. Post a word of 6 to 8 letters. the next person in line sees how many words they can form from some or all of the letters, using them only as many times as contained in the original word.

For example dreams
a, am, as, ad, me, ma, are, ads, ade, arm, dam, mar, mad, med, meds, made, mare, ream, read, dame, dare, dear, seam, same, sear, mares, dream

No proper names or foreign words. When done, post a new word for the next person. Always feel free to add missing words to posts above you. Here is the first word

tone tone date dont eat
one note oat ade toad

Weaver of Words
Quote by lovedoll
tone tone date dont eat
one note oat ade toad


good job lovedoll, you have the right idea, but you forgot a few words. what about
a, at, an, ad, on, to, no, ate?

and since dreams was the word i used in my example, i will give another one to use

Active Ink Slinger

sir sirs i dress
A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thee.

Weaver of Words
Quote by facsuper

sir sirs i dress

good job, but missed a few

is, id, ire, die, see, seed, ides, sire, ride, deer, seer, rise, reed, side, dire, dies, dries, sides, rises.

Also, fac, you forgot to add a new word, so I will add one for you.


OK, everyine getting the idea now?. get your brains working
Active Ink Slinger

at, ad, ten, den, aid, aide, net, taint, ate, tea, eat, neat, date, tin, tan, idea, tainted, edit, dean, and, end, attend, tend, die, diet, in, tie, tied, tide, dent, tent, attain, detain, anti, tat, teat, dine and data ..ok thats enough for now b back lol


'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

AWESOME a awe was some we so am me mew maw woe same sow sew mesa same meso saw ewe owe saw ... braindrain

Advanced Wordsmith
beat bet bat ate it aft tea tub tab fit fat fuel flit flat fault but bit bite fib flub flab lit let lite lab leaf lift teal tale tail built belt beau elf able eat bale bail beaut fail fate feat table tau tube bleat blue bait flute felt fable alt ale at late lute lea

Scrumptious: Scrum, pit, put, sit, us, I, it, sum, our, pour, cum, cut, rump, porn, tip, pits, sums, cuts, sits, scum, tips, mops, mop, puss, scrip, scrips, rip, scrums, rips, Rom, rum

*Adele can we yous song names?*

ok, think rules said word of 6 to 8 letters, so going with champion

a, am, ah, I, in, hi, oh, on, no, ma, pa, aim, map, mop, pin, nip, pan, nap, pac, cap, cop, ham, him, ion, mic, hon, man, camp, chip, chap, chin, champ, chimp, pinch

Weaver of Words

or, to, so, ore, rot, tee, set, sot, toe, rest, tore, toes, rote, sort, seer, sore, store, reset


ever, tire, ire, eve, rev, tier, it, ere, err, rite, tie, retire, revert, vet, vie, rivet, tee, tree

Active Ink Slinger

scope, cope, is, so, score, core, ore, or, sore, pore, nor, ire, sir, scone, cone, cones, one, on, son, ins, sin, rise, sire, pies, prise, pro, prone, price, prince, rinse, since, noise, nose, pose, poise, sip, rip, ripe, pier, pie, sniper, pine, pin, spin, spine, spice, cop, ion, iron, con, icon, rope, rose


'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇


store, or, sets, set, rot, tore, is, so, ore, sore, to, toes, toe, sit, sir, ties, tire, tie, tires, rose, rise, roses, sits, stores, ores, rite

Active Ink Slinger
can an dan and in nada dina india canin nana inn acid

Active Ink Slinger
sex, seal, eal, ale, sea, sale, sex


Man, tan, ton, tuna, mount, out, main, oat, aunt, mat, nit, not, nut, moan, mint, noun, ant, anoint, Toum, nun, non, tin, amount.


seek, frees, free, fee, fees, feck, sec, self, keel, leek, leeks, keels, lees, lee, reck, recks, clerk, clerks, cel, cels, fleck, flecks, elf, skelf, serk, clef, fleckers, flecker, kerf

Weaver of Words
I, in, is, sin, ins, gin, sis, sing, sins, miss, Ming, gins, sings
Can't do much about it other than ? and .

Active Ink Slinger
if cas was posted above me il super glomp her too funny


par, para, pox, ado, pad, pod, road, prod, rod, pro, drop, oar, ox, ad, do


'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Miss Sassy Pants
Quote by Southern_Sass

ad, ag, ai, al, ar, da, do, go, id, la, li, lo, od, op, or, pa, pi, ado, ago, aid, ail, air, alp, dag, dal, dap, dig, dip, dog, dol, dor, gad, gal, gap, gar, gid, gip, goa, god, gor, lad, lag, lap, lar, lid, lip, log, lop, oar, oil, old, ora, pad, pal, par, pia, pig, pod, poi, pol, pro, rad, rag, rap, ria, rid, rig, rip, rod, agio, apod, arid, aril, dial, diol, dirl, dopa, dorp, drag, drip, drop, gadi, gaol, gild, gird, girl, giro, glad, glia, glop, goad, goal, gold, gorp, grad, grid, grip, idol, laid, lair, lard, lari, liar, lido, lira, load, lord, opal, orad, oral, padi, paid, pail, pair, pard, pial, plod, prao, prig, proa, prod, prog, ragi, raid, rail, rial, road, roil, algid, algor, argil, argol, aroid, drail, galop, glair, goral, grail, laird, largo, liard, lidar, logia, padri, pagod, pardi, pargo, parol, pilar, pirog, plaid, podia, polar, radio, rapid, algoid, dialog, gloria, lapdog, dipolar, goliard

Does this make me a nerd?

Active Ink Slinger

at, as, ate, tea, eat, are, ear, era, set, rest, sure, true, rare, tease, art, tar, rat, sat, rue, rear, tree, reset, tear, tee, terse, rate, seat, eats, rates, stare, ease, east, easter, sear, see, seer, steer, erase, eraser


'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Miss Sassy Pants
ad, ae, ai, ar, da, de, ef, er, fa, id, if, re, aid, air, are, arf, dee, dei, die, ear, era, ere, err, fad, far, fed, fee, fer, fid, fie, fir, ire, rad, red, ree, ref, rei, ria, rid, rif, aide, arid, dare, deaf, dear, deer, defi, dere, dire, dree, eide, fade, fair, fard, fare, fear, feed, fere, fiar, fire, frae, free, idea, ired, raid, rare, read, rear, rede, reed, reef, reif, ride, rife, aerie, afire, aider, aired, airer, darer, deair, defer, direr, drear, drier, eared, eider, erred, fader, fared, farer, feria, fired, firer, freed, freer, frere, friar, fried, frier, irade, rared, redia, refed, refer, rider, rifer, aeried, aerier, arider, deafer, dearer, dearie, defier, faerie, faired, fairer, feared, fearer, feriae, raider, reader, reared, redear, rediae, refire, reread, ferried, readier, refired, refried

Active Ink Slinger

for, of, given, give, forge, fore, foe, fog, virgo, vie, vine, vein, fig, roe, rove, ring, finger, rev, fin, gin,


'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

pen, pens, peg, pegs, phone, phones, hen (s), hone(s), hope(s), hoe(s), ho, he, hose(s), on, open(s), shop, song, shone, shoe, she, seep, go, goes, gene(s), en, nose, pong, posh, gosh, sheep, sheen, nope, pose, pee(s),

Active Ink Slinger

in, an, can, man, rim, limn, mini


'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Weaver of Words
Quote by Southern_Sass

ad, ag, ai, al, ar, da, do, go, id, la, li, lo, od, op, or, pa, pi, ado, ago, aid, ail, air, alp, dag, dal, dap, dig, dip, dog, dol, dor, gad, gal, gap, gar, gid, gip, goa, god, gor, lad, lag, lap, lar, lid, lip, log, lop, oar, oil, old, ora, pad, pal, par, pia, pig, pod, poi, pol, pro, rad, rag, rap, ria, rid, rig, rip, rod, agio, apod, arid, aril, dial, diol, dirl, dopa, dorp, drag, drip, drop, gadi, gaol, gild, gird, girl, giro, glad, glia, glop, goad, goal, gold, gorp, grad, grid, grip, idol, laid, lair, lard, lari, liar, lido, lira, load, lord, opal, orad, oral, padi, paid, pail, pair, pard, pial, plod, prao, prig, proa, prod, prog, ragi, raid, rail, rial, road, roil, algid, algor, argil, argol, aroid, drail, galop, glair, goral, grail, laird, largo, liard, lidar, logia, padri, pagod, pardi, pargo, parol, pilar, pirog, plaid, podia, polar, radio, rapid, algoid, dialog, gloria, lapdog, dipolar, goliard

Does this make me a nerd?


no, it makes you intelligent, thoughtful and just who i am looking for when I started this game.