10 below zero over night high of 8 during the day. Stout hearted need only apply!
I thought we were about over this BS NOW instead of snow...SLEET! GREAT! (Sarcasm!)
Too DAMN cold. I don't want to even go out in it when its this cold unless I am snow skiing.
it's about -1000 degrees F with snow and ice and freezing rain because everything is terrible forever and i'm moving to florida.
Last I checked it was February in Chicago, so it is c-c-c-old with a thick blanket of snow on the ground. Just like Groundhogs Day, its the same shitty weather in Feb every year. Why do I live here? You tell me. Who wants to meet me in Aruba on Monday?
Cold and colder! -30 Monday.
Lately 24-28c and very humid where I am. It is not hard to work up a sweat believe me.
Good weather for wearing the birthday suit outdoors.
Overcast, with the odd shower. Wait, the sun's giving it a red hot go to peek through. It's quite cool, but I'll still get away with shorts and a t-shirt today.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill. Snowing again. Will it ever be Spring?
It warmed up a lot today so much of that sleet followed by snow that we got last night is melting off...FAST look out down river! It could get UGLY in Texas and Arkansas!
I'm having 18 year old Laphroaig and watching the snow fall on Central Park. I could stay here for an eternity or two.
Cold and snowy in New York City
Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed. still cold from the snow that we had last week (rare over here).
today, cold with a slight drizzle of rain from time to time.
Stupid and nasty. sleet and snow one night, the next day it warmed up enough for about half of it to melt off , it's been cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey ever since.
15 below F, with a wee bit more snow. Its been below zero for over a month straight! My Mals love it!
amy, looking at property in Belize.
Like most here, too cold, too snowy too much winter uh Amy let me know what you find out about that property you're looking into...
28 degrees C and very muggy so probably get another storm this afternoon. Can't wait for Winter to arrive though maybe not the temperatures experienced in the Northern Hemisphere at the moment.
"Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen
"I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." Samuel Goldwyn
66 degrees F. But it's suppose to rain tonight.
Please can people clarify whether the temperature is Celsius or Fahrenheit.
It's blustery here with rain on and off.
Cold cloudy and raining now out side. But the sun is definitely starting to show inside?