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Use my last word first in a sentence

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Active Ink Slinger

Intensely romantic love scenes are sure to spark erotic reactions.

Voyeur @ f/64

Reactions, reactions, psychotic reactions and three more zoom calls still to go.

Active Ink Slinger

Go behind the screen and you can act as psychotic as you want.

Voyeur @ f/64

Want this, want that and like a cat, never happy with either.

Active Ink Slinger

Either option means I'm gonna smack that ass at some point tonight 😄

Voyeur @ f/64

Tonight may be your night
that ends without dawn
or suzie, or kate
but maybe that blond
at the end of the bar.

Active Ink Slinger

Bar that drunk, from ordering any more drinks.

Voyeur @ f/64

Conversations needn't require words... wink, wink.

Active Ink Slinger

Wink after wink passed between the two future lovers.

Active Ink Slinger

Lovers from a friendship that developed over many years.

Voyeur @ f/64

Years have passed since that summer, but sharing a glance, we both remember it and all the winters in between.

Quantum Tease

Between her latte colored thighs, her dusky rose vulva glistened an open invitation.

Active Ink Slinger

Invitation becomes obvious when clothes come off and dropped on the floor in a trail to the bedroom.

Active Ink Slinger

Bedroom eyes and a little shake of the ass was all she needed to her needs fulfilled.

Active Ink Slinger

Fulfilled goals happen from relentless pursuit.

Active Ink Slinger

Pursuit of orgasms she did, laying on her back her fingers worked her rear...

Active Ink Slinger

Rear up and take me, she said to him in a lustful arousal.

Active Ink Slinger

Arousal tends to follow a bell shaped curve.

Mr. Cox a must read erotic thriller

Voyeur @ f/64

Explained and explained, but Big Tony insisted he could change any lesbian's mind... they say he'll be walking again in no time.

Quantum Tease

Thread the rope through the pulley, then hoist the load into the truck bed.

Active Ink Slinger

Bed me, you sexy thing, or I will leave you forever.

Active Ink Slinger

“You, you, and you,” said the countess.

Mr. Cox a must read erotic thriller

Quantum Tease

Countess Elizabeth Báthory is alleged to have taken part in a blood cult.

Active Ink Slinger

Cult stories tend to be a bit too extreme for me.

Active Ink Slinger

Me thinks I like the feeling of feeling of post-orgasmic sensitivity

Quantum Tease

Sensitivity is a good state for one's clitoris, but not for her attitude.

Active Ink Slinger

Attitude to stay disappointed could be adjusted toward an aptitude to get satisfied.

Mr. Cox a must read erotic thriller

Quantum Tease

Satisfied, for now, they drifted in the afterglow of multiple orgasms.