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The Question Game

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Active Ink Slinger
What is your favourite non sexual item that you have used to get yourself off? Ive just discovered i have a very limited masturbation history... hand, mouth pussy. I cant think of anything else.. never had sex with fruit, food or conveniently shaped holes.
If you were stuck on a dessert Island with a CD player which 3 cds would you make sure you had with you? As of right now.......Grace By Jeff Buckley, Splinter by Sneaker Pimps, Top Tunes by Rougerogue ;o)
If you had to lose either your sight or your hearing what would you chose? I think it would be sight, music i couldnt live without, and i would learn braile for mind adventures!

Which story on Lush most made you think "Damn i wish i had written that"?
If you could only have one... hugs or kisses?
What are you reading right now.... and dont say this haha. What printed work are you currently reading?
Wild at Heart
Which story on Lush most made you think "Damn i wish i had written that"?

A friendly bet by DamonX or maybe Gamble by LadyX, both are great.

If you could only have one... hugs or kisses?

Kisses are better.

What are you reading right now.... and dont say this haha. What printed work are you currently reading?

Garden of the last days by Andre Dubus III

What city would you currently most like to visit?

If the person that took your virginity wanted to have sex with you tonight, would you?

What is your favorite cocktail?
Active Ink Slinger
What city would u currently most like to visit ?
SANTORINI ( even though its an island )

If the person who took your virginity wanted to have sex tonight ,would u ?

What is your favourite cocktail?
I don't drink alcohol .. so a TEQUILESS SUNSET ..

What is your deepest darkest desire?

If u had an opportunity to meet anyone from lush IRL.. who would it be?

What's your most valued posession?
Wild at Heart
TEQUILESS SUNSET .. Haha those are pretty tasty.

What is your deepest darkest desire?

-That's kinda tough... I'll say to be able to be invisible and spy on people in their most intimate moments.

If u had an opportunity to meet anyone from lush IRL.. who would it be?

-I'm new here so I don't really know anyone that well yet. I'd like to meet any author that has posted a few stories to talk about where they get their ideas.

What's your most valued posession?

-I have a koi pond with 7 beautiful koi from Japan. Including a doitsu metallic sanke, 2 asagis, a kohaku and some ogons.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

What is your favorite type of food?

Name something you can't live without and why?
Miss Sassy Pants
Are you a cat person or a dog person? I am a dog person

What is your favorite type of food? Sushi is my favorite food

Name something you can't live without and why? I cannot live without some sort of lip gloss, chapstick or any kind of lip stuff...I have a lip fetish...cannot stand for them to be without anything on them.

What is your ideal mate and why?

If you could have one wish, what would you wish for and why?

If you could change one thing in history...any one thing, what would it be and why?
Wild at Heart
What is your ideal mate and why?

-Someone who is laid back, happy, sexy and slightly mischievous.

If you could have one wish, what would you wish for and why?

-It's pretty boring... I would wish for 10 billion dollars. You can do a lot of shit with that kind of money. You wouldn't need wishes.

If you could change one thing in history...any one thing, what would it be and why?

-The advent of organized religion. A lot of blood has been shed because of it.

What three things would you take with you if you were to be stranded on a small island?

What popular song annoys the living crap out of you?

What is your dream car?
Active Ink Slinger
What 3 things wud u take ....

1) an open mind ;0)
2) a strong talented sexy male
3) suntan lotion

What popular song annoys you...

NEW YORK!!!!!!

Dream car....
if money was no object ..
but i would settle for a GOLF GTIi 16V ..if i had no other option ..
Wild at Heart
You forgot to post three questions scarlet.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
You forgot to post three questions scarlet.

ooh crap.. lmao!!

1) if u could be anyone for day who would it be?
2) what's your ultimate sexual fantasy?
3) if u could change your real name ..what would you change it to and why if there is a good reason !
Wild at Heart
1) if u could be anyone for day who would it be?

The president of the United States. I want to know some of those high level secrets.

2) what's your ultimate sexual fantasy?

Me, a female volleyball team, lube and a scoreboard...

3) if u could change your real name ..what would you change it to and why if there is a good reason !

Vincent. Just sounds kinda cool.

Who is the oddest celebrity you have had a sexual thought about?

Are you a picky eater?

What song do you like that most people or your friends find annoying?
Active Ink Slinger
Who is the oddest celeb u'd had a sexual thought about?

Honestly cant even think of 1 ...

Are you a picky eater ?

to acertain degree

What song do ulike that others find annoying ....

Adam Lambert for your entertainment simply because i listen to it every opportunity i get !

1) Who is your Fav Musical artist?
2) Name 1 place u want to have sex in
3) Whats your Fav pick up line?
Constant Gardener
1) Who is your Fav Musical artist?

Dan Fogelberg

2) Name 1 place u want to have sex in

Hot air balloon

3) Whats your Fav pick up line?

"Would you care to dance?"

01) What do you select for your morning breakfast?

02) Do you gargle with mouthwash or is your toothpaste sufficient?

03) Have you ever put on a pair of shoes in the dark and they were mismatched? If so, how'd you handle that one at the office?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
01) What do you select for your morning breakfast? usually I make smoothies, today I had wheat chex

02) Do you gargle with mouthwash or is your toothpaste sufficient? toothpaste with baking soda on it (makes them feel like glass) floss, and tongue scraper.

03) Have you ever put on a pair of shoes in the dark and they were mismatched? If so, how'd you handle that one at the office?Shoes are to important to a woman to ever make that mistake.

1. What is your favorite meal?

2. Whose Lush profile do you like the most?

3. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Active Ink Slinger
1. What is your favorite meal? Tough question as I love so many kinds of food. But if a gun were held to my head, I would say I make a ceviche burrito with home-made guacamole and a citrus chutney that is a great high protein, low carb, low fat meal that, coupled with a Dos Equis Amber is awesome.

2. Whose lush profile do like the most? Probably not a great question for me to answer, as I don't put much stock in profiles, but katie1984 has written some good stories that I would like to believe have some truth mixed in there.

3. Honestly, I love fucking outdoors. But, if you are looking for a non-sexual activity, I love hiking and/to a climbing spot and taking pictures.


1. Are you happy in your current relationship?

2. Do you prefer to read stories written by a man or a woman and why?

3. Do you like dirty talk during sex? Is it an addition or subtraction?
1. Are you happy in your current relationship?

sort of. i wish she would see me more. cry

2. Do you prefer to read stories written by a man or a woman and why?

personally it doesn't matter. i've read stories by both, depends on the author. good details make a great story.

3. Do you like dirty talk during sex? Is it an addition or subtraction?

um..i've only done it once..i didn't really talk dirty nor would i know how it goes. and i don't understand the 2nd part..

1. Do you like Lush for its stories or for its members?
3. If you could choose one person (not counting husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend) on here that you would date, who would it be and why?
Active Ink Slinger
1. Do you like Lush for its stories or for its members?
>>>DEFINITELY STORIES but some people are interesting here.

2. Have you analed?
>>>NO, still a virgin back there! LOL!

3. If you could choose one person (not counting husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend) on here that you would date, who would it be and why?
>>>ON HERE? LUSH? I would choose Sean Harrison.

1. What is your favorite past time?
2. What is the most sexiest part of an opposite sex that attracts you? (aside from the private parts)
3. Most embarrassing moment when you are in front of someone you really like?


Active Ink Slinger
Active Ink Slinger
1. What was the weirdest object you've ever masturbated with?
2. What is your favorite way to masturbate?
3. What fetish do you dislike the most?
Wild at Heart
1. What was the weirdest object you've ever masturbated with?
-ummm... My left hand I guess.

2. What is your favorite way to masturbate?
-In bed after a shower. Watching a homemade porn.

3. What fetish do you dislike the most?
-Incest. Just don't see the attraction.

1. What was your first sexual experience like?

2. Have you ever had a one night stand?

3. What's your favorite color?
Advanced Wordsmith
1. What was your first sexual experience like?
way too young, way too much alcohol, back of a car at a snowboard, I thought i had blocked that i had successfully blocked that memory out!

2. Have you ever had a one night stand?
yes.....more than one and they were all fantastic.

3. What's your favorite color?

1. Do you cry regularly?
2. What is your most treasured possession?
3. What song do you think best sums up your life?
1. Do you cry regularly?
nah. i don't waste my time crying and sulking. maybe for a quick moment and then i move on.

2. What is your most treasured possession?

3. What song do you think best sums up your life?
............Tik-Tok by Ke$ha..

1. Do you think Lush would be a much friendlier place if we didn't have 18-20 year old kids running around? (I'm watching you..)
2. When you first had sex, was it what you always imagined it would be like?
Wild at Heart
1. Do you think Lush would be a much friendlier place if we didn't have 18-20 year old kids running around? (I'm watching you..)

-No, I haven't run into any unfriendly young people yet.

2. When you first had sex, was it what you always imagined it would be like?

-My first experience was a blowjob from a girl that I had a crush on for several months. That was spectacular. The first time I actually had intercourse though was awkward at best.

-Dont really know you but If you have to ask, you might not be cool. Just kidding man, everyone on lush is cool.iuE0REA31uT0ootM

Do you visit lush everyday?

How many times a day?

How long on average do you think you spend on lush a day?
Do you visit lush everyday?
Nope! LOL But I do talk to at least one person from here a day

How many times a day?

How long on average do you think you spend on lush a day?
*looks around suspiciously* I told you I don't come here everyday damnit, why will no one believe me! Get that camera out of my face!

What's your favourite flavour for someone's lips to be?
Name one thing in front of you right now aside from your computer
Do you have a reading pile? If so what's on the top at present moment?

Wild at Heart
What's your favourite flavour for someone's lips to be?
-Hmmmmm... Never really thought about that but I'm going to say cherry. Love cherry flavored candy.

Name one thing in front of you right now aside from your computer
-A big stack of time cards that I need to go over before making checks for everyone.

Do you have a reading pile? If so what's on the top at present moment?
-Yes, right now it's about four books high. I want to read The Road by Cormac McCarthy next.

What's the last movie you've seen that was good enough to recomend?

Do you have any pets? If so, what are they?

Do you regularly read any magazines?
What's the last movie you've seen that was good enough to recomend?
- Haven't watched any movies in a long time.

Do you have any pets? If so, what are they?
- Dogs, cats and birds.

Do you regularly read any magazines?
- No, just the newspaper sometimes.

* Have you made true good friends here on Lush?

* Do you read a specific type of stories or any type?

* Where would you like to be right now?
Wild at Heart
* Have you made true good friends here on Lush?
-Nah, but I've only been here for a couple months.

* Do you read a specific type of stories or any type?
-Usually Straight, Anal, Group, Reluctance and occasionally Supernatural. A few poems here and there to.

* Where would you like to be right now?
-Las Vegas in a Wynn suite getting dressed up to go hit the strip.

What is your favorite type of story on lush?

Have you ever had a threesome?

What are your favorite pizza toppings?
Constant Gardener
What is your favorite type of story on lush?


Have you ever had a threesome?

Several times

What are your favorite pizza toppings?

pepperoni, canadian bacon, cheese, mushrooms, tomato sauce

Do you consider 18 to 21 year old people - kids or adults?

Do you consider 35 to 55 year old people - adults or old has-beens?

Catsup or Ketchup?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart
Do you consider 18 to 21 year old people - kids or adults?
-Barely adults.

Do you consider 35 to 55 year old people - adults or old has-beens?
-40 year olds I still consider young. Over 45s are young at heart though

Catsup or Ketchup?

What do you consider young nowadays?

Wine, Beer or cocktail?

What is the last book you've read?
Active Ink Slinger
What do you consider young nowadays?

Wine, Beer or cocktail?

What is the last book you've read?

What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for your partner?

Diamonds... Rubies or Sapphires ?

If you could meet 1 fellow Lusher who would it be ?
What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for your partner?

Diamonds... Rubies or Sapphires ?

If you could meet 1 fellow Lusher who would it be ?
My love..

1. Do you think Lush can use more improvement?
2. If so, what types of improvement?