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The person above you has been arrested. What did they do?

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Chaz has been arrested for riding his motorbike naked
and singing "Black Skinhead" (by Kenye West )
through a Jehovah' Witness Convention.
? A True Story ?
For stripping and singing badly while writing poetry in the park ? on a sunny afternoon....
Arrested for always wanting to paint people in the nude. It's okay to paint them.....


Stop masturbating while you're doing it.

Quote by HotWife4U

Oh my if that's anything but indecent exposure

Lady mysteria was arrested for stealing various thongs in a stunning variety of colours!
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

Emo Philips
Quote by Shyfox

Oh my if that's anything but indecent exposure

Lady mysteria was arrested for stealing various thongs in a stunning variety of colours!

That looks like fine art to me! smile

Shy was arrested for impersonating a fox... But released after the undressed her and found out she was in fact a fox... ;)
Quote by Magical_felix
Yes, steph really bested me. Especially when he started kissing my ass and also when his threats were met with laughter.

Arrested for wanting my attention and probably becoming a future lush crybaby when you get it.

You confuse AN ELEGANT GRACIOUSNESS and an ability to ATTEMPT to rise above meaningless bickering with something else... AS INSTRUCTED by a moderating team I RESPECT I made an effort to oil the water. BUT I will NOT be PISSED ON.

NASTINESS is BORING. (Unless you are being HIGHLY IRONIC?)

In which case, I forgive you and apologize....

But IF YOU ARE SERIOUS, I REMIND you that UGLINESS in this context offends me, wherever and at WHOMEVER it is directed. And I will challenge that every time I see it. I have written often AND AT LENGTH upon WHY Lush Stories SKY-HIGH SURPASSES all similar sites. ONE of the reasons it does is because WE DO NOT PERMIT self-serving TROLLS...

Or at least, I DO NOT.

Nor will I, EVER.

(To be honest, I DON'T think it should fall upon ME to make such statements. I DON'T work here anymore.)

The ONLY person who seems to need your attention is YOU. (I find that pathetic...) And UNNECESSARY!!!

xx SF
Quote by stephanie

You confuse AN ELEGANT GRACIOUSNESS and an ability to ATTEMPT to rise above meaningless bickering with something else... AS INSTRUCTED by a moderating team I RESPECT I made an effort to oil the water. BUT I will NOT be PISSED ON.

To rise above meaningless bickering with something else? What are you talking about? You were the one that came in here to start the bickering to begin with and now you are starting it up again. And what was that something else you think you did exactly? You achieved nothing. I played the game this thread asked and nothing more until you came in to try to be a hero and look what happened. We have sayings where I come from too. "te salio el tiro por la culata."

Quote by stephanie

NASTINESS is BORING. (Unless you are being HIGHLY IRONIC?)

Don't lecture me about what is boring and what is not. Especially when you have posted the same tired schticky bullshit for years now.

Quote by stephanie

But IF YOU ARE SERIOUS, I REMIND you that UGLINESS in this context offends me, wherever and at WHOMEVER it is directed. And I will challenge that every time I see it. I have written often AND AT LENGTH upon WHY Lush Stories SKY-HIGH SURPASSES all similar sites. ONE of the reasons it does is because WE DO NOT PERMIT self-serving TROLLS...

Take your head out of your ass please. You offended me, you were/are calling me names, you are trying to belittle me, you were threatening me, you are saying I am somehow making lush lose credibility... and now you are getting offended when I remind you that is not the case? Think about what you are actually saying when you say that I make lush lose credibility... How many views does your last posted work have steph? How many views does the one before that have? You and the person you are defending because I committed the crime of posting exactly what this thread asked for are both ex moderators. What makes you think you are any kind of authority on what is best for this site? Think about that.

Who do you think you are exactly and why do you think I would be fearful of you or anything you say? You are the one threatening me in this thread.

You talk about nastiness... Some of these members that you think I am oh so mean to have said incredibly nasty things to me. But of course they leave that part out when they are kissing your ass don't they? It gets deleted so it's like it never happened right?

Look, if someone says something racist or stupid beyond belief or sexist etc... I will challenge it too just like you are challenging my "nastiness". I will also challange people who try to get me booted off of the site. I imagine anyone would. Trust me I will live if one of them succeeds, but it's the thought that counts. I know the site means a lot to them so when they try to get me booted it is a pretty nasty thing to do, it would devastating to them so they try to do it to me. Me challenging that doesn't make me a troll anymore than you. In fact you are defending a pretty despicable person. I am at least not doing that.

Quote by stephenie
(To be honest, I DON'T think it should fall upon ME to make such statements. I DON'T work here anymore.)

What are you trying to say steph? Really? Are you saying that maybe you should quiet down? Or are you saying you must do this to save the site or something? Have you become that deluded?

Quote by stephenie
The ONLY person who seems to need your attention is YOU. (I find that pathetic...) And UNNECESSARY!!!

Doesn't even make sense... I need my own attention? What...

Seriously steph, you are a way more emotional person than I am. Don't ruin your day by doing this, but if you want to, be my guest. I won't give this much thought beyond this thread. But you... You tend to freak out. Remember when you freaked on me because I inadvertently said something that is one of your triggers? Something I could never have possibly known. I didn't even push your buttons with it like I could have. That, like my initial post in this thread wasn't even directed at you. You are not gonna like it when you try to put a "smack down" on me and I answer you back. You really can't handle confrontation as you have proven in the past.
Regarding the ABOVE post...

I'm DONE with this.

(People KNOW what they read.)

I stand before EVERYTHING I have said.

I'm OUT now on this NONSENSE.

xx SF

(WE have a SAYING where I live too... "Don't Toss PEARLS before SWINE.")
Quote by stephanie

Regarding the ABOVE post...

I'm DONE with this.

(People KNOW what they read.)

I stand before EVERYTHING I have said.

I'm OUT now on this NONSENSE.

xx SF

Smart move steph.
Quote by Magical_felix

Smart move steph.

What THE HIGH FUCK would YOU know about a 'Smart Move'???

Keep it up, with EVERY POST you expose YOURSELF as a SELF-ABSORBED IDIOT!!!



"How many VIEWS does my last posted work have???" I HAVE NO IDEA! (What has THAT got to do with ANYTHING???)


(It's called 'DINER' and the people who BOTHERED to read it liked it and that FLOORS me because I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND that the DISCERNING READERS here KNOW what they like... Their ATTENTION TO MY ART flatters and HUMBLES me!!!)

Quote by stephanie

What THE HIGH FUCK would YOU know about a 'Smart Move'???

Keep it up, with EVERY POST you expose YOURSELF as a SELF-ABSORBED IDIOT!!!



"How many VIEWS does my last posted work have???" I HAVE NO IDEA! (What has THAT got to do with ANYTHING???)


(It's called 'DINER' and the people who BOTHERED to read it liked it and that FLOORS me because I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND that the DISCERNING READERS here KNOW what they like... Their ATTENTION TO MY ART flatters and HUMBLES me!!!)


See what I mean steph? Look how fired up you are. I asked about the views on your last posted work to let you know that maybe you shouldn't be lecturing me on relevance and what is boring and the credibility of the site you seem to think I'm destroying.

Think about this. Me and you have got along since we both joined, we had mutual respect. What has changed? What (who) is the monkey wrench in the machine that wasn't there before? Is that who you mean I need to ask if I am an idiot? You and those sycophants can call me an idiot all you want, we both know I'm not one.
Quote by Magical_felix

See what I mean steph? Look how fired up you are. I asked about the views on your last posted work to let you know that maybe you shouldn't be lecturing me on relevance and what is boring and the credibility of the site you seem to think I'm destroying.

Think about this. Me and you have got along since we both joined, we had mutual respect. What has changed? What (who) is the monkey wrench in the machine that wasn't there before? Is that who you mean I need to ask if I am an idiot? You and those sycophants can call me an idiot all you want, we both know I'm not one.

We have to DISAGREE on this one.

(If you EVER AGAIN are VENAL to a FELLOW MEMBER I WILL DO THIS AGAIN... You WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH IT AGAIN. I, AND MANY OTHERS HERE, are SICK TO THE BACK TEETH of your ATROCIOUS MANNERS in the way you treat and disrespect fellow members... (INVARIABLY WOMEN...) You have, (for reasons I can't FATHOM...) been ALLOWED to do this for too long now.


Do it AGAIN at your peril.

I am a RESPECTED writer here. I HAVE served my time and well. I HAVE friends here who WILL testify as to my INTEGRITY and my HONESTY. (My WORK speaks for itself.) I CONTINUE to support OUR SITE and ALL its members.

xx SF

Do ME AN HONEST FAVOR... *DO NOT REPLY!* I REALLY have NOTHING FURTHER to say to you. I HOPE I never will have. I GENUINELY wish you well. (Be Nicer To People.)
Arrested for the cutest nickname you give yourself!

Quote by Barbielicious
Arrested for the cutest nickname you give yourself!

My nickname is WOLFCOCK!!!!!!!!

(Except only I know that... Nobody else calls me that... In fact, they piss themselves laughing when I say it... )


xx SF *hug*
Quote by stephanie

(If you EVER AGAIN are VENAL to a FELLOW MEMBER I WILL DO THIS AGAIN... You WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH IT AGAIN. I, AND MANY OTHERS HERE, are SICK TO THE BACK TEETH of your ATROCIOUS MANNERS in the way you treat and disrespect fellow members... (INVARIABLY WOMEN...) You have, (for reasons I can't FATHOM...) been ALLOWED to do this for too long now.


Do it AGAIN at your peril.


Quote by stephanie

I am a RESPECTED writer here. I HAVE served my time and well. I HAVE friends here who WILL testify as to my INTEGRITY and my HONESTY. (My WORK speaks for itself.) I CONTINUE to support OUR SITE and ALL its members.

Your honesty?

Quote by stephanie

you treat and disrespect fellow members... (INVARIABLY WOMEN...)

You're saying I disrespect women elusively? This is why you are a joke. The biggest crybabies on the site are male. Oh that's right, you don't care about them... You are full of shit steph. Honesty and Integrity... lol.

Quote by stephanie


It doesn't really work that way.
Quote by Magical_felix
Arrested for enabling pedophiles.

Arrested for using a word THAT WE DON'T FUCKING USE HERE!!!

xx SF
Arrested for being full of shit and a tool for people to use.

xx MF
Felix is arrested for throwing his fast food bags out the window. The cop who caught him was not pleased. This was his 3rd offense.

A night in jail for littering. I guess when he threw his beer bottle at the cop, he wasn't impressed.

Arrested after I turned her in for marijuana possession when she refused to share with me.
Arrested for dancing naked in the shop windows during the Christmas season. It would have been okay, except nuns were passing and they started shouting Hail Mary's and Our Father's.

Another night in the can...

For sticking people noses up their own asses in said church.
We keep talking about church, we will end up in hell. Bright side, plenty of lawyers to get us out.
Bullet Club For Life
Arrested after a pat down for smuggling alcohol in her no-no spot into a concert.
Drinking the alcohol, before I took it out of no-no spot.
Bullet Club For Life
Arrested for being naked AND drinking in church. girl-friend, you can't do that!!
Masturbating in the baptism pool. smile
Bullet Club For Life
Arrested for being too adorable in the forums!!
Whistling if he lives in Petrolia, Ontario

It's Illegal to Whistle in Petrolia, Ontario: A Petrolia city rep says this unusual law simply aims to limit excessive noise between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., but according to Article 3, 772.3.6 on the town's website, "Yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing is prohibited at all times."
I was going to say impersonating a federal agent lol but after a peek at his profile had to be the flashing ;)