Granted, but like MY stories, no one will ever read them.
I wish all my stories were awarded EPs.
Granted but then you got banned from the sites.
I wish it was all back to normal with travel regulations.
Granted. However, it is now 1980 normal.
I wish I could get a new car
Beware though, with only a 5hp motor, it isn't street legal!
I wish I had the inspiration to write Lush stories again.
Practitioner of the art of the tease...
Granted, but now you get creepy comments, BBs and PMs
I wish I hadn't wasted the day...
Granted now you will waste tomorrow lol
I wish I was in my 20’s again
Granted. In the next minute, you will turn 30.
I wish the next person will grant me my wish to have another wish.
Practitioner of the art of the tease...
Granted, but you have to wish for something for me!
I wish I could sleep in later
Granted but that means you wake up late every day for the next month.
I wish there were more hours in a day.
Granted... but life races by and the average person only lives to 45...
I wish we had a yearly Lush convention
Granted but no one shows up
I wish I was able to fly
Granted but everyone and everything is already underwater.
I wish for more quality time
Practitioner of the art of the tease...
Granted, but now you have less time overall!
I wish for a little less vanilla in my life...
Granted, but too many choices invite indecision and ultimately, frustration from getting nothing.
I wish I was musically-gifted
Granted, but now you have to get a bigger car
I wish I would have found Lush earlier
Granted, but you got so addicted that you became a hermit.
I wish I could be more sexually adventurous.
Granted, although no told you about the consequences of unprotected, spontaneous sex - child support for the next eighteen years!
I wish I had more uninterrupted time to spend with my daughter and husband. (The pandemic spoiled me over the past year and a half.)