Seeing a new message from Vanessa.
Dogs singing along with the fire truck sirens as they drive past my house.
Coyotes howling at the motorcycles racing on the highway outside of town at night.
Walking around Lake Mercer hand-in-hand with my husband as the sun sets over the lake.
Hearing “Thank you for helping out today. I couldn’t have done this without you.”
Interacting with my daughter
5 minute break outside in the sun.
Reading in bed on a rainy day under a comfy blanket.

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed. Laying outside on a moonlit night looking at the stars cuddled together
What she said!
And staying in bed...doing nothing but eat! A free day! Relaxing!
Waking up in the middle of the night only to realize that you have 4 hours more to wake up.
Laying craddled together in the jacuzzi sipping wine
Playing (Interacting) with my seven-month-old daughter. She's totally amazing.
Sitting with your loved one having a drink some cheese and crackers and just talking about whatever our minds take us.