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Roses are Red

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Quantum Tease

Hi, Sweetie! Thank you!

Active Ink Slinger
1 like

Roses are red

Sun in the sky

Hot and Humid

I cannot deny


I would join Lynn

Naked on the deck

Moving closer

Give your cheek a peck


Hold your hand

Admire the view

The rising sun

Magnificent hue


My nipples stiffen

As we share a morning kiss

To not whisper “I love you”

I’d be remiss


Each lay on a lounge

Sun kissing our skin

Caressing moist folds

Elicits a grin


Leaning over

I kiss your nipple

That sensual tingle

Through me does ripple


Over your landing strip

My fingers slide

Iinto your wetness

They slowly slide


A soft moan

Escapes your lips

As I tease

Your erect nips


You spread your legs

Your erotic scent

Indication of

Your sexual ascent


Our kiss sensual

As I tease your clit

My pussy is dripping

I do admit


Kissing slowly

Down your neck

Then giving

Each nipple a peck


Fingers gliding

In and out

Stroking your nub

Want to hear you shout


Arching your back

Sexual tension rising

Outdoor morning sex

Always appetizing


Then that moment

You suddenly tense

Your impending orgasm

I can sense


You suddenly cum

Explosive orgasm

Through your body

That sexual spasm


I whisper “Good Morning”

You lay smiling

You certainly are

Sexually beguiling

Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

I’ll attempt a post

Likely bad as lately

I’ve been a ghost


My rhyming skills

Have deteriorated

Attempt to post words

That are somehow related


Look up to the sky

The sun is shining

It certainly is hot

But I’m not complaining


Bask in the sun

Lay on the naked beach

Being careful

Not to burn my peach


But if I did

Would you kiss it better?

Certainly would

Make me wetter


Au natrurel

Take a dip in the lake

Any relief from this heat

I’ll certainly take


I know Rob wishes

He was here

But with his pole standing

All the girls sneer

Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red
Unlike other guys
When Paige strips off
I avert my eyes.
Sylph-like blond
And perky breasted
I act like I'm
Not interested.
Will Paige feel
It's a relief?
No, she'll throw herself at me
Is my belief.
It's all part of
My cunning plan.
If she switches sides
I'll be the man.

Active Ink Slinger
1 like

Roses are red

Lay awake all night

Sleep alludes me

Await the morning light


A new morning

Just another day

Too much work

Little time to play

Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red, violets are blue.

You are now a past chapter, cold as ice to me.

Quantum Tease

Quote by lynangel


Quantum Tease

Quote by Paige
