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Poetry challenge: Use the last line first

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Brightening the world around
The Fresnel lens rotates
Alerting unwary mariners
Of impending watery fates.

Rocks that lurk below;
Dangerous tidal races;
Keep your distance, traveler
From such perilous places.

What a pity some people
Apparently all charm and grace
Aren't equipped with a lighthouse
In the middle of their weaselly face.
Quote by dlcalguy
Brightening the world around
The Fresnel lens rotates
Alerting unwary mariners
Of impending watery fates.

Rocks that lurk below;
Dangerous tidal races;
Keep your distance, traveler
From such perilous places.

What a pity some people
Apparently all charm and grace
Aren't equipped with a lighthouse
In the middle of their weaselly face.

Excuse me for saying this but shouldn't the one word in the last line be 'faces' instead of 'face'?
Excuse me for saying this but shouldn't the one word in the last line be 'faces' instead of 'face'?
Gasping for air as I pointed out the flaw
I felt so proud and brilliant bright
Then I realized what's right, isn't right
Not if you had a vision true
And spoke in multiples until a point
When then you could only spit out the truth
It was only one and my aim was true
It was only one and my aim was true
It made him fall in love with you.
Alas the end result was grim
For you did not then fall for him.

Terrible quality
There's no doubt.
The quiver's bottom
Has fallen out.

Spilling arrows left and right
And him in such a parlous plight.

Would that this were a rare event
Half-hearted loves and arrows spent
But Amazon Prime sometimes delivers
Chinese import knock-off quivers.

And even when I try for bliss
My second arrows often miss

He thinks that I'm a silly sod
That Cupid is a rubbish god
But intervention by the fates
Guarantee no second dates.

Some chicks will always stay a tease.
Don't put you faith in deities.
Don't put you faith in deities
For dildos are much more desired
They stand up to frequent use
And never just say "I'm tired"

Cupid's arrows on the floor
The bowstring broken asunder
But Eros still has strong intent
To fill with lustful wonder
To fill with lustful wonder
Of things untouched envisioned
Above stars flicker brightly
Below the earth stands mighty
Between them we are nothing
Except...a spark within us
Is more than what's between
Breathe deep within the cool air
Smile once, again and above all dare
Smile once, again and above all dare
To seek that which happiness brings
To quest for the match which will ignite
Passion's bright flame again with no strings

Or perhaps use a string, if you will
Of pearls drawn o're soft folds
Back and forth rubbed all along
Drawing forth pleasure untold
Drawing forth pleasure untold
Added to the stories and legends

But then, look askew
Listen hard as if you knew

When what we need
Or what we can

Multitude, certitude, gratitude
Becoming one circled bright
And left here awaiting you
A memory left to rust
In the scrapyard of my heart
Just one more memory
Of things that could have been

Crushed and cubed they stand
All life and power removed

When at the gates
I hear the full throat rumble
Of an engine lusting with power
I am glad that a flutter can mean so much, and be oh so powerful! Whilst I bring my own kind of chaos to those I choose to know everywhere, I do believe in Chaos theory, and I am glad that it is suggested that the fluttering wings of a butterfly can be felt the other side of the globe, it gives me hope that I can caress your soul.
Of an engine lusting with power
Of an earthquake whose movement's begun
Of a volcano erupting with violence
Thus a song of desire is now sung

To quench this most glorious yearning
Will more than a moment or two take
A deep-seated release is required
This incessant hunger to slake
This incessant hunger to slake
truly is enough to so make
me sneak up from behind her and
let myself cup her tits and give
her a hard anal fuck to live
while she has been standing so grand
in front of a mirror before
I shot cum in after that chore
and while she's still able to stand.
This incessant hunger to slake
This thirsty search for the mot juste
No random run-on sentences
No tawdry diatribe produced.

We seek to speak with crafted turns of phrase
Not make the eyes of readers glaze.
Submissions could be bardic or vaudvillian
But Andrew Dice Clay gatecrashed the cotillion.

Like a lackluster lover's lover's sigh
(I'm speculating here, entre nous)
Fucking hell, guy...
Is that the best you can do?
"Is that the best you can do?"
The question men loathe to hear;
Sad inquiry of their performance
Guaranteed not to endear

But perhaps 'practice makes perfect'
And given plenty of chance
They'll become virtuosos of pleasure
And master this most primal dance
And master this most primal dance
Where the fire blazes, casting shadows all askance
Never so tall without the light
Stretched across the land without a touch

Kick up the dust and send it fro
Ever higher, swirl above the dance below
When will no longer sustains limbs and movements cease
It settles upon us as we clutch earth and try not to weep
It settles upon us as we clutch earth and try not to weep
The realization that nothing's made to last
everyday it seems could be our last
Our tears lay trapped inside our eyes
Until 3am when everything becomes startling real
Clear and honest as loves illusions fade
and all our past and present sorrow come out to haunt us
And all our past and present sorrow come out to haunt us
In those early morning times
When our brains decide that we need to review everything
And nothing kept in confines

Things about which we can do nothing at all
And things done in the long past
All parade before the court of our memories
As an unruly mob massed

So, perhaps, we should direct our focus elsewhere
Away from those memories
And instead quest for fond attention
Right to our mammaries smile
Right to our mammaries
Babes knowing naught of anything else
Nor us cradling head where desire is born
So quiet as the titmouse
Speak only with your heart
Speak only with your heart
As my ear rests on your breast
When I've heard my fill
My lips will do the rest

Circling hardened nipples
With tongue and lips in sync
Soft mounds gently squeezing
We enjoy this, I think
We enjoy this, I think
One in the brown, two in the pink.
For inventiveness I can't knock her
She suggested The Shocker.

And, as if that weren't enough,
She's into some pretty weird stuff.
Her appetites I barely assuage
She very advanced for her age.

By that, I mean she's really old
And, if the truth be told,
I prefer to reach climax
With more traditional acts.

She has lost all her inhibitions
And now goes for wild positions.
Her renaissance can be traced
To when she had both hips replaced.

Now she can spread much wider
And constantly wants me inside her.
Yesterday "Watch this!" she said
And put her feet behind her head.

I don't have a problem, per se,
With 90 year old minge on display.
But this care home does have a rule
About nudity at the community pool.

I fear I may soon be dumped.
By a new resident, I'll be gazumped.
He's tanned and a charming talker
And at 75 doesn't use a walker.

To be honest, it's something of a relief
But I'll miss when she takes out her teeth
And straps me down to the bed
Before giving unbelievable head.
Before giving unbelievable head,
I would lift you out of that bathtub
and carry you into our own
bedroom where I would plop you
down on the bed and start
anal fucking you
until we shot
cum and gone
right to
Before giving (an) unbelievable head
Amazing arms, legs, and torso she built
For the robot taking shape in the lab
Which has a part which will n're wilt

It is completely programmable
"Premature things" don't take place
Ensuring complete fulfillment
As activities unfold apace

And there's no need to reset
For it's ready to go all the time
For pleasure its purpose to give
Sending her to heights sublime
Sending her to heights sublime
That's a lot of stairs to climb.
Here we are at the Eiffel Tower
And the elevator has no power.

"Go alone", I tell my love
"Then wave down to me, from above."
I blame it on a strained Achilles.
Truth is, heights give me the willies.

Still, the view, I'm told, is neat
All of Paris at your feet.
But I feel safer, I'll admit,
Down here, looking up at it.
Down here, looking up at it
It doesn't seem so big
Why, I think it'll fit just fine
Tho' t'will make me dance a jig

I see how you like to wave it about
A flag-less mast indeed
A pole worthy of a banner royal
On that we're surely agreed

Now, tho' the final test to commence
To see if 'twill not be adversarial
To stand that mast proudly up
And top with a TV aerial
'And top with a TV aerial'
All metal spikes at odd angles
You wouldn't want that
Erect up your twat
It's bad enough when it dangles.

No, dear LynnWitt
What you want on the tip
Is a generous dollop
Of fresh Reddi Wip.

Whether it's planned
Or happens spontaneously
Let your diet be blowed
And me, simultaneously.
And me, simultaneously
With you we'll enjoy
The proper use
Of some sexual toy

Whether silicone or glass
Or something throbbing
We'll certainly make sure
It won't leave us sobbing
It won't leave us sobbing
Unless it won't work
I'd rather have it throbbing
Maybe later leave us soaked
Maybe later leave us soaked -
But why put it off at all?
Let's cut directly 'to the chase'
And, my dear, let's have a ball!

To the bedroom! Quick! Away!
Clothes discarded in a mound
A primal instinct takes control
For fulfillment in each other bound
For fulfillment in each other bound
Where boundaries no longer exist
The bedroom, the floor
Places unthinkable as well

For where there are no bounds
Only desires feverish quenched with a kiss
Clothed or unclothed we care not
Colors of the rainbow pale in our midst
Colors of the rainbow pale in our midst
As endless spirals swirl
Each touch releasing a new cascade
Further into bliss to whirl

Joined as one we share this flight
In fantasy's elation
There's no end at all in view
For this celebration