magical+rocking+shimmering+merry+ willow === marshmellow!!!
Slippery with a delicious neck: Slipiciouck
terrible avatar but fun= terriblyfun
ginger + likes to drink = gindrinker
perpetually bouncing boobs.... perbreastual
ok.... i know... this is not something i am good at.... i freely admit it...
Ardentmale + nice pecs =Pecamale
Willow+Red lips = Rillowed
(and yes I can name myself if I want to bump my own thread!)
Friendly, smart and Australian.
Falling + Penguins = Fenguins
Shades of brown, flowers in her hair, large green object in the background:
discofuri + jumbled word = dicomjumbulated
boobies and delicious---- boobielicious
Barbie + prawn + bi = brawnbi
Victorian look + willow = vilowwill
Adele + tits = Ladletits
I do believe we are all getting better at this game............
Cleavage + Willow = Cleavillow
Nikki + boobies = boobkies (lol I suck at this)
Sexy smile and funniness = funnysexsmileness
People should be defined by their loves, so you dear boy shall be known as myratsundogs.
Willow + imagination = Willogination
Velvety + pink lips = Pinksville
Willow + Australia = Austrawill