Shave my goatee off again...EVER!
I will never get married again
Not be sexiest in the forums.
Someone has to be the Villain
You mean on days that end in "Q".
Otherwise, you haven't a hope in hell.
I will never understand anyone's desire to look like a comic book drawing.
Never take anyone for granted again.
I will never say never...
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
KUMB Jack knows what it means but I will never tell
I will never figure out KUMB
I will never understand the motivation of some of the people on Lush....LOL
I will never be motivated by the vast majority of people @ Lush.
See the point in logarithms.
I will never ... well?? ... er???...What was the question again? I got distracted looking looking at Kiera!
I will never like spiders or snakes.
Kissing your lips while straddling your lap.
I will never go *poof* and leave Lush without giving my friends a reason and a goodbye (something that seems to happen with alarming regularity around here!)