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Have you Ever...

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Active Ink Slinger

Yup...not one of my finest moments..

HYE joined the mile high club?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

I have not and not sure I would have the guts on a public flight. Maybe on a private plane.

HYE pulled off the highway during a road trip for sex at the roadside or in a service center or similar?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Rainbow Warrior
1 like

Only once, on the Blue Ridge Parkway, at an overlook.

Have you ever had sex in a National/Provincial Park?

Active Ink Slinger

Yes but in the privacy of a tent.

Have you ever caught someone having sex while out on a hike?

Active Ink Slinger

One time I went camping and there was this couple on the camp ground who were at it like rabbits. I think I ran into them going at it three times in one weekend. Good for them.

Have you ever had neighbors who had lots of very loud sex?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Once in my crappy first apartment in Hamilton, Ontario. Otherwise, I have been fortunate on that front.

HYE interrupted/confronted a couple because their noise was becoming a problem?

Quote by Beffer
Only once, on the Blue Ridge Parkway, at an overlook.

We had the kid with us when we did the Blue Ridge (in fact, he was driving part of the time) but I see the appeal of this. Some beautiful spots along there.😊

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Active Ink Slinger

Yup, lodged a noise complaint too.

HYE got caught in a lie?

Active Ink Slinger

I don't lie.....what's the point

HYE kissed your partner on the "Kiss Cam" at a sporting event?

Active Ink Slinger

Never been to a sporting event with that :P

HYE said a lie that become your own truth?

Rainbow Warrior
1 like

I'm not like Trump. Lies are lies.

Have you ever missed your chance at a sure thing?

Active Ink Slinger

Yeah, missed a few I think. Nervous and self conscious when I was younger, I think I walked away from a few offers left on the table that I regret.

Have you ever woken a partner up on the middle of the night to fool around?

Active Ink Slinger

Many, many times....mostly other women

Have you ever done any type of "drug" while having sex?

Rainbow Warrior
1 like

Not the kind of drug to which you're referring.

Have you ever video'd yourself having sex?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Never happened but, yeah, it probably would be even it was an open situation. Right now, I would just be gobsmacked that she was having sex, period.

HYE unexpectedly walked in on a partner when they were having sex with someone else (poly or mono)?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Rainbow Warrior


Have you ever flown in a general aviation plane?

Active Ink Slinger


HYE been to a large televised sporting event?

Rainbow Warrior

I avoid them like the plague.

Have you ever appeared on a jumbotron?

Active Ink Slinger
1 like

I don't normally pay attention to the jumbotron, unless it is to watch an instant replay, so I don't know.

Have you ever been on the field, court, etc for a sporting event?

1 like

Yes. Football, tennis, and swimming.

How long does it take you to recover after cumming?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

As in to recover my senses? Or be ready for another go round? The former is minutes. The latter is hours or even days now. I have not had cum twice in a day for a long time.

Would you accept an offer of sex with a favourite porn star if the condition was that you had to let it be filmed and posted?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Rainbow Warrior
1 like

I haven't had a favorite pornstar in years, but I'd not avail myself of the offer.

Have you ever turned down an appealing and sure thing because of possible consequences?

Active Ink Slinger

Oh Yes. The price would have devastated my life in several areas. You?

Have You Ever been embarrassed to be naked in front of other(s)? [If so, gives a few details and reason for embarrassment]

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, but I think it was common. Changing rooms and wrestling weigh ins were done when I was young. Showers after practice were required (skin conditions like ringworm thrive in these sports) so it was inescapable. Still, nothing too bad.

Have you ever met someone way to gung ho about being nude in front of strangers?

Rainbow Warrior

I think it's easier being naked in front of strangers than among people that know me in a non-sexual context.

Have you ever been pushed or fallen into a body of water with all your clothes on?

Active Ink Slinger

When I was a kid I went fishing with my Dad at this lake. We rented a boat for the day. After the end of the day we brought it back to dock, and the guy goes over to retrieve that battery from the motor. My Dad tried to be helpful and picked it up and leaned over to hand it to him. The boat imidiately went unbalanced with this heavy weight on one end and the boat flipped. Tackle boxes, fishing poles, my father, and myself go ass over tin cup and into the drink.

Spent 30 minutes diving for our stuff. My Dad’s cell phone was bricked and we never found his pager. I just was drenched.

Ever fallen off a boat?

Active Ink Slinger

As a matter of fact, I have. Twice, both off of sailboats.

Have you ever wanted to reach through your computer screen and slap the shit out of someone here at Lush?

Rainbow Warrior

Sure. Dumb stories, mostly.

Have you ever argued with a story mod who rejected your submission for what you considered an invalid reason?

Active Ink Slinger

We did not "argue", but we did have a lively discussion.

Have you ever wanted to reach thru your computer screen and fondle the person you were chatting with?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Nah never happens.🙄😊 (Okay, the supposedly rational, progressive guy who just dropped Immanuel Velikovsky into a discussion on another site)

HYE blocked someone you otherwise are good with based on one stupid post?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Active Ink Slinger

No, people that get blocked by me usually have to aggravate me thru a serious of posts....why are you going to block me after my post about fondling someone thru your computer screen? LOL

HYE watched a movie and at the end, thought, "that was awful"?