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Have you Ever...

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Can't say I've done that.

Have you ever had sex in a hammock!
No, but that sounds hilarious and really tough - hang on or fall out giggling

Have you ever wanted to have sex with James Bond?
There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."

C'è un fascino per il proibito che lo rende indicibilmente desiderabile.

— Mark Twain
No not for me

Have you ever eaten baked banana wrapped in bacon?
Who me? Italian beef? seiously? mmmmmmmm yep

Have you ever Jumped out of a perfectly operating airplane?
Can I have Wonder Woman please?

Have you ever dreamt you were naked in public?
sexy story (read in bed by a man with a voice that made me cry)....

Half cup lace bra or corset?
There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."

C'è un fascino per il proibito che lo rende indicibilmente desiderabile.

— Mark Twain
Corset, not long ago managed to find one that actually fits

Have you ever been walked in on while having sex?
No not yet

What are you going to do to make this a sexy weekend
Have lots of fun
A better relationship with the person I love

Have you ever met a woman that did not love to give her man a blow job?
Good grief, lots - I think most of the ladies I work with wouldn't dream of it.

Have you ever met a man who wouldn't go down on his lady?
I have know a few, very few that would not provide oral services

Have you ever had sex without passionate kissing?
No. I LOVE kissing......Love. Love. Love it!

Have you ever loved someone so much that you knew that the only way to "protect" them was to walk away??
Unfortunately yes. It hurts the person walking away at least as much as the person thrown under the bus.

Have you ever had sex at work?
Yes..was dating the boss

Have you ever had sex with 2 brothers or 2 sisters (not at the same time necessarily)
No and no!

Have you ever fallen in love with somebody you shouldn't have?

Have you ever had sex in public?
Unfortunately only in my fantasies and a couple of stories that I've written

Have you ever been driven on a real race track?

Have ever had sex on the beach?
Yes! twice, other people were around so I'm good on dimples question too ;)

Have you ever had 50 shades inspired sex as a direct result of reading the books or watching the movie?
No I haven't.

Have you seen your best friend naked?
Yes, one of my best friends happens to be a woman who walks around her house naked a lot.

Have you ever made love under a full moon?
Yes, a great memory.

Have you ever been so turned on you had to find a place fast to have sex?
I have not written a true story, but a few of them have been fantasies about Lush friends.

Have you ever made love outdoors?
Yes and loved it very much
Have you ever had sex all day?
Yes, yes, hell yes (and it was as good as my fantasy) and no

Have you ever had an affair with someone your partner was friends with?
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have