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Have you Ever...

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Active Ink Slinger

Not yet.

HYE just walked out on someone after just one round?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

I will assume that you mean one round in the sack. No, I have not.

HYE visited 9 countries in 11 days?

Nothing new on here, but my entry in the latest comp on StoriesSpace took third place!

Read it here: Plus One

Active Ink Slinger

No, but I have visited 6 countries in 11 days. Not much sleep, but you make it.

Have you ever been completely fooled to think that a new person in your life was your soul mate, only to discover that they never intended to change their circumstances to be with you in such a deep relationship (felt like I was a test subject for a year, until she decided to move on, no matter the wreckage she left)? [My apologies for the length, but this has bothered me and affected my life for years] Michael


Half, yes. I don't think it was her intention to leave me, at the start, but I was rather an idiot and "allowed" (almost encouraged, really) her to because I wanted her to have a decent relationship with her ex (she got back together with him as a result). It was my last monogamous relationship - I'm just not cut out for it.

Have you ever loved more than one person at once?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

I think Mrs. Seeker is the only person I have really loved. The rest have crushes or "lust". So I guess no.

HYE spent time in the hospital that turned out to be unnecessary?

Nothing new on here, but my entry in the latest comp on StoriesSpace took third place!

Read it here: Plus One

Active Ink Slinger

Nope. The few times in a hospital were always needed.

HYE not realized you had dog shit on your shoe while at a social event?

Rainbow Warrior

Not at a social event, but at a job site.

Have you ever been pooped on by a bird?

Active Ink Slinger


HYE been blindfolded during sex?


No. I wouldn't necessarily be against it, but it's never come up.

Have you ever had an affair with someone who was married at the time?

Sexual Connoisseur

Not knowingly. I answer in that fashion because one time I had an ongoing affair with a lady who finally admitted to being married. I know it happens a lot, but, and I am only speaking for myself, I just cannot cross that line. (The only exception would be if the spouse was aware of the affair and approved. I have done that many times, and would happily do it again.)

Have you (or would you) have sex with a total stranger?

Please read our latest story.

Lorraine's Mansion of Lust


(Bother. Got the threads wrong initially!)

Yes, and that's how I found out that that doesn't work for me.

Have you ever failed to come up with a HYE question when you needed one?

Active Ink Slinger

Can't say that I have....

Have you ever played around in a mud pit?

Sexual Connoisseur

No - but it certainly sounds interesting.

How important is it for your partner to have good oral sex skills?

Please read our latest story.

Lorraine's Mansion of Lust


Not sure how that's a "HYE" question but... not especially. I like (love) receiving, but I only rarely orgasm from it. The person has to be really into it for me to do so.

Have you ever gagged while giving oral?

Active Ink Slinger


HYE stopped sex with someone who was just disrespecting you in that moment?


I haven't, but I would.

Have you ever orgasmed without being touched?

Rainbow Warrior

Well, he wasn't touching me, but I was sucking his cock.

Have you ever been audited?

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, I had someone audit my sex skills in bed once, but I was able to get off without a penalty? LOL

HYE had an orgasm with no physical touch of any kind?


Quote by ReesesPieces

I was able to get off without a penalty


No, and I'm not sure it's possible (for me).

Have you ever been penalised for getting off?

Active Ink Slinger

Dont think so. Forwarding the same to the next.

Quote by Longhair


No, and I'm not sure it's possible (for me).

Have you ever been penalised for getting off?

Rainbow Warrior


Have you ever gotten off while doing something else? Like driving, or talking on the phone?

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, both - while driving and talking on my phone -- receiving BJs. The person on the other end of the phone was a real talker (made it easier to respond - "yes", "hmm?", "wow", "OMG", "tell me again", "hold on, it's my other line") 😆

Have You Ever gotten off or brought someone off while amongst other people (i.e., a crowd, an orgy, a concert)? Is so, a few details would be awesome 😉


Yes, and it was related to a question I asked on... some thread or other on here, maybe even this one, about not touching. We were in a hotel bar and kissing for... "a good while" (possibly an hour or more, but I really wasn't watching a clock, it was a very good while, so it could have been less time) ... and although we didn't do any touching, above or below the waist, I eventually felt her shake in my arms in an unmistakable way. Confused, I asked her, "Did you just...?", and she confirmed that she had.

Have you ever used a household item (including fruit and vegetable(s!)) to masturbate with?

Rainbow Warrior
1 like

Yeah! Hairbrush handle, dollar bill, and a cucumber.

Have you ever been to a club or bar (or adult bookstore) that had topless servers or cashiers?


Nope. I don't like that kind of (partial-)nudity, really. By all means, take your clothes off if you want to, or if you want me to look at you, but because your boss says? No, thanks (I've just realised, after all these years, that that's probably why I don't like professional porn either; why yes, I am a weirdo, thanks for asking!)

Have you ever kissed someone within a few minutes (let's say 5 minutes) of meeting them?

Sexual Connoisseur

Yes - on a couple of occasions, when swinging, we often greet new friends with a lustful, passionate kiss, The fact that they are total strangers is exciting.

You come home from work and are surprised to find your significant other in an intense sexual encounter. Is that a huge turn-on, or the reason for ending a relationship?

Please read our latest story.

Lorraine's Mansion of Lust

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

I have not but given her nature, it would be more a big shock than either.

HYE accepted and used a "hall pass" from a partner?

Nothing new on here, but my entry in the latest comp on StoriesSpace took third place!

Read it here: Plus One


No. In fact before I was "properly poly", my (now ex) partner, who was poly, actively encouraged me to find someone else as well as her, because she felt it unfair that I only had her.

Have you ever gone out in public with evidence of recent "amorous behaviour" on your person (might be scratch or bite marks, stains on your clothing, or whatever)?

Rookie Scribe

have you ever had sex with a women while her husband watching

yes, in a party in a verry large house ,everything thing goes party

Active Ink Slinger
1 like

Yes, I have and on more than one occasion.....he enjoys watching us.

HYE been sitting on the toilet so long, that your legs fall asleep and you can barely stand up?