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For $1million, would you go against your sexual preference for a weekend?

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Absolutely not!

I always insist on being paid in Guineas.
I've already tried that, wasn't something that interested me in the end - so no, I'm content to be as I am.
Seeing how I am bisexual...I guess I could pretend to pick a team and then pocket the money for the Lushie vacation.
For a million dollars of course I would
In a heart beat.
Nope.... I still wouldn't.
I'm as straight as a ruler and would sleep with another woman so......... show me da money!
Too much money......I'd do it free of charge..............on second thoughts, I'd take the cash and give to charity.
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
For $1 million, of course I would.
Hell yes! Where's the cash? Let's get this over with.
in a heartbeat
I'm not sure really, if it's just for company, I'd do it for free given that we already established friendship before the rendezvous. But if it includes sexual stuff, no.
I would happily change my orientation for Ed Sheeran, he can keep his million.... other than him nope no amount of money.
Quote by iamhereinthestateofo
I don't care if you should offer a billion dollars.

The answer is no.

Yeah right...$1,000,000,000......come on be a man, that's a lot of zeros!!

I would anytime and for a lot less!
I would , the female form is beautiful , though not what I usually go take whomever ,
I am scraping my change together Cappa, damn I am $999,999 short will you trust me for it?
Nope just cant do it.
Quote by maisiegirl
I am scraping my change together Cappa, damn I am $999,999 short will you trust me for it?

Sure that works;)
Quote by maisiegirl
I am scraping my change together Cappa, damn I am $999,999 short will you trust me for it?

Sure, that workssmile
Yep, I can buy a lot of mouthwash with that kind of money.
Have you ever had an "Airgasm"? Take a sexy ride in a hot air balloon and enjoy the view from a mile high.

Mile High Club in a Balloon
Quote by hotairgasm
Yep, I can buy a lot of mouthwash with that kind of money.

What makes you think you'll only need mouthwash? May need something else.
Sorry, just had to comment. You guys are too funny though, so threaten by all this.
Tee Hee, well okay then you twisted by arm. Thousand bucks you say ;)
Quote by CycleGal

What makes you think you'll only need mouthwash? May need something else.
Sorry, just had to comment. You guys are too funny though, so threaten by all this.

Don't think I am threatened, just that I don't care for the taste of cum other than my own. As for the other circumstance, I can't taste it there and it will be flushed eventually au natural.

I do believe we are allowed to have our preferences and although I view myself as straight, I am not a homophobe either. And yes, I have tasted other's cum via a nice lady who thought she needed to share.
Have you ever had an "Airgasm"? Take a sexy ride in a hot air balloon and enjoy the view from a mile high.

Mile High Club in a Balloon
Not even for a million dollars. Nope...
darn it - how am I going to find anything outside my sexual preferences? that aren't completely illegal -
That's A pretty vague question, But for A million dollars Cash American. I would probably even screw A corpse.Of course like the whore I am I would insist on cash in advance.
My Question is. Who would be stupid enough to pay that kind of money?
" Because there aint no man with the money in his hand, Got any of that bread by being, slow in the head,The easier he looks,the harder he hooks, And there aint no such thing as, Ooooo Easy Money" ( Ricky Lee Jones )
Not even for 1 billion dollars