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In your opinion, which is tastier?

I would hate to influence my wonderful lushie friends opinions but this sweet girl just loovveess a good bowl of supernoodles ;) LOL!
I (pot noodles) will win!!
Dislike this post very much! As the creator of this poll and demand you remove your vote! Hahaha silly
lol Potnoodles for me! More flavour! Sorry sweet_as!
Pot Noodles for me too
Yeah! see emma you cant win just cos you have 10 times my friends list!
Never Had Either.................God Im So Sheltered, HAHA!!
Nikki huni - just vote supernoodles! They are the best ;) haha x
no i disagree with that - pot noodles are so much better, you should vote for them!
supernoodles... come on guys... this is a NO brainer! lol.... btw... did i mention i sold my vote to the highest bidder?? :P
Pot noodles! Way better
Quote by hannah611
Pot noodles! Way better


oh yeah! biggrin
*hand up behind back* OK J is the winner! Pot noodles are ace! *bows down*
If I was dying of starvation in the woods I wouldn't even burn the pot noodles for fuel in case I smelt them!!! I am however impressed that you can put 'rancid' into a pot.
Supernoodles win purely by default.
This post comes to you from the original and highly disorganised mind of scared, I certainly am, lol
Pot noodles are evil!
No they aren't how are they evil?
Because they make people ill!
Pot noodles have much more flavour compared to Supernoodles. Also, when it comes to time, Pot noodles are the best.

Sorry, charm doesnt work on me. =(