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10 random facts

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1. I adore my awesome friend, who posted right before me!
2. Born and raised in Southern California.
3. I was adopted.
4. I LOVE firemen.
5. I love popcorn and pizza!
6. I want a Chihuahua puppy, so I can call her "Shakira|"
7. I'm a P.C.A. for special needs young adults.
8. My fav drink is Kahlua and cream.
9. I cook awesome enchiladas and spanish rice.
10. I can cuss in spanish REALLY GOOD!

1. I'm truly OCD
2. Have children
3. Hate having car windows down
4. Ticking clocks bother me
5. Started dating men when 28 before just women
6. Submissive yet mouthy
7. Love to cook, hate to bake
8. Read more than watch tv
9. Have siblings I've never met
10. Miss home
Captain Turtle
1. Am obsessed with Turtles
2. Have been given the name Turtle
3. Would like a tribal turtle tattoo with a bass clef incorporated at some point
4. Am a music student
5. I have a gig on 6th July
6. My favourite number is 7
7. I just realised the last two facts I have dont about the following number
8. I am a redhead
9. I somehow managed to pull a muscle in my neck yesterday when I grinned at someone
10. I start work at 5.30pm today and will finish at about midnight, which of course means that my sleeping pattern will get screwed up because I will be here until the crack of dawn.
Insert something witty here.
Quote by StillUndecided
1. Am obsessed with Turtles
2. Have been given the name Turtle
3. Would like a tribal turtle tattoo with a bass clef incorporated at some point
4. Am a music student
5. I have a gig on 6th July
6. My favourite number is 7
7. I just realised the last two facts I have dont about the following number
8. I am a redhead
9. I somehow managed to pull a muscle in my neck yesterday when I grinned at someone
10. I start work at 5.30pm today and will finish at about midnight, which of course means that my sleeping pattern will get screwed up because I will be here until the crack of dawn.

I'm so sorry but that made me laugh out loud. I had a vision of the Cheshire cat!
Active Ink Slinger
1 I am 5'2
2 I dance at home almost everyday
3 I use to take belly dancing classes
4 I hate math but have taken many math classes
5 I'm a crybaby
6 I'm most proud of my hatchlings
7 Im attracted to intelligent, dominate men (Jeremiah)
8 I dated skater boys in my youth
9 I walk to the beat of my own drum
10 I need to wake up early and really need to sleep and quit boring people
1. I used to do ballet
2. I can play a clarinet
3. I live near the beach
4. My lucky number is 37
5. I like Bats. Batman included
6. I loathe ironing clothes
7. I taught myself how to play guitar.
8. I have a dog named Ned.
9. I can write filthy stories
10.I will never ever like brussel sprouts.
Site administrator
1. I quite like brussel sprouts in moderation
2. I like meat and chips far too much but then I get nagged for that on here by someone (waves hello KK .. smiles)
3. I still have all my own teeth .. well wait some have gone but those I do have are proper ones not false
4. I like a beer and sometimes a glass of white wine with dinner (french dry always!)
5. I have according to google average sized tackle (coughs)
6. I probably drink in any one day and every day about 5-6 pints of tea (just one sugar in each I promise)
7. I am 5ft 11in and a bit overweight really I admit (um beer belly sighs)
8. I am very house proud but lately am getting a bit lazy with that (cleaners please apply PO Box SJ3728 - pay is in kind .. winks)
9. I dont travel at all well and indeed havent been in an aeroplane for many years .. yes such a Fear Of Flying
10. I have a terrible sense of humour (2 u's please note).
Active Ink Slinger
1. My favorite color is blue.
2. My all-time favorite meal in the world is a Philly Cheese Steak from Geno's in South Philadelphia, PA.
3. My biological father died when I was 4.
4. I am the oldest grandchild in the family.
5. I have served in the U.S. Navy - achieved the rank of Gunner's Mate Missiles 1st Class
6. I am fiercely protective over my family and close friends.
7. I am a practicing nudist. Don't judge. smile
8. I have circumnavigated the globe once - spent 246 straight days at sea while never setting foot on land doing it.
9. I have eaten Poi. It was gross.
10. I'm actually shy until you get to know me.
Chivalry is the only "wingman" you need.

Please read and comment on my story
Active Ink Slinger
1. I believe in the goodness of people, even when I know I shouldn't.
2. I have the two best friends a girl could ever ask for.
3. My favorite sound in the world is a child's laughter
4. The Jersey shore is my escape. Standing on the edge of the ocean really puts life back in perspective.
5. I have a very iirational fear of deer and squirrels.
6. I absolutely loathe raisins.
7. I will never lie to you, even if it would spare your feelings.
8. I can make you the perfect cheesecake
9. I suffer from insomnia
10. I tend to be very quiet and enjoy people who can appreciate silence.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
1. I have a weakness for Australians
2. I have never drank alcohol in my life
3. I am easily forgiving
4. Water is my favorite thing in the whole world
5. My friend Alex Gant will disagree, but I have a super memory
6. I play the drums
7. I have tendency to be socially awkward
8. I have never done drugs or smoked cigarettes
9. Sometimes my mouth moves faster than my brain
10. Talking about sex in real life makes me blush, lol.
1. I can't play tennis.
2. I love to read
3 I can cook the best spaghetti Bolognese in the world.
4. I can fence. as in these guys....
5. I grow standard and miniature roses
6. I've never owned a cat but have rescued three
7. I have no children
8. I've never been into, nor window shopped nor breakfasted at a Tiffany store.
9. I can type 80 w.p.m.
10. I can abseil.
Active Ink Slinger
Here are mine.

1. I have children
2. I love country music
3. I read a lot
4. I can't sing worth a lick but do it anyway
5. I have never played any sports
6. I am not afraid of bugs or snakes
7. I played the trumpet in middle school
8. I love to garden
9. I have a sister
10. The best dish I cook is my meatloaf
Active Ink Slinger
1. I, at one point, owned over 30 pets. Including 6 dogs at one point... now I'm back to a normal-ish 5 pets.
2. I have over 100 books of poetry in my bedroom.
3. I hate (with a passion ) a word beginning with c and, it has te at the end, with a u in the middle.
4. I have no wardrobes in my house, as I have a fear of wardrobes with open doors .
5. I am a natural red head.
6. I love sweet chilli sauce on most things.
7. I'm really rather short
8. My favourite thing to do is jogging down the beach with my husband, our dogs and sometimes our kids.
9. I am the queen of truth or dare.
10. I have a dot-to-dot tattoo on my body somewhere
Cheeky Chick
1. I’m overly sensitive, too much for my own good.
2. I love to sing, but can’t carry a tune.
3. I’m a DVD collector, I love films!
4. I’m prolific (Or so I’m told)
5. I like question and answers
6. My mind never sleeps
7. I’m addicted to certain people
8. My biggest weakness is accents
9. I’m shy until you get to know me.
10. I’m currently on a Skype call with Andrew
1. Born and raised in New York City
2. Ghost Rider was my first tag name
3. I like 1990s rap music
4. In Elementary School, I was the leader of a faction called the 4 Horsemen.
5. I wrote my first erotic story in the fall of 2000
6. I like being solo.
7. The first car I drove was a 1995 Porsche 911 Turbo
8. Mike Tyson was my favorite prizefighter.
9. Jim Lee was my favorite comic book artist
10. My first girlfriend was Puerto Rican
Active Ink Slinger
1. I love to dance on my tip toes.
2. I can't cook. (really I could mess up a PBJ sandwich)
3. I learned to drive on a 1946 John Deere Model A Tractor.
4. I lived in New York for 17 years.
5. I have a 23 year old daughter.
6. I laugh a lot, like all the time.
7. I love horror movies. The cheesier the better!
8. I can tie a noose. Please don't ask me how I know, I just do.
9. My favorite city is Boston, my favorite place is a little road overlooking the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.
10. I love to swear and tell dirty jokes and make you laugh inappropriately.

1. i was named after the ginger on gilligan's island but i was almost named mary ann
2. i am a great cook, especially seafood
3. i have won trophies for surfing and i don't mean the web
4. i have over a thousand records and albums from the 50's, 60's, and 70's. all vinyl and have never owned a cassette or cd
5. my grandmother was at woodstock
6. if i concentrate hard i can type 8 words a minute
7. my middle name is jo, as in ginger jo
8. i love reading
9. i own a scarf, stained with elvis presley's sweat
10. i love you all
Quote by ginger86
1. i was named after the ginger on gilligan's island but i was almost named mary ann
2. i am a great cook, especially seafood
3. i have won trophies for surfing and i don't mean the web
4. i have over a thousand records and albums from the 50's, 60's, and 70's. all vinyl and have never owned a cassette or cd
5. my grandmother was at woodstock
6. if i concentrate hard i can type 8 words a minute
7. my middle name is jo, as in ginger jo
8. i love reading
9. i own a scarf, stained with elvis presley's sweat
10. i love you all

How cute.

Mine is 80 wpm and I was almost named Mary-Ann too.
did i say 8 wpm, i meant 8 letters a minute. lol... actual words take longer
Active Ink Slinger
1. I used to be a professional surfer.
2. I have books I read in 5 different languages.
3. I have an addiction to everything Panda.
4. I am very hyper (thankyou sugar!)
5. I love making friends.
6. I am extremely short.
7. I have a second name given by a Kahuna.
8. I am jealous of my husband's eyelashes (extremely long and gorgeous).
9. I sleep walk and talk.
10. I am not good with alcohol.
my newest :)
1. I love romantic engaging women who make the effort to get to know me.
2. I am passionate about life
3. I once taught sex education
4. I love to sing, and perform with a group and solo very often.
5. I have a deep voice.
6. I have traveled to many places in North America, Asia and Europe.
7. I sign writs of authentication.
8. I have no racial preferences in people.
9. I was once vegan but now eat fish and chicken.
10. I try to treat women with the respect they deserve.
Captain Turtle
1. My brother visited me and spent more time at the National Railway Museum
2. I am currently hand writing a letter
3. That letter is to Lesley Joseph
4. When I was little I wrote to her and she told me to always follow my dreams
5. I am following mine, even though they have shifted from when I wrote to her
6. I prefer handwritten sentiments where possible
7. I just quoted Paul Blart: Mall Cop
8. I am debating having a film marathon this -afternoon- evening, I lost track of time
9. I have been sitting in the same position for the last three hours
10. I sense my ass will hurt when I move because it usually does when I havent moved in that long
Insert something witty here.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Very interesting thread!!

1. I am a list maker.
2. I always have my nails (fingers & toes) done.
3. I am OCD about my floors.
4. I have both Canadian and British passports.
5. I own only high thread count white sheets.
6. My hair grew back with curls. Who knew?? lol
7. I have given lessons in cooking, baking, knitting and tile setting.
8. I usually write with a felt of some sort .... or at work, a soft B2 mechanical pencil.
9. My bookshelves are full of reference books and my own notebooks/journals.
10. I am an extrovert that likes to be alone.
1 - I live in the mountains.
2 - I hate airlines and health insurance companies.
3 - I love philosophy and hate politics.
4 - I use hate and love too often, I guess I am exaggerating.
5 - I don't use love often enough when talking to Soleil.
6 - I am hoarding my Cuban cigars.
7 - The 2 men in the world that I admire most are my sons.
8 - I was brilliant in math but flunked out of calc my freshman year in college.
9 - My head looks much older than my body.
10 - I am planning a trip to the Bay Area.
Active Ink Slinger
1. My wife is my most valued possession
2. Involved in martial arts 13 years.
3. Kenjutsu and Iaijutus specialist
4. Mastered 8 fighting arts and considering 3 more for study
5. I love sake and Disarano
6. Grew up in the mountains
7. I own 3 katana's, 2 wakazashi and 1 bokken
8. Huge fan of samurai films and Godzilla
9. Play video games
10. My enchilada's I'm told are godly
"Some Warriors look fierce, but are mild. Some seem timid, but are vicious. Look beyond appearances; position yourself for the advantage. - Deng Ming-Dao
Active Ink Slinger
1. I've made out passionately with my other half on a public staircase
2. I love blue eyes
3. I've pretended to be lost just to talk and ask for directions from hot people
4. I've masturbate with my door open
5. Randomly shouting sexual words out of my window
6. Called my friends in the middle of the night to chat
7. Thought I was a guardian angel which had gorgeous white wings
8. Took care of a friend who got wasted at a party
9. Wore clothes of the other sex
10. Fell in love with someone at first sight.
Active Ink Slinger
I love this thread. Learning so much about so many people. It's great! In fact I've decided to add another ten to what I've previously posted.

1) I refuse to eat spaghetti.
2) I actually really enjoy antique shopping.
3) My first car was a 1980 Oldsmobile Starfire. I loved that car. The air conditioner was so cold, one time snow flakes actually shot out of the vents. It only happened once.
4) My first concert was a "Winger" concert. I went because my then girlfriend wanted to go. It wasn't as bad as I thought.
5) My favorite music to play and listen to is the blues.
6) I can play both the bass and the guitar.
7) I was once suspended from Catholic School because I made fun of a girl who started developing boobs early by balling my hands into fists and putting them up my school sweater. I was 8 and didn't know boobs were cool!
8) I am scared of heights.
9) I have a twelve year old Yellow Labrador Retriever named Jack.
10) I have an aunt and a sister with the same name.
Chivalry is the only "wingman" you need.

Please read and comment on my story
Active Ink Slinger
1. I'm Puerto Rican.
2. I'm a fandomer.
3. I feel very strongly about social justice (issues).
4. My family is HUGE.
5. I've broken my wrist while ice-skating, my leg after falling down the stairs, and my toe from attempting acrobatics on a park slide. I can't even count the number of times I've sprained joints-- particularly my ankle.
6. I have an awful sense of humor. It tends to be really inappropriate. Not to mention cheesy.
7. I'm a complete mama's girl.
8. I love cartoons/animated films. So much. They make me unbelievably happy.
9. My first "kiss" was given to me by a girl when I was in middle school. I freaked out. My second "kiss" was from a boy who I wasn't even interested in. I punched him. I like to pretend neither incidents happened.
10. I'm fascinated by dark, creepy things. I have no idea why. They're so cool, though. Guh, especially music. I love creepy, sinister music.