Do you know the #1 song that was playing the day you were born?
Go here
Quote by Lil_Birdie
"Too Much Heaven" by the Bee Gees
Quote by Batman
1956 ... "Lisbon Antigua" by Nelson Riddle
Say what ? Who the Fric are they or he them ?
I was roped.
Quote by chefkathleen
yes? oh, um, were you talking to me? Who's Mrs. Robinson?
Quote by LushQuote by chefkathleen
uh huh no way I'm telling ya'll how old I am. PPpppHHhhhBBbbbbTTTtttt!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was thinking exactly the same thing!
Neat site.
Quote by chefkathleen
s'ok Z. I still luv ya. LOL
Thanks for the song btw.
They have one where you can look up the headlines the day you were born too. My mom gave me the card once. Has what was in the headlines, popular song, how much gas was a gal. who was pres. All kinds of stuff like that. Way cool.
New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Four -Chapters 13-16
Quote by techgoddess
"I Will Follow Him" by Little Peggy March
OMG I feel old... pouts a little... thank god the hair dresser covered the gray again today....